Something from my heart

When I first saw the challenge, I thought it was quite challenging. I also like to do challenging things, so I set a flag, I want to challenge the attendance award more than 30 days, one is to complete the challenge; The second is through the output to force input, through the system to organize the output to deepen their understanding of knowledge points.

At first when I’m feel more full 30 days is not difficult, because at ordinary times also has accumulated, finches in language knowledge base has more than one hundred above documents, and so on the first day when I was ready to save 3 days of the draft, then felt odd post is not good enough, can’t string together the relevant knowledge system, Hence the column “Getting Started with Node.js” and “Browser Knowledge.”

By column series to the output on paper, and put the knowledge together, I am the sparrow is so knowledge, but the language is to show their knowledge base, moved to the nuggets may not directly, so you have to do some processing, add comments to the code, add caption, check data add some depth to the article, also learned to do animation in powerpoint. So there are three or four articles left from the beginning, and one or two articles left later. The last few days have to be sorted out and output on the same day.

Fortunately, with this article, I’ve reached my attendance goal. In addition, through the output, I also deepened the understanding of the relevant knowledge points, also hope my article can help you, feel good to leave praise, haha.

June more contents

Column catalog

JS Basics

Getting Started with Node.js

Browser Knowledge summary

JS basic knowledge included articles

JS Prototypes and Prototype Chains: Take you step by step to understand prototypes and prototype chains, starting with the terminology involved.

What does JS’s new do? : Introduced the process of a new object to do what, and finally realized a new function by hand.

“JS Inheritance” : This article introduces five types of inheritance: prototype-chain inheritance, aided constructor inheritance, combinatorial inheritance, parasitic combinatorial inheritance, Class inheritance, and I’m sure you know the others.

Node.js is a series of articles for getting started

This column is the result of learning Teacher Yang Hao’s “Node.js Development Actual Combat” in geek time, so THAT I have a preliminary overall concept of Node.js, which is very helpful to me.

Node.js is not hard to learn. It’s JavaScript that runs on the server side. If you’re familiar with JavaScript, you’ll have no trouble learning Node.js.

The module specification is the basis for building a large Node.js application, so it is very important.

Node.js asynchrony: There are two things about Node.js asynchrony: non-blocking I/O and event loops. Because of these two factors, Node.js is considered high performance and can be used in online environments.

Node.js: You can use Node.js to build a simple HTTP server to try to manipulate computer resources.

Node.js: Develop a rock-paper-scissors mini-game with Node.js.

Node.js Starter Series (6) Web version rock Paper Scissors mini game: rock paper Scissors game into web version.

Node.js 101 Express Framework: Learn about node.js middleware concepts, learn about the Express framework, and use it to reinvent the rock-paper-scissors game.

Node.js Starter series (8) Koa Framework: Take a look at the differences between the Koa framework and the Express framework, and then use the Koa framework to reinvent the rock-paper-Scissors game.

“Node.js Getting Started series (9) Stage Summary” : Make a stage summary of Node.js getting started series with key points.

Browser series includes articles

“Browser compatibility problems and solutions collation” : the browser compatibility problems and solutions collation, understand browser, understand compatibility problems, provide solutions to compatibility problems, and provide some on JS compatibility, CSS compatibility introduction and solutions! The article is very long and I strongly recommend bookkeeping, but I don’t want you to use it.

This article is an overview of the beginning of the browser knowledge sorting, with questions to think about, to sort.

This article mainly introduces what DOM is, how to find DOM elements, understand how events are triggered, how to register events and how to implement event proxy.

Cookie, localStorage, sessionStorage, indexedDB, etc.

Network protocols: This document introduces some related network protocols, including IP, UDP, TCP, HTTP, and other protocols. It also describes the flow of data packet transmission.

Multi-process architecture: The browser has many functions, such as network request, page rendering, JavaScript execution and Web security, and so on, and these functions are scattered in the various functional components of the browser, more and more scattered, so by learning the browser multi-process architecture to connect these knowledge points is very necessary.

“Browser knowledge arrangement (six) navigation process” : understand the browser navigation process, you can answer the question “from entering the URL press Enter to the page display process happened? This is the first half of the classic problem, which is the process from the moment the user sends the URL request to the moment the page begins to parse, which is the web request part.

What happens when you enter the URL and press Enter to display the page? The second half of this problem, the browser detailed rendering process: build DOM tree, style calculation, obtain layout tree, generate layer tree, layer drawing, rasterization, composite display.

This article takes you through the love/hate relationship between DOM, JS, and CSS: How is a DOM tree created? What happens when YOU encounter JS when parsing HTML? What happens when JS meets CSS? Why CSS at the head and JS at the tail?

What’s the matter with rearranging, redrawing and synthesising? This article takes a look at rearrangement, redraw, and composition from the perspective of the rendering pipeline, and then learns how to improve performance by reducing rearrangement and redraw.

What is the JS engine we often say? This article briefly introduces what a JS engine is, and briefly introduces V8 to execute a piece of JavaScript code process, hopefully to give you some understanding of the JS engine black box.

How to recycle JavaScript garbage data? This article focuses on the JavaScript engine’s garbage collection mechanism, first understanding where data is stored, and then taking you through how garbage data is collected in different locations.

Event Loop is a very important concept. It refers to a kind of running mechanism of computer system. JavaScript language adopts this mechanism to solve some problems caused by single thread running.

This article introduces the difference between the two asynchronous callback execution times in the page loop perspective. It gives you a simple understanding of the difference between macro and micro tasks.

Asynchronous Programming Promises: From Use to Handwritten Implementation (4,200 words) : This article explains how Promise solves the problem of callback hell, looks at the origins of Promise and microtasks, and then takes you through the step-by-step process of deconstructing handwriting to implement a simple Promise. Finally, it briefly introduces and implements some Promise apis by hand. Including promise. all, Promise.allSettled, Promise.race, promise. finally and other apis.

“Async /await: The ultimate solution to Async programming: Write async code synchronously” : This article introduces the development process of async programming. It analyzes Generator and coroutine in detail to help understand the implementation principle of async/await. I hope it will be helpful to you.

Event Loop: Do you Know their Print order? In this article, we’ve collected some print interview questions about Event Loop, printed in browsers and on different versions of Node.js, and the results are somewhat surprising.

Write in the last

Today is the last day of June, is also the last day of the first half of the year, finally is the end of the first half of the single life, ready to start the second half of the single life, only the code is willing to always accompany me, cry!

Tomorrow will be better, come on, all of you!