Every time I write a TableView it’s a love-hate relationship, the code always feels very similar, but the details are different and I can’t learn from it. The reason is that the code is not really standardized and modular. After reviewing a few articles, I’ve come up with a paradigm that goes a long way toward normalizing TableView writing. This article is not only a summary of TableView, but also the use of protocol, enumeration and other types of discussion.

References are as follows:

  • Introduction to the protocol – oriented MVVM architecture
  • Dealing with Complex Table Views in iOS and Keeping Your Sanity
  • Handle complex Table Views in iOS with elegance

This paper focused on optimization from the perspective of data model, and the data model of TableView was divided into three cases: Dynamic type Cells (Dynamic Prototypes), Static type Cells (Static Cells), and Dynamic and Static mixed types.

First, take a look at the overall structure diagram of the optimized model:

The key to optimization lies in the proper design of the model by matching protocols and enumerations. Let’s look at dynamic typing first:

Dynamic type TableView optimization

We’ll continue with the Github sample project.

In the last example project we had a simple list showing the book list. Now we will add the following functionality:

1. Get my books from Douban

2. The list is divided into three Sectinon displays: books you want to read, books you are reading and books you have read

3. Alternate the two types of cells (i.e., heterogeneous type data model) in the list: book name and book score

4. The detail page of book scoring will contain mixed data of dynamic and static.

The final effect is as follows:

Now start coding: functions 1 and 2

  • Function 1 requires us to make a network request and parse the returned data into the specified model. Here we useURLSessionTo send the request, we first add two protocols:

๐Ÿ‘‡NetworkProtocol. Swift: We use generic constraints in the Send method, which is more efficient than using the Request protocol as the parameter type directly.

 /// Network request sending protocol
protocol Client {
    var host: String { get }
    func send<T: Request>(_ r: T, handler: @escaping (Data?) -> Void)}/// network request content protocol
protocol Request {
    var path: String { get }
    var method: HTTPMethod { get }
    var parameter: [String: Any] { get}}Copy the code

Add two enumerated types:

๐Ÿ‘‡ Enums. Swift:

/// Http request method
public enum HTTPMethod: String {
    case GET
    case POST

/// Host type
/// -doubanAPI: doubanAPI
enum HostType: String {
    case doubanAPI = "https://api.douban.com"

Copy the code

Add the request model of the corresponding protocol:

๐Ÿ‘‡URLSessionClient. Swift: We don’t parse the returned Data here, we leave it to the Data model.

/// Network client model
struct URLSessionClient: Client {
    let host: String
    func send<T: Request>(_ requestInfo: T, handler: @escaping (Data?) -> Void) {
        let url = URL(string: host.appending(requestInfo.path))!
        var request = URLRequest(url: url)
        request.httpMethod = requestInfo.method.rawValue
        let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) {
            data, _, error in
            if let data = data {
                DispatchQueue.main.async { handler(data) }
            } else {
                DispatchQueue.main.async { handler(nil) }
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๐Ÿ‘‡ BookRequest. Swift: Here we are parsing the requested Data type through Swift 4.0’s JSONDecoder, which is much more elegant than previous JSON parsing methods, so our Data models will now support the Codable protocol to take advantage of this convenience. The BookCollections data model in the code will be created later.

/// network request model for book query
struct BookRequest: Request {
    let userName: String / / user name
    let status: String // Reading status: wish to read: reading: reading read: read
    let start: Int // Start number
    let count: Int // Query the maximum number at a time
    var path: String {
        return "/v2/book/user/\(userName)/collections? status=\(status)&start=\(start)&count=\ [count)"
    let method: HTTPMethod=.GET
    let parameter: [String: Any] = [:]
    func send(handler: @escaping (BookCollections?) -> Void) {
        URLSessionClient(host: HostType.doubanAPI.rawValue).send(self) { data in
            guard let data = data else { return }
            if let bookCollections = try? JSONDecoder().decode(BookCollections.self, from: data) {
            } else {
                print("JSON parse failed")}}}}Copy the code
  • Now let’s create the parsed data model. The following four data models are consistent with the Json data structure returned by Douban API (only the required attributes are retained), so just copy it as is. Note that these structures are gradually nested downward, consistent with the nested structure of API, which isCodableThe best part of the deal.

