
Decadent indulgence for a period of time finally have the courage to sum up this experience, I will share this experience with you from the bottom of my heart! First of all, the result was that I did not enter the ideal large factory, but entered a relatively satisfactory factory. Then my background is: base Guangzhou, adult undergraduate course, small factory background, older women’s front-end technology dregs!

The purpose of writing this article is only to encourage those students who aspire to the big factory but are afraid to take the first step for fear of being discouraged. My friends sincerely tell you that it is not the lack of beautiful educational background or excellent technology that prevents you from entering dachang. The only thing that prevents you is your strong desire. Never, ever put limits on yourself!

Do not have super ability and good educational background want to enter big factory, sell chicken blood here again? So what’s your weapon? Time and strategy, of course! It is difficult for ordinary people to enter a big factory. It takes only one or two months for people with strong ability to achieve it, so we can spend one or two years to do it.

Why do you want to enter dachang

This problem is like asking why to want to enter Tsinghua University, the person always wants to be in oneself still can toss about when toss about to move is not! Yes, the bright resume, excellent salary, high-quality contacts are all the reasons why I aspire to the big factory. But my biggest motivation comes from my career plan, which is to become a career coach. This requires me to have an excellent career experience and insight into the nature of the profession and the law ability! And Dachang is my best practice!

Part of the reason is: I think people are a particularly vulnerable to the environmental impact of animals, if there is no target no one else drives tend to fall, so I am eager to your side there are some can not outstanding, but some very love life, positive, willing to give others bring positive energy, and have high request for your friends! .

How to enter big factory

The following are some of the key preparation points that I find particularly important:

  • Find a good mentor
  • Find a group of karmic partners who are willing to do the same
  • Resume-oriented work
  • System to learn
  • Super mental quality (often brainwashing oneself)
  • Adhere to the

Find a good mentor

Get a good mentor. You can pay experienced interviewers who know exactly what you need, what knowledge you need, and how to prepare effectively for a big company. My mentor is Mr. Scott, the founder of Xianzaozhan Conference, who has shaped my sound career outlook. Without him, I would never have dared to enter Dachang. At the same time, he has given me very good tactical guidance and is a very important person in my life.

Find a group of karmic partners who are willing to do the same

Very lucky to read a book called “Can break the King Kong”, this book tells a person to achieve their own wishes have a key step is to find a partner with the same wish you, you have to go all out to help the other party to achieve the wish, this person is your karmic partner.

What I did was set up a large factory group in Guangzhou, and its energy really exceeded my expectation! At the beginning, we just took entering a big factory as a goal to have a try, without thinking about the result. In the process, we encouraged each other, learned from each other, and simulated interviews with each other. The mood and confidence of entering a big factory became higher and higher. In this group, we don’t just share interviews with each other, we also talk about life and how to achieve wealth and freedom. What a lovely group of boys with potential.

Below is a transcript of our incomplete interview questions. If you want to join the group, you can talk to me privately

How to work with a resume

It is impossible for an ordinary person like me to enter a big factory through one or two months. First of all, it must be a system of basic knowledge, and then the depth of knowledge, and finally combined with the knowledge of practical resume work.

I started working on my resume about a year ago. How did I work on my resume? No matter the size of the project I’m working on, I have to figure out the background and the business value of the project before I start working on it. What is my role? What value can I offer? Seriously list the key functions and design technical solutions. The development process is not limited to implementing features, but always thinking about what better implementation can be presented to the interviewer. After the development, I wrote a copy of the document. During the whole process from the dismantling of project requirements to the acceptance of the project, I found out what points I did well and what points I didn’t think well, and how to improve. I often reflected and asked myself why the team/project was different from myself.

How to learn systematically

Draw a brain map of key knowledge, conduct comprehensive knowledge review, study and record for each content branch. Because MY technology stack is VUE, I didn’t include React in the list of key preparation, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t need to prepare react. At least you know the difference between React and VUE. React Hook, Fiber, Vue3 Composition and React Hook

Below are my systematic study notes

Brainwash yourself often

There are certain situations during the interview process: I didn’t get an interview with the company I want to work for, and I consoled myself by saying that I had lost nothing. When I was tired of learning and couldn’t stick to it or couldn’t get the ideal offer all the time, I consoled myself by saying, “You are a person who does great things, and this little thing is nothing in the long run. Anyway, my current direction is right, and I will be admitted to a big factory sooner or later.

Another good way to improve my mood is to go to Zhihu to read articles and books on efficient study and how to self-discipline, which has a very good effect on me.

The most common sentence I heard about karmic partners was, “I almost died on the spot”. Ha ha ha, I felt a lot of pressure in the interview process, but it was more a sense of sufficiency. I felt that I was further from the big factory and further from the goal.

Adhere to the

In fact, I don’t like the word “insist” very much, because it shows a kind of helplessness and pain. Personally, I think a person can continue to do a difficult thing. First, he is confident that he will win. The second is the pride that comes from getting closer and closer. However, when we don’t get feedback or the results are not as good as we expected and we feel depressed, it is necessary to use the word “persistence” to encourage brainwashing ourselves. Tear the thick cocoon wrapped your body, can not pain! Can wait for you will be a new metamorphosis!

The last

As mentioned above, I was decadent for a period of time. The reason for my decadence was that IT raised a flag against my face. I failed to achieve my goal. The reason is that my constitution is not good after I gave birth to my baby, and I did not combine work and rest during the preparation for war, which led to my relatively serious cervical vertebra disease. When the code was serious, I could not knock, and now I am still recuperating. I might have succeeded if I had kept at it, but the big factory was no longer for me.

Can you understand that kind of mood?

I guess a lot of friends will ask me about my education background. The probability of entering a big factory is very low if you have a junior college degree. The big factory may consider a junior college degree for levels above P8, but if you have certain work experience and have a bachelor’s degree, the probability can be raised to 40%-50%. Small friends rest assured liver! I suggest that the students who want to enter the big factory find the factory precipitation transition, into the big factory will be relatively easy.

Finally, I want to talk about interview skills, technology, finance, parenting, reading, animation… You can add my wechat lihaili425, I am definitely a coder worth paying.