This is the 31st day of my participation in the August More Text Challenge

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Thrift service proxy setup

TCP proxy tests multiple protocols

  • The proxy tests thrift recommendations
  • Agent testing redis recommendations
  • Proxy testing websocket is not recommended
  • Proxy testing HTTP/HTTPS is not recommended

It is not recommended to use TCP for proxy because it is too simple

TCP Proxy Features

  • Streaming data and stateless data (without headers/cookies) are recommended
  • Less control of service management, can only doFlow controlandRequest Source restriction
  • If there is a protocol proxy, it is recommended to use HTTP /websocket.

The TCP proxy tests thrift

  • Thrift installation reference:…
  • Thrift is introduced
    • An open source project from Facebook that was later incubated at Apache
    • Thrift also supports cross-language support, so it has its own set of IDLs
    • Thrift’s network protocol is based on TCP
    • Currently the main function is to support RPC method calls
  • Build thrift test Server and Client
  • Agent for the test

Build thrift test Server and Client

  • First of all to writethrift_ gen.thniftThrift configuration file
  • Run the IDL generation command to generate the server/client structure ‘thrift –gen go thrift_gen. Thrift ‘
  • Use the generated IDL to build the server and client separately

First of all to writethrift_ gen.thniftThrift configuration file

pratise/proxy/thrift_server_client/thrift_ gen.thnift

namespace go thrift_gen

struct Data {
    1: string text

service format_data {
    Data do_format(1:Data data),
Copy the code

Go to the pratise/proxy/thrift_server_client directory. Run the thrift –gen go thrift_gen.thrift command to generate template code

/d/Dev/env/thrift014/thrift014.exe –gen go thrift_gen.thnift

The directory pratise/proxy/thrift_server_client/gen-go is generated

Pay attention to

The version of the thrift command must be consistent with the golang project installation version. Otherwise the generated code may report an error

Viewing the Version

$/ d/Dev/env/thrift014 thrift011. Exe – version Thrift version 0.14.2

The generated IDL is used to build the server and client separately

Client code: Pratise /proxy/thrift_server_client/thriftclient_main/main.go Server code: pratise/proxy/thrift_server_client/thriftserver_main/main.go

Test the server and client

Pratise /proxy/thrift_server_client/ thriftServer_main /main.go Code for starting a client: pratise/proxy/thrift_server_client/thriftclient_main/main.go

The installation of thrift 0.11.0 fails

Solution: Download the thrift 0.11.0 version yourself. Publish a Go Module yourself


# start server
go run thriftserver_v1/main.go

Start the client
go run thriftclient_v1/main.go
Copy the code

Copy: D:\Dev\env\golang\bin\pkg\mod\ \ [email protected] \ tutorial \ go \ SRC

Then, open another terminal, change the server from main to false as described in the previous section, and run again.

Administrator@DESKTOP-U15QB8I MINGW64 /d/Dev/workplace/golang/gateway_v1/pratise/proxy/thrift_server_client/thrift_v1 (master)
$ go run main.go server.go client.go handler.go
handler.go:25:2: package shared is not in GOROOT (D:\Dev\env\golang\src\shared)
server.go:26:2: package tutorial is not in GOROOT (D:\Dev\env\golang\src\tutorial)
Copy the code