๐Ÿ‘‡ DataModel. Swift:

typealias DataModel = BookCollections

struct BookCollections: Codable {
    var total: Int = 0
    var collections: [MyBook] = []}struct MyBook: Codable {
    var status: String = ""
    var book: Book

struct Book: Codable {
    var title: String = ""
    var subtitle: String = ""
    var author: [String] = []
    var publisher: String = ""
    var isbn13: String?
    var price: String = ""
    var pubdate: String = ""
    var summary: String = ""
    var rating: BookRating
    var id: String = ""

struct BookRating: Codable {
    var average: String = ""
    var numRaters: Int = 0
Copy the code

The above models can also be called API models, which need to be transformed when applied to the table. In order to keep decoupling as far as possible, we try to keep separation of functions when designing the model here. We then design the data model to correspond to the requirements of the table, but in order to achieve this correspondence, we also need a transformation layer, where we use the ViewModel to take responsibility for the model transformation.

  • Let’s start with the protocol definition. This set of protocols defines the main data requirements of the table, namely the data displayed by all cells and the information displayed by sections.

๐Ÿ‘‡ TableDataModelProtocol. Swift:

/// TableView dynamic type data model protocol.
// The first layer corresponds to sections, and the second layer corresponds to cells under sections.
/// and the Section data array
protocol TableViewDynamicCellDataModel {
    associatedtype TableDataModelType: CellModelType
    associatedtype SectionItem: TableViewSection
    var dynamicTableDataModel: [[TableDataModelType]] { get set }
    var sectionsDataModel: [SectionItem] { get set}}/// TableView section information structure model protocol, including section title information, etc.
protocol TableViewSection {
    var headerTitle: String? { get }
    var footerTitle: String? { get}}/// Cell Unified Data Model protocol
protocol CellModelType {
    // This is a wrapper protocol, easy to use in other protocols, can be empty.
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๐Ÿ‘‡ CellDataModelProtocol. Swift:

/// Cell data protocol in the book list
protocol BookInfoCellProtocol {
    var identifier: CellIdentifierType { get }
    var title: String { get }
    var authors: String { get }
    var publisher: String { get }
    var isbn13: String { get }
    var price: String { get }
    var pubdate: String { get }
    var summary: String { get}}Copy the code

To make the Cell support multiple data types, we use the enumeration BookListCellModelType to change the heterogeneous type into the homogeneous type.

For turning heterogeneity into isomorphism, you can use protocols in addition to enumerations to conform multiple types to the same protocol, but using code to distinguish between different types is still not elegant. The advantage of enumerations is that you can take advantage of compiler checks when using switch statements, but the biggest disadvantage of enumerations is that extracting values can be a bit cumbersome, as you’ll see later.

The least recommended, however, is to use Any and AnyObject.

๐Ÿ‘‡ enums. swift: CellModelType is the wrapper protocol, the protocol itself is empty, just to cover all Cell data type enumerations.

/// The data model type used by the book list Cell
/// -bookinfo: basic book information
enum BookListCellModelType: CellModelType {
    case bookInfo(BookInfoCellModel)
    // It will be easy to extend multiple data models later
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  • Next, we complete the data model required by the protocol:

๐Ÿ‘‡ cellmodel. swift: Since cells in the book list are reusable, we need to indicate identifiers as enumerations.

/// The book name of the book list is the data structure of the cell
struct BookInfoCellModel: BookInfoCellProtocol {
    var identifier = CellIdentifierType.bookInfoCell
    var title: String = ""
    var authors: String = ""
    var publisher: String = ""
    var isbn13: String = ""
    var price: String = ""
    var pubdate: String = ""
    var summary: String = ""

/// Lists all dynamic cell identifiers contained in the table
public enum CellIdentifierType: String {
    case bookInfoCell
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๐Ÿ‘‡ sectionModel. swift: cellType and cellCount are reserved for static tables.

/// Section data structure in TableView
struct SectionModel: TableViewSection {
    var headerTitle: String?
    var footerTitle: String?
    var cellType: CellType
    var cellCount: Int
    init(headerTitle: String? , footerTitle:String? , cellType:CellType = .dynamicCell,
         cellCount: Int = 0)
        self.headerTitle = headerTitle
        self.footerTitle = footerTitle
        self.cellType = cellType
        self.cellCount = cellCount

/ / / cell types
/// -staticcell: static
/// - dynamicCell: dynamic
public enum CellType: String {
    case staticCell
    case dynamicCell
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  • With the data model in place, the next step is to implement the VM, and the main thing the VM needs to do is transform the API model -> table data model.

