Hi, everyone, I’m Aobing.

When you see this video or article, I think I have left my old company for some time. I would like to apologize to my friends and readers who care about me for waiting so long to tell you this news. This dove for half a year, we have a lot of content, did not expect to return to the most serious update is actually said to leave the business.

Half a year ago, I had a crazy increase of fans, and the whole network once broke through 50W. I know this may not be much for big V in other fields, but in such a vertical field as programmer, this result is still worth doing.

I have been working as a programmer for five years since MY junior year in college, and I have been working in we-media for more than one year. In a short time, I have gone a long way that many people in the field of workplace and We-media need to go. In this year, I also got all the programmer awards I could get. All these years of wealth, knowledge, experience and connections have been accumulated, but when the applause died down, I realized that I had forgotten why I set out. I had lost myself.

So half a year ago, when I was rising and should have been refueling, I chose to brake. At first, I stopped updating the video and slowed down the output frequency of the article. I began to replan my life in the future. During this period, I also encountered the biggest controversy since DOING content, which I will talk about at the end.

This year, with income from working, advertising and investment, I have accomplished the small goal I set when I came to Hangzhou. It is still free.

Aobin wealth free?

I know what you’re thinking, dumbo everyone has a different definition of freedom. I didn’t make the tens or hundreds of millions people think. But the cash in my hand is enough to support my family, support my life and support my hobbies. My parents no longer have to go out to work for me and my family, and they do not have to tangle with the shackles of the car and house. They also have savings and security for their future life. This is the freedom I pursue and understand.

These come true when I was in the past year, to building a car continuously add items to the family’s home, let parents is at ease, I also do set the stage for the future, this time I think I should be able to continue, do something you like, so six months ago, I began to where the choice of the future road.

Freelancing was the first thing that came to my mind, but it was also the first thing I rejected. When I started to make progress in “we media”, in fact, there were suggestions around me that I should turn to freelancing. To be honest, I had been tempted, but my mind was still clear.

I can foresee a life after freelancing. Without salary as the main source of income, it is still risky to live a carefree life in a city like Hangzhou only depending on the ups and down of advertising income, and it feels quite unreliable to rely too much on the income of my platform account. I’m not sure if there will be any sudden loss of income. There are too many uncertainties. There are natural disasters, man-made disasters, and I don’t like uncertainty.

In addition to the income from “we media”, investment is also an important source of income for me. My colleagues, friends and readers who have read my financial knowledge sharing know that I am an old investment enthusiast, and to be honest, my small goals are mainly achieved through investment.

I’m very open-minded about investment. It’s kind of a lottery, it’s not going to be a great opportunity every year, it’s going to be a waiting game most of the time, it’s going to be a logical investment but it’s going to be a luck game, I don’t want to be an aggressive gambler.

I know that everyone will want to ask me the password of wealth just like my friends around me, so I can only give you a sentence THAT I like very much: ups and downs are normal, fear the uncertainty of the market, stay half sober, stay half drunk, conquer yourself and conquer humanity.

Output back to the content itself, I very dependent on the content of the professional degree, I graduated two years had been almost finished output I all about programming knowledge reserve, freelance work focus on the media, after estimation is learning every day, keep the output of the day, so to see the day output seemed now to work during the day night be happy, busy is a little bit busy, But at least I have someone to talk to during the day.

Therefore, after comprehensive consideration, the road of freelancing is not so suitable for me.

take part in the postgraduate entrance exams

My second choice is: postgraduate entrance examination

In a sense, I stayed in college seriously for a year. At the beginning of my freshman year, I started to fly like most boys who love to have fun. I played football during the day, skipped classes and fell in love with each other, and even opened the black league at night.

In my sophomore year, I woke up and began to plan my future due to various reasons. Since then, my life has been basically a library and dormitory. Hard work will lead to addiction and results.

Programming class I is high, the C language exam papers can full marks in 15 minutes, embedded by the end of the homework to a total of 12 teams I help 10 team completed the design, a lot of spare time to participate in the game, got a little honor, improve technical level at the same time, the experience of the game defense also has exercised my ability of expression, Presentation gave me a lot of points in interviews and in the workplace.

In the same summer vacation, I got an internship offer from a fortune 500 company. Tired of classes, I knew it was a perfect opportunity to escape from school. I grabbed it desperately, but I didn’t realize that I would never go back.

I left school earlier than my normal friends, and when I graduated, I was already in the job market like a duck to water, even unwilling to go back to the thesis defense. Fortunately, the teacher made an exception and let me conduct a remote defense, so as to show you the scene at that time, was it very funny? Many of my friends took pictures and told me that I was the first in the academy.

I thought I would enjoy the work world when things were going well before graduation, but then things didn’t go so well.

Here I would like to ask you a question: do you really become a programmer because you love it?

Me, my university of time could really is because of love, because at that time can’t get any salary, also can’t see the future, but also can stick to study day and night, day and night of welding board knock code, although tired, but my heart is full, I think it’s a lot of friend of computer professional is in this state.

But when I came to the workplace with my once full of love, I found that this love is not worth social friction.

Enthusiasm has been consumed in the internship, working overtime day and night is no longer for faith but survival, it is no longer a matter of more money and less money.

