Brief introduction:With the rapid development of 5G, IoT, AI and other new technologies, enterprises are actively exploring how to make better use of new technologies for innovative applications and expand their business boundaries. Edge cloud native is more and more widely used in automobile, agriculture, energy, transportation and other industries. Combined with the cloud native mode, the edge computing can be combined with the cloud capability to the greatest extent, so as to ensure the consistent operation and maintenance experience as well as better isolation and security of the business on the side and the cloud. The application range of edge calculation is further extended.

【EDGE X Kubernetes Meetup】 Hangzhou Station: Cloud native in the EDGE of the practice and application

With the rapid development of 5G, IoT, AI and other new technologies, enterprises are actively exploring how to make better use of new technologies for innovative applications and expand their business boundaries. Edge cloud native is more and more widely used in automobile, agriculture, energy, transportation and other industries. Combined with the cloud native mode, the edge computing can be combined with the cloud capability to the greatest extent, so as to ensure the consistent operation and maintenance experience as well as better isolation and security of the business on the side and the cloud. The application range of edge calculation is further extended.

With this as the background, VMware, Alibaba Cloud and Intel jointly held the “Cloud Native Practice and Application in the Edge” Developer Salon, which skillfully integrated the “Edgex Foundry China Community Second Quarter Meet Up” with the “Kuemeet created by Cloud Native Foundation CNCF and Alibaba”. Explore the future possibilities of Edgex and Kubernetes!

Event time & address

Time: 13:00 on June 26, 2021

Venue: Roadshow Hall, 2nd Floor, Building 26, Internet Village, Dream Town, No. 1399, Liangmu Road, Yuhang District, Hangzhou

Ali cloud ACE

Alibaba Cloud ACE is the full name of Alibaba Cloud Engineer, which means the Engineer of Alibaba Cloud and represents the builder of Cloud computing. At the same time, “ACE” is the “A” in playing cards, so Ali Cloud ACE also means A group of people who are trump cards in the field of cloud computing. Online, ACE has a dedicated page and 29 communities hosting forums and columns. Offline, ACE organizes a variety of activities, including technology salon, Techday, Meetup, official interaction, etc., to form a localized learning and social platform for developers.

Through various events organized by ACE, ACE users can get to know local developers, gain cutting-edge knowledge, accumulate industry experience, and deepen their understanding of Ali Cloud.

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