1. Array declaration and initialization

Declare an array of type int
var arr [5]int
arr := [5]int
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Iterate over an array

for i:=0; i<len(arr); i++ { a[i]=0
for i:=0; i<len(arr); i++ { fmt.Printf("Array at index %d is %d\n",i,arr[i])
for i,_:= range arr1 {
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New () creates an array

var arr = new([5]int)------ pointer type *[5]int
var arr [5]int//------ Value type [5]int
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2. Array constant declaration

var arr = [5]int{}//1, 2, 3, 4, 5
var arr = [5]int{1.2.3}//1 2 3 0 0
var arr = [5]string{2:"a".4:"b"}//_ _ a _ b (indexed)
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3. Multidimensional arrays

package main
const (
	WIDTH  = 5
type pixel int
var double[WIDTH][HEIGHT]pixel
func main(a) {
	for y := 0; y < HEIGHT; y++ {
		for x := 0; x < WIDTH; x++ {
			double[x][y] = 0}}}Copy the code

Slicing is a reference to a contiguous segment of an array (pointer type, never address). Slicing provides a dynamic window of related arrays. Slicing is a variable length array (more commonly).

var slice []int = arr[start:end]
var slice []int = arr[:]Var slice [] int = arr[0:len(arr)]
var slice []int = arr[2:]Arr [2:len(arr)] from the third to the last
var slice []int = arr[:3]// that is arr[0:3] from the first to the third (not including the fourth!)
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If you want to traverse the output slice, be careful of the number after the “:”! Is the index number, but does not contain the +1 (for example, slice the entire array)

package main
import "fmt"
func main(a) {
    arr:= []byte{'g'.'o'.'l'.'a'.'n'.'g'}
    for i:=0; i<len(x); i++{ fmt.Printf("%c",x[i])   
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It does not include the sixth character! If you want full output, follow the definition exactly [0:len(arr)]

package main
import "fmt"
func main(a) {
    arr:= []byte{'g'.'o'.'l'.'a'.'n'.'g'}
    x:=arr[0:len(arr)]// x:=arr[0:6]
    for i:=0; i<len(x); i++{ fmt.Printf("%c",x[i])   
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When make () takes two arguments:

var slice []int = make([]int.10)//slice := make([]int ,10)
// 10 is len, the length of the array and the initial length of the slice
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When make () takes three arguments:

slice := maek([]int.10.20)
//20 is the length of the entire array
// equivalent to: slice := new([20]int)[0:10]
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Write a for-range loop as an analogy:

for(int i=0; i<strlen(arr); i++){printf("arr[%d] is %d",i,a[i]);
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Write the for-range loop again: idex is the loop over I, and value is the index arr[I].

for idex,value := rangeslice { ... (specific statement inside loop)eg.fmt.Printf("arr[%d] is %d",idex,value)
// If only the value is needed
for _,value := rangeslice { ... (specific statement inside loop)eg.fmt.Printf("%d",value)
// If only the index is needed
for idex := rangeslice { ... (specific statement inside loop)eg.fmt.Printf("It`s posion is %d",idex)
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7. Section recombination (reslice) The process of changing the section length is called section recombination Reslicing. The circular structure can be used to gradually fill the slice with 0 section length into the slice reslice with total capacity cap.

package main
import "fmt"
func main(a) {
	slice1 := make([]int.0.10)
	// load the slice, cap(slice1) is 10:
	for i := 0; i < cap(slice1); i++ {
		slice1 = slice1[0:i+1]
		slice1[i] = i
		fmt.Printf("The length of slice is %d\n".len(slice1))