๐Ÿ‘‡ TableViewViewModel. Swift: DataModel is the API parsed model. [[BookListCellModelType]] is the DataModel required by the table. The two-dimensional array is used because it is very straightforward to use in the DataSource proxy method.

The getTableDataModel method is used to wrap data structures. The getBookInfo method does the actual conversion of the data details, if there is a change in the field mapping that can be modified here.

struct TableViewViewModel {
    /// create a unified data model for tables
    /// -parameter model: raw data model
    /// - Returns: table data model
    static func getTableDataModel(model: DataModel)- > [[BookListCellModelType]] {
        var bookWishToRead: [BookListCellModelType] = []
        var bookReading: [BookListCellModelType] = []
        var bookRead: [BookListCellModelType] = []
        for myBook in model.collections {
            guard let status = BookReadingStatus(rawValue: myBook.status) else {
                return[]}let bookInfo = getBookInfo(model: myBook.book)
            switch status {
            case .wish:
            case .reading:
            case .read:
            case .all:
                break}}return [bookWishToRead, bookReading, bookRead]
    // get the BookInfoCellModel data model
    /// -parameter model: raw data submodel
    /// - Returns: unified cell data model
    static func getBookInfo(model: Book) -> BookListCellModelType {
        var cellModel = BookInfoCellModel()
        cellModel.title = model.title
        cellModel.authors = model.author.reduce("", {$0= ="" ? $1 : $0 + "ใ€" + $1 })
        cellModel.publisher = model.publisher
        cellModel.isbn13 = model.isbn13 ?? ""
        cellModel.price = model.price
        cellModel.pubdate = model.pubdate
        cellModel.summary = model.summary
        return BookListCellModelType.bookInfo(cellModel)

/// read the book
public enum BookReadingStatus: String {
    case wish
    case reading
    case read
    case all = ""
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  • Ok, with the above model, we can call the API to get the data.

๐Ÿ‘‡ MainTableViewController. Swift: loadData () method after loading the data will automatically refresh the form

	/// Data source object
    var dynamicTableDataModel: [[BookListCellModelType]] = [] {
        didSet {

	override func viewDidLoad(a) {
        loadData() // Load data
		// ...

	/// load initial data
    func loadData(a) {
        let request = BookRequest(userName: "pmtao", status: "", start: 0.count: 40)
        request.send { data in
            guard let dataModel = data else { return }
            let tableDataModel = TableViewViewModel.getTableDataModel(model: dataModel)
            self.dynamicTableDataModel = tableDataModel
Copy the code
  • It’s easy to write the datasource proxy method now:

๐Ÿ‘‡MainTableViewController+DataSource. Swift: The following code can be almost painlessly ported to another TabelView, just change the name in the code comment. DataSource DataSource DataSource DataSource DataSource DataSource DataSource DataSource DataSource DataSource There is a configureCell method, which we implement in the custom Cell class file and let the Cell do its configuration, feeding the Cell data without converting, thanks to the BookInfoCellProtocol.

	override func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
        return dynamicTableDataModel.count

	override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView,
                            numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
        return dynamicTableDataModel[section].count

	override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView,
                            cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell 
        let section = indexPath.section
        let row = indexPath.row
        let model = dynamicTableDataModel[section][row]
        switch model {
        case let .bookInfo(bookInfo): // The bookInfo port is renamed
            let identifier = bookInfo.identifier.rawValue // The bookInfo port is renamed
            let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(
                withIdentifier: identifier, 
                for: indexPath) as! BookInfoCell // BookInfoCell transplant the name
            cell.configureCell(model: bookInfo) // The bookInfo port is renamed
            return cell
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Next, implement function 3

  • Show two types of Cell (i.e. heterogeneous type data model) : book name, book score, and extend the previous model:

๐Ÿ‘‡ enums. swift: Adds the Cell data type for scoring information.

