This is the 17th day of my participation in Gwen Challenge

User authority system

The user permission system in K8S uses THE RBAC mode. RBAC is role-based AC.

We can have a user play a role, and this role has permissions, and this user has permissions, so in RBAC, user authorization is authorizing a role.

User: A user can have a role. Roles: Roles can have certain permissions. Object permission: A group of operations that can be imposed on an object, called a permission.Copy the code
  • The user types
The Human User:# user accountPod Service Account:# Service account

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  • The role type
- Role, roleBinding - ClusterRole, ClusterRoleBindingCopy the code
  • Authorization type
- The user goes via roleBindingbindRule, roleBinding can only be in the current namespace - go via clusterRoleBindingbindClausterrole, clusterRoleBinding will apply to all namespaces - via roleBindingbindClausterrole clusterRole permissions are restricted to the current namespace because roleBinding is only in the current namespaceCopy the code
  • Benefits of using roleBinding to bind clusterRole
If you have many namespaces, if you use roleBinding to bind roles, then you need to define roles in each namespace. If you use Rolebinding to bind a ClausterRole, since clusterRole has permissions on all namespaces, Rolebinding can only bind to the current namespace, eliminating the need to create a role for each namespace.Copy the code

14.1 Permission List

kubectl get clusterrole admin -o yaml

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14.2 create a Role

  • Command Line definition
kubectl create role pods-reader --verb=get,list,watch --resource=pods

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  • Use a list definition
kind: Role
  name: pods-reder
  namespace: default
- apiGroups:                           Which API groups to operate on resources
  - ""
  resources:                           Which resources are authorized
  - pods
  verbs:                               What operations are authorized to do
  - get
  - list
  - watch

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14.3 create rolebinding

  • Created using the RoleBinding object, the user is bound to the role
kubectl create rolebinding kaliarch-read-pods --role=pods-reader --user=kaliarch

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  • Use a list definition
kind: RoleBinding
  name: kaliarch-read-pods
  kind: Role
  name: pods-reader
- apiGroup:
  kind: User
  name: kaliarch

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  • Switch user and environment contexts
$ kubectl config use-context kaliarch@kubernetes

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  • Test whether the user has the GET permission
kubectl get pods

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14.4 create clusterrole

  • Command Line definition
kubectl create clusterrole cluster-reader --verb=get,list,watch --resource=pods

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  • Use a list definition
kind: ClusterRole
  name: cluster-reader
- apiGroups:
  - ""
  - pods
  - get
  - list
  - watch

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  • There are many clusterRoles built into the system. For details, see Kubectl GET ClusterRole
NAME                                                                   AGE
admin                                                                  5d16h
cluster-admin                                                          5d16h
cluster-reader                                                         4m32s
edit                                                                   5d16h
flannel                                                                5d6h
system:aggregate-to-admin                                              5d16h
system:aggregate-to-edit                                               5d16h
system:aggregate-to-view                                               5d16h
system:auth-delegator                                                  5d16h
system:aws-cloud-provider                                              5d16h
system:basic-user                                                      5d16h       5d16h   5d16h
system:controller:attachdetach-controller                              5d16h
system:controller:certificate-controller                               5d16h
system:controller:clusterrole-aggregation-controller                   5d16h
system:controller:cronjob-controller                                   5d16h
system:controller:daemon-set-controller                                5d16h

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14.5 create clusterrolebinding

  • Command Line definition
kubectl create clusterrolebinding kaliarch-read-all-pods --clusterrole=cluster-reader --user=kaliarch

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  • Listing definition
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: kaliarch-read-all-pods
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: cluster-reader
- apiGroup:
  kind: User
  name: kaliarch
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  • Switch user and environment contexts
$ kubectl config use-context kaliarch@kubernetes
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  • Test whether the user has the GET permission
$ kubectl get pods -n kube-system
$ kubectl config use-context kubernetes-admin@kubernetes
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14.6 rolebinding clusterrole

If you bind a ClusterRole with a RoleBinding, since clusterRoles have permissions for all namespaces and roleBinding can only bind to the current namespace, you eliminate the need to create a new role for each namespace.

  • Command definition
$ kubectl create rolebinding kaliarch-cluster-reader --clusterrole=cluster-reader --user=kaliarch
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  • Listing definition
kind: RoleBinding
  name: kaliarch-admin
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: admin
- apiGroup:
  kind: User
  name: kaliarch
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  • Switch user and environment contexts
$ kubectl config use-context kaliarch@kubernetes
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  • Cluster-reader is restricted to the current namespace because roleBinding is used
$ kubectl get pods -n kube-system
$ kubectl config use-context kubernetes-admin@kubernetes
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14.7 RBAC authorization

During bind authorization, the user principals that can be bound are user and group

  • Use the RoleBinding and ClusterRoleBinding bindings
Bind to user: Only the user has the rights of role or ClusterRole. Bind to group: All users in the group have the rights of Role or ClusterRoleCopy the code
  • When a user is added to a group, the account is automatically integrated with the permissions of the group
Create private key
(umask 077; openssl genrsa -out kaliarch.key 2048)

O is the group, CN is the account, this account is used by K8S to identify the identity, authorization also needs to authorize this account
openssl req -new -key kaliarch.key -out kaliarch.csr -subj "O=system:masters/CN=kaliarch/"

Use the CA to sign the certificate and it is valid for 1800 days
openssl x509 -req -in kaliarch.csr -CA /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt -CAkey /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.key -CAcreateserial -out kaliarch.crt -days 1800

# check the certificate
openssl x509 -in kaliarch.crt -text -noout
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