This is the second day of my participation in the More text Challenge. For more details, see more text Challenge

Sometimes God doesn’t give you what you want, not because you don’t deserve it, but because you deserve more. Sometimes God doesn’t give you what you want, not because you don’t deserve it, but because you deserve more.

(juejin. Cn/post / 696719…).

Previous Recommendation: Hexo+Github Pages Private Blog (First site)

In the first site, we will learn the general steps of setting up a blog, starting with downloading and installing Git, Node.js, and configuring your personal information on Git.

Today from download Git and node.js began to explain, let the small white also can understand any blog construction, teach you step by step towards the success of the other shore!

Install Git and Node.js

Git and node.js are installed successfully.

Small make up a small video: video address

Download Hexo

When downloading Hexo, we need to create a new folder and name it Blog (Blog for the small edition test). Then right-click Git Bash Here and open it. Run the following command step by step:

npm install hexo-cli -g

npm install hexo-deployer-git --save

It runs like this (it may run slowly) :

To: It is recommended that you use English Blog when you create a folder, otherwise there may be garbled code above.

After running, a new file will appear in this folder, as follows:

Then we need to create a new folder within the Blog file and name it Hexo. Go ahead and right-click Git Bash Here and open it.

The file path is as follows:

Enter the following command in Git:

hexo init

Here’s what it looks like (it’s a little slow) :

After the download is complete, the following files will appear in the file:

3. View the effect locally

Run the following command step by step to view the effect through http://localhost:4000:

hexo generate

hexo server

The running results are as follows:

We finally saw success with http://localhost:4000.

Then we input the above url in the browser to see the effect:

At this point, your local deployment is complete.

The next step is to deploy to Github and configure SSH keys and personal information. After finishing, we have our own website and can record our life at any time.

To be continued…