/// The data model type used by the book list Cell
/// -bookinfo: basic book information
/// -bookrating: indicates the bookRating information
enum BookListCellModelType: CellModelType {
    case bookInfo(BookInfoCellModel)
    case bookRating(BookRatingCellModel)}Copy the code

๐Ÿ‘‡ CellDataModelProtocol. Swift: increase the Cell data protocol rating information.

/// Cell data protocol in the book list
protocol BookRatingCellProtocol {
    var identifier: CellIdentifierType { get }
    var average: String { get }
    var numRaters: String { get }
    var id: String { get }
    var title: String { get}}Copy the code

๐Ÿ‘‡ cellmodel. swift: Add the data structure of the rating classification cell

/// The data structure of the book review classification cell for the book list
struct BookRatingCellModel: BookRatingCellProtocol {
    var identifier = CellIdentifierType.bookRatingCell
    var average: String = ""
    var numRaters: String = ""
    var id: String = ""
    var title: String = ""
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๐Ÿ‘‡ tableViewViewModel. swift: add data model conversion method to VM:

	static func getTableDataModel(model: DataModel)- > [[BookListCellModelType]] {...let bookRating = getBookRating(model: myBook.book)
        switch status {
          case .wish:
          bookWishToRead.append(bookRating) // Add the data type
          case .reading:
          bookReading.append(bookRating) // Add the data type
          case .read:
          bookRead.append(bookRating) // Add the data type
          case .all:
          break}... }// get BookRatingCellModel data model
    /// -parameter model: raw data submodel
    /// - Returns: unified cell data model
    static func getBookRating(model: Book) -> BookListCellModelType {
        var cellModel = BookRatingCellModel()
        cellModel.average = "Grading:" + model.rating.average
        cellModel.numRaters = "Number of evaluators:" + String(model.rating.numRaters)
        cellModel.id = model.id
        cellModel.title = model.title
        return BookListCellModelType.bookRating(cellModel)
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For the final step, DataSource tweaks:

๐Ÿ‘‡MainTableViewController+DataSource. Swift: Add a case and the compiler will automatically prompt you to use enumerations to encapsulate heterogeneous data types ๐Ÿ˜.

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView,
                            cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell 
        let section = indexPath.section
        let row = indexPath.row
        let model = dynamicTableDataModel[section][row]
        switch model {
        case let .bookInfo(bookInfo):
            let identifier = bookInfo.identifier.rawValue
            let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(
                withIdentifier: identifier, for: indexPath) as! BookInfoCell
            cell.configureCell(model: bookInfo)
            return cell
        // Add data type section:
        case let .bookRating(bookRating):
            let identifier = bookRating.identifier.rawValue
            let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(
                withIdentifier: identifier, for: indexPath) as! BookRatingCell
            cell.configureCell(model: bookRating)
            return cell
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Static type TableView optimization

Let’s revamp the book details page

The detail page is a purely statically typed table that encapsulates protocols and models in a similar way, and is extremely succinct.

๐Ÿ‘‡ CellDataModelProtocol. Swift: increase the Cell data model agreement page for details

/// Book details Cell data protocol
protocol BookDetailCellProtocol {
    var title: String { get }
    var authors: String { get }
    var publisher: String { get}}Copy the code

๐Ÿ‘‡ cellModel. swift: Add data model to detail page Cell

/// The data structure of the book details class cell
struct BookDetailCellModel: BookDetailCellProtocol {
    var title: String = ""
    var authors: String = ""
    var publisher: String = ""
Copy the code

๐Ÿ‘‡ tableviewviewModel. swift: Model transformation to add book details

	// get the BookDetailCellModel data model
    /// -parameter Model: BookInfoCellModel
    /// - Returns: BookDetailCellModel data model
    static func getBookDetail(model: BookInfoCellModel) -> BookDetailCellModel {
        var cellModel = BookDetailCellModel()
        cellModel.title = model.title
        cellModel.authors = model.authors
        cellModel.publisher = model.publisher
        return cellModel
Copy the code

๐Ÿ‘‡ TableDataModelProtocol. Swift: increase the static type TableView data model agreement

/// TableView static type data model protocol.
/// contains Cell structure data, Section data array
protocol TableViewStaticCellDataModel {
    associatedtype StaticCellDataModel
    associatedtype SectionItem: TableViewSection
    var staticTableDataModel: StaticCellDataModel { get set }
    var sectionsDataModel: [SectionItem] { get set}}Copy the code

