This is the 9th day of my participation in the August More Text Challenge

Hello everyone, I am Bean dried peanut, this time I have brought a full set of Linux learning notes, will be updated later ~

Record their own technology growth, also hope to share with you, welcome to follow ~

This is a study note for Linux for Developers on Coursera

Learning goals

  • Explain the difference between the Linux kernel and the full Operating System (OS)
  • Summarize the history of Linux and its relationship to UNIX
  • Describe the role of Linux distributions and the Linux Standard Base (LSB)
  • Enumerate the various layers that must be traversed to bring a system up to a full graphical desktop
  • Understand the use of the X Window system and the roles of and choices for window and desktop managers
  • Access terminal windows for command line work and deployment choices
  • Access documentation and help resources for Linux systems, including man, info, help, and the –help option

Linux and the Operating System

** The term Linux is often applied rudely to the entire system. In fact, a more rigorous use is to describe the operating system kernel, which is the component that connects hardware to software and manages resources such as memory, CPU, time sharing, and so on. Running just one kernel without all these additional features, and sometimes in the embedded devices of the device.

Linux is now 27 years old (as of 2018). It was first announced by Linus Torvalds, then a student in Finland. When Linux started with Intel’s PC family of computers, it has grown to handle many architectures, almost every computer on the planet, and can be used in everything from very small embedded devices, including watches, to the vast majority of the world’s supercomputers.

Now, Unix and Linux may not be the same thing, but the main Linux developers have a solid foundation on Unix, borrowing many of the basic components, such as inode-based file systems, access to hardware using device nodes, scheduling methods for completion, how to create and destroy processes and threads, These all come from the basic idea of Unix.

In this course, we will discuss the role of Linux distributions and how to use them in this course. We have tested the material on 64-bit versions of three major Linux distributions: Red Hat, which includes CentOS, Scientific Linux, Fedora, and Oracle Linux; Debian, including Ubuntu and Linux Mint; And SUSE, which includes openSUSE.

The Debian distribution is upstream of several other distributions, including Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and others. Debian is a pure open source project that focuses on one key aspect: stability. It also provides users with the largest and most complete software repository. Ubuntu aims to achieve a good compromise between long-term stability and ease of use. For these reasons, we decided to use Ubuntu as a Debian-based reference distribution in our experiments: usually on both DPKG based servers and desktops, using apt-get and front ends to install and update Upstream for Ubuntu, Linux Mint, etc. Current materials are based on Ubuntu 16.04 and 17.10, and should be compatible with higher versions of x86 and x86-64 – Long Term Releases (LTS) Note: Ubuntu is used for demos and experiments, as it is freely available like Debian, but has a wider user base.

sudo (Lab)

It is very dangerous to run a root shell unless absolutely necessary.

If you are using a distribution like Ubuntu, you may not need to perform this experiment to properly configure Sudo for this course. However, you should still make sure you understand the process.

To check if your system is configured to allow you to run Sudo with the user account you use, simply execute a simple command such as:

You should be prompted for the user password, and then you should execute the command.

There are two Graphical Environments and Interfaces

In this lesson, we will talk about how the graphical environment, or layers and interfaces, work on a typical Linux desktop. There are three basic layers and each one has a choice of options for what you can use. These are the X Window System, the Window Manager, and the Desktop Manager.

Linux has many different window managers. They are usually associated with desktop managers, which we’ll discuss next. For the latest version of GNOME, we use something called mutter, and KDE uses something called Kwin. There are others in use. Some are very flashy, others are few and can work very quickly.

Typically, you can select the desktop you want at installation time. If you want to install both software at the same time, you can usually choose GNOME or KDE when booting your system.

Install your choice of GNOME or KDE, or you can use the built-in part

Click alt-f2 to bring up the Run Commands window

3. Getting Help

In this section, we’ll discuss how to get help or instructions when running on a Linux system. Because Linux is an open operating system, it receives contributions from many sources. As a result, you can also get documentation help from many sources.

Info is a hyperlinked system of help, it comes from the Free Software Foundation’s GNU project, and then most commands have help options that you can provide. The shell interpreter has a help command, and you can type help with a command. For many commands, You can get the basic documentation this way.

Info is an easy-to-use documentation system that is hypertext in nature, although it does not require a graphical browser. This document is built using the Texinfo system for a reader you know nothing about.

man is the workhorse of Linux documentation, as it has been on all UNIX-like operating systems since their inception. Its name is short for manual. The above screenshot displays the most common standard sections: NAME, SYNOPSIS, DESCRIPTION, OPTIONS, SEE ALSO, and BUGS. Other sections that might appear include: RETURN VALUE, ERRORS, CONFORMING TO, RESTRICTIONS, AUTHOR, COPYRIGHT, REPORTING BUGS, and EXAMPLES.

When you call MAN in a terminal window, it automatically passes its output to your computer. You’ll notice that the manual pages are referenced by chapter numbers, and the chapter to which a given manual page belongs depends on its subject:

Call display:


If they are run with the **–help option, many commands on the system have a brief discussion of usage and options. For example, try using rm** by calling rm –help.

XXX –help shows the meaning of the XXX command

It is actually part of the Bash shell and only provides information about the commands that are actually the shell itself.

The rm command is used to delete files or directories, but it is very dangerous, so you must be careful when using it.

Multiple man Pages (Lab)

Often, there are multiple man pages (in different chapters of the manual) for a given topic.

Enter $man stat to get a description of the command-line utility.

Using info (Lab)

Enter the info help system for gcc by doing:

Enter $info GCC

If you type **? (or H**, depending on the information version), a screen will be displayed detailing the various key bindings and commands you can type.

Now that you’ve seen this, why not give it a thumbs up

When I first came to nuggets, I have a lot of interesting articles, which will be carried in the future. Welcome to pay attention to oh ~