• In quarrels on the Internet, threats such as “I want to flesh you” and “I want to check your hukou” are common.
  • Is human flesh search really so mysterious? Now I’m going to reveal some of the unknown human methods.

(PS: This article is purely to decrypt and teach you how to prevent human flesh, the method introduced in this article should not be used for criminal activities!)

  1. A photo to find out where you took it
  • With the popularity of smart phones, most people now use mobile phones to take photos, and most cameras have turned on location by default, as shown below:

  • Photos taken with this feature enabled will automatically contain latitude and longitude information about the location you took them:
  • Armed with latitude and longitude information, MagicEXIF can find the exact location (down to the house number!!) where the photo was taken.

  1. I’m gonna make a voice call to get your IP address
  • When we chat on QQ, data is transmitted. Therefore, using a packet capture tool, as long as the data is transmitted to the other party and the other party is online, we can obtain the IP information of the other party:
  • When we open this tool, we just need to make a call to the other party, no matter whether the other party answers or not, you can get the IP address of the other party:

  1. Location by IP address
  • After we get the IP address of the other party, we can also locate the approximate location (with an error of less than five kilometers) by IP:
  • IP address: www.ipplus360.com

  1. Use latitude and longitude for quadratic analysis
  • When we query through THE IP address, we can obtain the general geographical location of the other party. If we want to conduct secondary accurate positioning, we can copy the longitude and latitude and query in the parsing website:
  • Yanue.net/

5. Use your email/mobile number to check the websites you have registered with

  • Check out the website: www.reg007.com
  • This website uses the information you submit to conduct simulated registration to check whether you have registered on this platform:

  1. Use Alipay to query your name
  • Now alipay has been fully popularized, we can use some of the information that has been obtained, to guess the name.
  • We can transfer a large amount of money to each other at will. In this case, for the sake of fund security, Alipay will display the other party’s name and ask you to complete the other party’s surname.
  • So, we can use common surnames one by one to try brute force to get their full names.

7. Give baidu the information you know

This is just an example, not only QQ, but also wechat/commonly used ID/ mobile phone number can all be queried, lawbreakers can use these information for telecom fraud! Measures to prevent human flesh:

  1. Do not leave your QQ, mobile phone number and other relevant personal information on the network, otherwise it will be saved as a snapshot by search engines, which will be obtained by criminals;
  2. Don’t use the same username on all sites;
  3. It is better to use two mobile cards, one for daily calls and one for receiving verification codes when registering information online.
  4. QQ, wechat and other social software should not use the same account.

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