At the beginning, I thought it was because I learned hardware, so IN my senior year, I switched to software, learned Java, and joined an e-commerce company. However, EVERY time ON the way home late at night, I would still be immersed in meditation, and I found that everything had never changed.

Until today, I have been doing big data. Although I can easily get offers from many big factories, it is just a salary gap for me, and I can no longer find the feeling of being willing to devote myself to big data.

Therefore, AFTER running for five years, I found that the purest time was actually when I studied in school. Now, if I want to make up for my regret, postgraduate entrance examination is the best choice for me.

Information about six months ago I started around friend in graduate school, read bo, about to enter oneself for an examination the colleges and universities of professional, and so on, at the same time also started English, math and political content related review preparation, this period also tutor exchange of electronic information and the letter a lot of ideas, the process I found before I come back, full of expectations, you did not faint.

Continue to work

The preparation for the postgraduate entrance examination continued until the third option was presented: continuing to work

Is more or less began in November last year, many companies executives and several startups ceos have give me over to the olive branch, jobs are also interested in me, even with Beijing’s Internet companies princely sums paid for me, it is for this stage of my great temptation, I was so excited to ever also awake at night, tossing and turning.

But excited after I found out that millions of annual salary actually corresponds to the higher ability and bear great responsibility, but I can gain access to the CEO and top with obtained some achievements in the field of the media and meet our friends introduction, rather than their for sure my personal management skills, more is know me, think I’m good, The account I run has achieved good results, I have been writing code has nothing to do with management ability.

So IN the end, I turned down a lot of high-paying positions, leaving only a few positions that fit my interests and hobbies and I really love.

After asking a lot of Internet bigwigs for their advice and considering it for months, I gave up my job and went on a road trip, which is when I made my final decision.

As for my final choice of postgraduate study or continuing my career, I will not reveal it to you for the moment, and I will not reveal it in the future either. If you meet me at school or in a company in the future, you can ask me face to face and I will be honest with you.

This life choice of half a year, I handed over their own answer paper, as for the answer is correct, I think or need time to verify. In fact, this is the same as we go to travel, the end is very beautiful, the scenery along the way is also as wonderful.

Finally, I would like to apologize to my friends again. Most of them should have known the news of my resignation only when they saw this video and article. I hope you can understand that I have kept it from you for so long.

I would also like to express my gratitude to those who helped me in the past six months. I would like to thank all of you for making dinner with me and giving me sincere life advice in your busy schedule. It is my loss that I cannot work with you.

Controversy & direction of output after

It’s still early, so let’s go back to the beginning of the video and talk about some of the controversies I’ve encountered in the past six months and the direction of the output.

Two years ago, WHEN I was job-hunting, I got a lot of offers from big factories. My friends also said THAT I had my own characteristics, so I started my way to output the interview content. However, everyone always said eight-part essay, so I stopped the interview series.

My unique style makes me since the media than the normal road smooth many bloggers, boost and controversy also soon followed, especially more video stop and reduce the output of this half year, everybody said the most is advertising more, in fact, advertising frequency from start to now has not changed, but the original a few less, so you feel more advertising, However, because many of our advertisements are scheduled in advance, and even signed a contract, I can not ignore the partner, so that the content is restored and updated.

During this period the most helpless is, some readers every day to the public number or forum spray me, but I still can’t explain, I can’t say I want to take an examination of a postgraduate, I want to leave…. Because I am still on the job, what will my Leader and boss think? Sometimes, when I was tired of staying up late at night, I would patiently explain to some old readers who wrote long content and questioned me, and begged them not to tell others. Fortunately, they also showed their understanding and thanked them very much.

Do for a long time since the media we are always very concerned about my old club, I graduated from college and so on, but it is not I don’t want to say, because they don’t speak out face, this man says what I have seen me live knows, I’m afraid to say anything bad comments to all related with me have a negative impact, so I hope you understand, As for Mogujie after leaving the company will become my old employer, I will not mention, as for the trolls, everyone spray me do not take my company, concentrate on spraying me.

As a programmer, I have had an interesting year in “we Media”. The biggest change is that my schoolbag has become heavier. While others carry computers to work, I may carry cameras, drones and various accessories.

Busier than a normal programmer, no weekends, no holidays, but a lot of travel, meet a lot of people.

In life, there is always something to give and gain. Although this year is busy, it is also full of fun and lively.

Workplace and the media, I am glad there is always the way help, oneself also can always hit against the wind, investment in the road, there is also a hot money in wenzhou’s analyse in the middle of the night with me emotionally to my channel, also have office introduced object, in fact, a person without leisure activities, see technology, international news, learn mathematics was really boring, memorizing words thank you but they never give up.

I am glad that the leader of my old employer did not give up on me at that time. I still remember that AT that time, I had no money to pay the rent and felt great pressure from work, so I wanted to flee the city. It was my leader who stopped me. I’m afraid now I have got married and had children in Zunyi (now I’m still single, I don’t know how to thank him or haha…) .

At the end of the video, I send a word to all of you who are working hard: you may not turn over the wind, but you must be born to the sun.

I guess you must be curious about what choice I made, fool, it’s not important, important is on the road….

I’m Aobing. I’ll see you in the river’s lake. (I’ll see you soon)

Ps: There are Easter eggs in the video
