Small knowledge, big challenge! This article is participating in the creation activity of “Essential Tips for Programmers”.

Download the node. Js

  • Download it at

Installation node. Js

  • No special operations are required. Select an installation path and install it directly
  • After installation is complete, usewin+RShortcut keys Open the CMD command line window, and enternode -vCheck whether the installation is successful

If the preceding version number is displayed, the installation is successful

Install the toolkit for parsing TS

  • The CMD command-line interface is displayed
    • Good speed
      • Input:npm install -g typescript
        • NPM: Package manager
        • Typescript: a tool kit for parsing TS. TSC implements TS -> JS
    • Internet connection is bad
      • First the input:npm config set registry Mirror)
      • Check:npm config get registry
      • Input:npm install -g typescript

  • Check whether the installation is successful
    • Enter TSC and the installation succeeds if a bunch of code appears

Method 1: Use notepad to write

  • Create a Notepad file
  • Enter the following code
    console.log('Hello TS')
    Copy the code
  • Save and modify the.ts extension
  • Go to the cli and enterTSC File name. Ts
  • Ts files can be converted to JS files

Method 2: Use VScode to write

  • Open VScode and create a new folder

  • Open the terminal and type TSC –init to bring in the TS compilation rule configuration file tsconfig.json

  • Modify “outDir”: “./” to “outDir”: “./dist” and uncomment in the tsconfig.json file

    "outDir": ". /"  /*outDir specifies the output folder. The value is a string of folder paths where output files will be placed */
    Copy the code
  • Create a new file named Hello.ts

  • Enter the following code

    console.log('Hello TS')
    Copy the code
  • Click the menu bar -> Terminal -> Run Tasks -> Select current Folder -> TSC Monitor

    • Enable monitor to update JS files in real time

Method 3: Use WebStorm to write

  • Open webStorm, create a new directory, and create a new TS file
  • Enter the following code
    console.log('Hello TS')
    Copy the code
  • Click Terminal in the lower left corner to enterTSC File name. Ts
  • Ts files can be converted to JS files