๐Ÿ‘‡ DetailTableViewController. Swift: the final integration, a total of 40, is a very concise ๐Ÿ˜‹.

import UIKit
class DetailTableViewController: UITableViewController.TableViewStaticCellDataModel {
    // MARK: 1.--@IBOutlet attribute definition -----------๐Ÿ‘‡
    @IBOutlet weak var nameLabel: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var authorsLabel: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var publisherLabel: UILabel!
    // MARK: 2.-- Instance attribute definitions ----------------๐Ÿ‘‡
    var staticTableDataModel = BookDetailCellModel(a)var sectionsDataModel: [SectionModel] = []
    MARK: 3.-- View lifecycle ----------------๐Ÿ‘‡
    override func viewDidLoad(a) {
        setSectionDataModel() // Set the section data model
        configureCell(model: self.staticTableDataModel) // Configure the Cell to display content
    override func didReceiveMemoryWarning(a) {
    // MARK: 4.-- Handle main logic -----------------๐Ÿ‘‡
    /// Set the section data model
    func setSectionDataModel(a) {
        sectionsDataModel = [SectionModel(headerTitle: nil, footerTitle: nil, cellCount: 3)]}/// Configure static Cell to display content
    func configureCell<T: BookDetailCellProtocol>(model: T){ nameLabel? .text = model.title authorsLabel? .text = model.authors publisherLabel? .text = model.publisher }// MARK: 5.-- Data source method ------------------๐Ÿ‘‡
    override func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
        return sectionsDataModel.count
    override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView,
                            numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
        return sectionsDataModel[section].cellCount
Copy the code

Dynamic and static hybrid type TableView optimization

The last bone: Function 4

Function 4 To implement a static and dynamic hybrid table, this topic is also a very common topic in the TabelView transformation. I tried several solutions, always trying to get lazy with a bit of hacking technology, but after the experiment I found that I had to go with the conventional thinking. The summary is as follows:

  • Firstly, static tables are used for design, and only one Cell is reserved for dynamic data (pure placeholder, without any setting).
  • newUITableViewCellSubclasses and associatedxibFile, addIdentifierThis is used to reuse the dynamic cell part.
  • Determine the cell type (static, dynamic) in the data source and return the corresponding cell.

Start now.

๐Ÿ‘‡ enums. swift: Adds point types

/// Lists all dynamic cell identifiers contained in the table
public enum CellIdentifierType: String {
    case bookInfoCell
    case bookRatingCell
    case bookReviewTitleCell

/// Cell NIb file type
public enum CellNibType: String {
    case BookReviewListTableViewCell

/// The type of data model used by the scoring item Cell on the book review list page
enum BookReviewCellModelType: CellModelType {
    case bookReviewList(BookReviewListCellModel)}Copy the code

๐Ÿ‘‡ TableDataModelProtocol. Swift: create a hybrid version of the data model agreement, in fact, the combined dynamic and static data types

/// TableView data model protocol for dynamic and static mixed types.
/// contains dynamic Cell 2d array model, static Cell structure data, Section data array, dynamic Cell reuse information.
protocol TableViewMixedCellDataModel {
    associatedtype TableDataModelType: CellModelType
    associatedtype StaticCellDataModel
    associatedtype SectionItem: TableViewSection
    var dynamicTableDataModel: [[TableDataModelType]] { get set }
    var staticTableDataModel: StaticCellDataModel { get set }
    var sectionsDataModel: [SectionItem] { get set }
    var cellNibs: [(CellNibType.CellIdentifierType)] { get set}}Copy the code

๐Ÿ‘‡ CellDataModelProtocol. Swift: a Cell is divided into two parts of the dynamic and static data model agreement.

