In the process of writing markdown technical documentation, it is inevitable to use pictures. Here are the best practices for efficient use of Picgo + Ali Cloud OSS+Flameshot

Install xclip

sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y xclip
Copy the code

Install picgo……

Right-click properties set to executable file, click can be used

Change the name of the file to picgo, add the directory to the PATH environment variable, and run the following code in Terminal to open the software

Copy the code

Configuration Chart bed (Aliyun OSS as an example)

  • Register an Ali Cloud account
  • Enable the Aliyun OSS service
  • Copy Corresponding configuration

Install Flameshot

Install command

sudo apt install flameshot
Copy the code

Shortcut key setting

Go to the Keyboard Settings page in System Settings and all existing keyboard shortcuts will be listed. Scroll down to the bottom to see a “+” button. Click the “+” button to add custom shortcuts and enter the following two fields: Name: Any name will do. Command: /usr/bin/flameshot GUI

Software screenshots

Shortcut use

  • Ctrl + Q screenshots
  • Ctrl+C to save to the clipboard
  • Ctrl+Shift+P upload to OSS and return markdown corresponding string

Other mature products

Gold diggers and whisperers are also great tools