An overview of the

Annotations are a concept introduced in Java5. You can think of annotations as labels that attach a label to a specified method, class, variable, parameter, package, and so on.


The @override annotation tells the compiler that the method is the overridden parent.

@test, @deprecated, and so on

Custom annotations

It’s also easy to define the syntax for your own annotations:


You can then use the annotation.

Note that annotations don’t inherit, and the default inherits the Annotation interface.

In Java, there are special annotations called meta-annotations, which are simply annotations that can be annotated to indicate the scope of the annotation, etc. There are the following meta-annotations:


Retention means Retention, which marks the survival time of annotations, and its value is as follows:

  • Retentionpolicy. SOURCE: Annotations are only retained at the SOURCE stage and are discarded and ignored when the compiler compiles.
  • Retentionpolicy.class: Annotations are only reserved until compilation, and are not loaded into the JVM.
  • Retentionpolicy.runtime: Annotations can be kept until the application is run, and they are loaded into the JVM, so they can be retrieved while the application is running.


A DOCacademia is a containment of elements from a annotation into a Javadoc


Target means target. It specifies where the annotation should be used, such as method, class, etc. It has the following values:

  • Elementtype. ANNOTATION_TYPE: Annotates annotations
  • Elementtype. CONSTRUCTOR: Annotate the CONSTRUCTOR
  • Elementtype. FIELD: Annotates attributes
  • Elementtype. LOCAL_VARIABLE: Annotates local variables
  • Elementtype. METHOD: Annotates methods
  • Elementtype. PACKAGE: Annotates a PACKAGE
  • Elementtype. PARAMETER: Annotates parameters within a method
  • Elementtype. TYPE: Annotates a TYPE, such as class, interface, enumeration

Use commas (,) to separate multiple entries. For example:

@target (value={elementtype.annotation_type, elementtype.constructor})Copy the code


Inherited means Inherited. If a superclass is annotated with @Inherited annotations, its subclasses will inherit the annotations of the superclass if they are not annotated with any annotations.


Repeatable means Repeatable, that is, the annotation can be repeated multiple times.


So that’s meta-annotations in Java.

Annotation attributes:

Annotations have only member variables. Attributes are declared in annotations in the form of a method with no parameters. The method name is the name of the variable, and the return value is the type of the variable

Attributes are declared as follows:

// int id int id(); // String MSG variable String MSG (); // int specifies the id of type. The default value is -1, that is, the variable can be assigned a value in the declaration.Copy the code

As noted below:


In addition, if the annotation contains only one value attribute, it can be used without specifying the attribute name, as shown below:


If there are no attributes in the annotation, the parentheses can be omitted when using the annotation, as shown below:


That’s how you customize annotations

Annotation extraction

Now that you have a custom annotation and need to use it, let’s take a look at annotation extraction

The base class used to describe annotations in Java is the Annotation

To extract annotations, use reflection, the Class object’s method as follows:

  • isAnnotationPresent(Class
    ): verifies that an Annotation is applied to a Class object
  • GetAnnotation (Class): Get the annotation object
  • GetAnnotations (): retrieves an array of annotation objects, including annotations inherited from their parent class
  • GetDeclaredAnnotations () : Retrieves an array of annotations, excluding any inherited from a parent class

Add the following comments:


The operations are as follows:


Running results:


Note that @Retention(retentionPolicy.runtime) is required if an annotation needs to be retrieved at RUNTIME.

This is the definition and extraction of annotations

Java preconfigured annotations

  1. @deprecated: Marks obsolete methods
  2. Override: Marks the method that overrides the parent class
  3. @SuppressWarnings: Block warnings
  4. FunctionallInterface: FunctionallInterface annotations