/// Book review summary list data protocol
protocol BookReviewListCellProtocol {
    var identifier: CellIdentifierType { get }
    var title: String { get }
    var rate: String { get }
    var link: String { get}}/// Book review title data protocol
protocol BookReviewHeadCellProtocol {
    var title: String { get }
    var rate: String { get}}Copy the code

๐Ÿ‘‡BookReviewRequest. Swift: Comment data requires a separate network request. Add a request model.

struct BookReviewRequest: Request {
    let bookID: String ID / / books
    let start: Int // Start number
    let count: Int // Query the maximum number at a time
    var path: String {
        return "/v2/book/\(bookID)/reviews? start=\(start)&count=\ [count)"
    let method: HTTPMethod=.GET
    let parameter: [String: Any] = [:]
    func send(handler: @escaping (BookReview?) -> Void) {
        URLSessionClient(host: HostType.doubanAPI.rawValue).send(self) { data in
            guard let data = data else { return }
            if let bookReviews = try? JSONDecoder().decode(BookReview.self, from: data) {
            } else {
                print("JSON parse failed")}}}}Copy the code

๐Ÿ‘‡ datamodel. swift: THE API model has also been added.

struct BookReview: Codable {
    var reviews: [Review] = []
    struct Review: Codable {
        var rating: Score
        var title: String = ""
        var alt: String = "" // Comments page link
    struct Score: Codable {
        var value: String = ""}}Copy the code

๐Ÿ‘‡ cellmodel. swift: Models required to implement the cell data protocol, also separated by dynamic and static.

/// The summary list of book review details is a cell data structure
struct BookReviewListCellModel: BookReviewListCellProtocol {
    var identifier = CellIdentifierType.bookReviewTitleCell
    var title: String = ""
    var rate: String = ""
    var link: String = ""

/// The data structure of the comment title class cell for book review details
struct BookReviewHeadCellModel: BookReviewHeadCellProtocol {
    var id: String = ""
    var title: String = ""
    var rate: String = ""
Copy the code

๐Ÿ‘‡ tableViewViewModel. swift: Convert API model to cell data model in VM.

	// get the BookReviewListCellModel data model
    /// -parameter model: BookReview data model
    /// - Returns: the comment list model required by the book review page
    static func getBookReviewList(model: BookReview)- > [[BookReviewCellModelType]] {
        var cellModel: [BookReviewCellModelType] = []
        for review in model.reviews {
            var bookReviewListCellModel = BookReviewListCellModel()
            bookReviewListCellModel.title = review.title
            bookReviewListCellModel.rate = "Grading:" + review.rating.value
            bookReviewListCellModel.link = review.alt
            // Convert to enum type
            let model = BookReviewCellModelType.bookReviewList(bookReviewListCellModel)
        return [[], cellModel]
    // get the BookReviewHeadCellModel data model
    /// -parameter model: Book data model
    /// - Returns: Title information required for the book review page
    static func getBookReviewHead(model: BookRatingCellModel) -> BookReviewHeadCellModel {
        var cellModel = BookReviewHeadCellModel()
        cellModel.id = model.id
        cellModel.title = model.title
        cellModel.rate = model.average
        return cellModel
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๐Ÿ‘‡ ReviewTableViewController. Swift: the final integration, the static parts of the Cell directly to set up the IBOutlet controls established, using the data model mapping is good.

class ReviewTableViewController: UITableViewController.TableViewMixedCellDataModel {
    // MARK: 1.--@IBOutlet attribute definition -----------๐Ÿ‘‡
    @IBOutlet weak var bookNameLabel: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var rateLabel: UILabel!
    // MARK: 2.-- Instance attribute definitions ----------------๐Ÿ‘‡
    /// Data source object
    var dynamicTableDataModel: [[BookReviewCellModelType]] = [] {
        didSet {
            if shouldReloadTable {
    var staticTableDataModel = BookReviewHeadCellModel(a)var sectionsDataModel: [SectionModel] = []
    var cellNibs: [(CellNibType.CellIdentifierType= [()].BookReviewListTableViewCell, .bookReviewTitleCell)]
    /// whether the table can be refreshed when data is updated
    var shouldReloadTable: Bool = false
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A few more initialization Settings, note that static cells can already be configured via IBOutlet in the viewDidLoad method.

