Nuggets AMA (Ask me Anything) is a hot topic in nuggets. The nuggets team will invite a technology expert to answer your questions in the form of “you ask me answer”, so that everyone can grow in technology, work and life.

AMA guest

The seventh episode of AMA is written by Vue.js — Yu Yuxi.

  • Personal blog:
  • GitHub:

Here is a confession from Yuyuxi:

Hello, my name is Yu Yuxi, the author of vue.js, and I am currently a full-time independent open source developer. He worked for Meteor and Google in the past and graduated from Parsons school of Design.

As you know, I’m probably all through Vue.js, and with this AMA opportunity, I was hoping to share something other than Vue. I will choose interesting, meaningful and influential questions to answer during 2018.09.04-2018.09.06. You can ask me questions related to “vue.js”, “open source”, “independent development”, “personal growth” and so on. At the end of the AMA, I will select 3 of my q&a friends to give them official nuggets mini program tickets.

AMA time


Activity form

You xiaoyou (Yu Yuxi) asked him a question in the boiling point comment section of #AMA# about vue.js, open source, personal growth, and independent development

Ask a question portal, ask a question button

Tips: Must go to the portal corresponding to the boiling point of the question, otherwise the guest is not to see the question ~

Activity and welfare

Yu xiaorighty will choose 3 friends from all the questions and give them a ticket to the gold nuggets mini program conference (see picture below).

Finally, please move to youxiaoright’s AMA and ask questions to Youyuxi