ZooTeam Front-end Weekly | Issue 128

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  1. Intelligent graph cutting platform – Summary of target detection practice based on YoloV5 neural network – Zhihu

The online map cutting platform project is a project to improve the efficiency of the front-end channel. We hope to transform the design draft into HTML through the analysis of the design draft. We try to use deep learning to automatically recognize the words and pictures in the pictures. What is YOLO V5? YOLO series are deep learning targets…

  1. CSS to implement coupons tips

In real Web development, you will always encounter a variety of layouts. Some colleagues in the company asked me if there is a good way to implement such a layout, which is a very common coupon effect in the activity top-up page. First of all, the best implementation of such a layout must be a mask. For masks, see the CSS3 Mask Amway report. Here is a brief introduction to the mask diagram here…

  1. 0.1 + 0.2! = = 0.3?

We know that all data in a computer is ultimately stored in binary, as are numbers. So when the computer computes 0.1+0.2, it’s actually counting the binary numbers stored in the computer, so how much binary is 0.1 stored in JavaScript? We first convert 0.1 to binary according to the decimal to binary method: 0.0…

  1. React-hooks principle learned in react Advance

React-hooks: React-hooks: React-hooks: React-hooks: React-hooks: React-hooks: React-hooks: React-hooks: React-hooks: React-hooks: React-hooks: React-hooks That would solve the hooks questions in the interview. The actual r…

  1. Realize the front click button automatic copy clipboard function

To improve the user experience, clicking the “Copy” button automatically copies to the clipboard, so you need a front-end implementation of this function. On the left is an input text box, read only, and on the right is a button. Skip that stuff. That’s not the point. Two lines? Doesn’t it look easy? Ha ha ~ that you are wrong, there is a pit inside. First, there is no perfect way to work with all browsers…

  1. How to perform one-click troubleshooting for daily business problems?

Why is it so hard to find a problem?

  1. A brief introduction to the NodeJS middle layer

The node related

  1. Redux, React-Redux, redux-Saga principle

React Ecosystem Redux, React-Redux, redux-Saga, redux-Saga, redux-Saga, Redux-Saga, Redux-Saga, Redux-Saga, Redux-Saga, Redux-Saga, Redux-Saga This article briefly discusses the implementation principles of REdux, React-Redux, and Redux-Saga. This is a classic…

  1. A love diary about HTTP

I love HTTP deeply.

  1. Inside the Vite Principle: How does Utah’s latest title work? – technical circle

Vite – a web development tool developed by Vue author Yu Yu Stream, it has the following features: fast cold start instant module hot update true on demand

  1. State Formalization · GitBook

State paradigm to write State for managing Redux as if it were SQL

  1. Zanyi order synchronization exploration and practice

As more and more merchants use likes, searches or details, and these queries come from different Nosql, it will be interesting to see how these non-real-time storage systems can be synchronized.