    MARK: 3.-- View lifecycle ----------------๐Ÿ‘‡
    override func viewDidLoad(a) {
        loadData() // Load data
        setSectionDataModel() // Set the section data model
        configureStaticCell(model: staticTableDataModel) // Configure the Cell to display content
        setupView() // View initialization

    // MARK: 4.-- Handle main logic -----------------๐Ÿ‘‡
	/// load initial data
    func loadData(a) {
        let request = BookReviewRequest(bookID: staticTableDataModel.id,
                                        start: 0.count: 3)
        request.send { data in
            guard let dataModel = data else { return }
            let tableDataModel = TableViewViewModel.getBookReviewList(model: dataModel)
            self.shouldReloadTable = true
            self.dynamicTableDataModel = tableDataModel

    /// Set the section data model
    func setSectionDataModel(a) {
        let section1 = SectionModel(
            headerTitle: "Books",
            footerTitle: nil,
            cellType: .staticCell,
            cellCount: 2)
        var section2CellCount = 0
        if dynamicTableDataModel.count > 0 {
            section2CellCount = dynamicTableDataModel[1].count
        let section2 = SectionModel(
            headerTitle: "Selected Reviews",
            footerTitle: nil,
            cellType: .dynamicCell,
            cellCount: section2CellCount)
        sectionsDataModel = [section1, section2]

    /// Configure static Cell to display content
    func configureStaticCell<T: BookReviewHeadCellProtocol>(model: T){ bookNameLabel? .text = model.title rateLabel? .text = model.rate }// view initializes related Settings
    func setupView(a) {
        // Register the cell NIb file
        for (nib, identifier) in cellNibs {
            let nib = UINib(nibName: nib.rawValue, bundle: nil)
            tableView.register(nib, forCellReuseIdentifier:  identifier.rawValue)
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Here comes the key data source method:

	// MARK: 8.-- Data source method ------------------๐Ÿ‘‡
    override func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
        return sectionsDataModel.count
    override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView,
                            numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
        return sectionsDataModel[section].cellCount
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The sectionsDataModel data already contains the dynamic and static type of the Cell, so it can be directly used to determine. Statically typed cells can be retrieved directly from the super property, which is the controller object itself. The retrieved cells are instantiated from the StoryBoard, so that cellForRowAt does not call its own methods in a loop. Dynamically typed cells simply call the dequeueReusableCell method, noting the one with the for: indexPath argument.

	override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView,
                            cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath)
        -> UITableViewCell
        let section = indexPath.section
        let row = indexPath.row
        if sectionsDataModel[section].cellType == .staticCell {
            let cell = super.tableView(tableView, cellForRowAt: indexPath)
            return cell
        } else {
            let model = dynamicTableDataModel[section][row]
            switch model {
            case let .bookReviewList(bookReviewList):
                let identifier = bookReviewList.identifier.rawValue
                let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(
                    withIdentifier: identifier, for: indexPath) as! BookReviewListTableViewCell
                cell.configureCell(model: bookReviewList)
                return cell
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The view-proxy methods are a side effect of using static TableViews to implement dynamic cell effects.

	// MARK: 9.-- View proxy method ----------------๐Ÿ‘‡
    // Use this proxy method when reusing static cells
    override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView,
                            heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat
        let section = indexPath.section
        if sectionsDataModel[section].cellType == .staticCell {
            return super.tableView(tableView, heightForRowAt: indexPath)
        } else {
            let prototypeCellIndexPath = IndexPath(row: 0, section: indexPath.section)
            return super.tableView(tableView, heightForRowAt: prototypeCellIndexPath)
    // Use this proxy method when reusing static cells
    override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView,
                            indentationLevelForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> Int
        let section = indexPath.section
        if sectionsDataModel[section].cellType == .staticCell {
            return super.tableView(tableView, indentationLevelForRowAt: indexPath)
        } else {
            // Assign the indentationLevel of the prototype cell drawn in storyBoard to other cells
            let prototypeCellIndexPath = IndexPath(row: 0, section: indexPath.section)
            return super.tableView(tableView, indentationLevelForRowAt: prototypeCellIndexPath)
    // Set the partition title
    override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView,
                            titleForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> String?
        return sectionsDataModel[section].headerTitle
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Optimization is finally complete!

Really not easy, see here is not a little dizzy, in fact, to sum up, split and implement the following module, write TableView can do very elegant, after the basic can be used in full set:

  • Define the network request protocol
  • Define tabular data model protocols
  • Define the API data model
  • Define the network request model
  • Define the table data model
  • Define the Cell data requirements model
  • Defining the view model
  • defineUITableViewCellA subclass

The complete project has been uploaded to Github project address

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Photo: Return Trip from Hana, Hawaii – Luca Bravo @Unsplash