	// print the slice:
	for i := 0; i < len(slice1); i++ {
		fmt.Printf("Slice at %d is %d\n", i, slice1[i])
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8. Copy and append slices

package main
import "fmt"

func main(a) {
    sliceFrom := []int{1.2.3}
    sliceTo := make([]int.10)
    n := copy(sliceTo, sliceFrom)
    fmt.Printf("Copied %d elements\n", n) // n == 3
    slice := []int{1.2.3}
    slice = append(slice, 4.5.6)
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9. Map type declaration initialization

var map1 map[string]int
map1 = map[string]int{"one":1."two":0}
map1["three"] =3
map1["ten"] =10
// combine the two
map2 := map[string]int{
// Declare the map type with make()
map3 := make(map[string]int)
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10. Test whether key-value pairs exist in map

package main
import "fmt"

func main(a) {
	var val int
	var isPresent bool
	map1 := make(map[string]int)
	map1["one"] =1
	map1["two"] =2
	val,isPresent = map1["two"]// If the value is not required, use _ instead
	if isPresent{
		fmt.Printf("%v! the value of two is %d",isPresent,val)
		fmt.Printf("%v! map1 does not contain two",isPresent)
/ / the output: true! the value of two is 2
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11. Element deletion

// Use the delete() function as follows
	val,isPresent = map1["one"]
	if isPresent{
		fmt.Printf("%v! the value of one is %d\n",isPresent,val)
		fmt.Printf("%v! map1 does not contain one\n",isPresent)
//output:false! map1 does not contain one
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12. For-range handles map

package main
import "fmt"

func main(a) {
	map1 := make(map[string]int)
	map1["Mon"] =1
	map1["Tue"] =2
	map1["Wed"] =3
	map1["Thu"] =4
	map1["Fri"] =5
	map1["Sat"] =6
	map1["Sun"] =7
	for key,val := range map1{
		fmt.Printf("%s is the %d of a week\n",key,val)
// Note: map types are unordered by default!
Fri is the 5 of a week
Sat is the 6 of a week
Sun is the 7 of a week
Mon is the 1 of a week
Tue is the 2 of a week
Wed is the 3 of a week
Thu is the 4 of a week*/
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13. Map slice

package main
import "fmt"

func main(a) {
	items := make([]map[int]int.5)
	for i:= range items {
		items[i] = make(map[int]int.1)
		items[i][1] = 2
	fmt.Printf("Version A: Value of items: %v\n", items)
Make (map[int][]int) make(map[int][]int
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Map [string] [int] [int] [int] [int] [int] [int] [int] We assign int to a slice value for each day of the week:

// copy to section and sort results
value[0] =1
value[1] =2
value[2] =3.// But it is difficult to find the corresponding string in map after sorting int
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We loop through the map to determine which string corresponds to the ordered ints

package main
import "fmt"
import "sort"

func main(a) {
	map1 := make(map[string]int)
	map1["Mon"] =1
	map1["Tue"] =2
	map1["Wed"] =3
	map1["Thu"] =4
	map1["Fri"] =5
	map1["Sat"] =6
	map1["Sun"] =7
	for key,val := range map1{
		fmt.Printf("%s is the %d of a week\n",key,val)
	value := make([]int.len(map1))
	i := 0
	for _,val := range map1{
	for i,_ := range value{
		for j := range map1{
			if map1[j]== value[i]{
				fmt.Printf("%s is the %d of a week\n",j,value[i])			
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The output:

Wed is the 3 of a week
Thu is the 4 of a week
Fri is the 5 of a week
Sat is the 6 of a week
Sun is the 7 of a week
Mon is the 1 of a week
Tue is the 2 of a week
Mon is the 1 of a week
Tue is the 2 of a week
Wed is the 3 of a week
Thu is the 4 of a week
Fri is the 5 of a week
Sat is the 6 of a week
Sun is the 7 of a week
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15. Map key value swap

package main
import "fmt"

func main(a) {
	map1 := make(map[string]int)
	map1["Mon"] =1
	map1["Tue"] =2
	map1["Wed"] =3
	map1["Thu"] =4
	map1["Fri"] =5
	map1["Sat"] =6
	map1["Sun"] =7
	invMap := make(map[int]string.len(map1))
	for k,v := range map1{
	for k,v := range invMap{
		fmt.Printf("The %d day is %s\n",k,v)
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The output:

The 4 day is Thu
The 5 day is Fri
The 6 day is Sat
The 7 day is Sun
The 1 day is Mon
The 2 day is Tue
The 3 day is Wed
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Of course, this time found, we use the map sorting method to sort the number, output corresponding string is also very convenient!