Make writing a habit together! This is the fourth day of my participation in the “Gold Digging Day New Plan · April More text Challenge”. Click here for more details.

Yesterday was a simple demo of Reactor, today we will take a look at how to operate Redis. The operation method is the same as before, but the original synchronous method is changed to asynchronous implementation. ,

To configure

We need to operate redis, so we need REDis support, so we need JDBC support, we need to import dependencies:

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You need to specify the location of redis:

To get the code

We need the support of ReactiveStringRedisTemplate, but does not provide, so we need to define your own one

ReactiveStringRedisTemplate reactiveRedisTemplate(ReactiveRedisConnectionFactory factory) {
    return new ReactiveStringRedisTemplate(factory);
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We can see that the factory has the redis connection we need.

Use the shared lock CountDownLatch. Since we have a group of two threads doing this, the number of tasks is one. Then, to see the effect, print a wait message.

CountDownLatch cdl = new CountDownLatch(1);"Waiting");
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Query data, this one is simple: it is a functional interface mapping object

List<Coffee> list = jdbcTemplate.query(
        "select * from t_coffee", (rs, i) ->
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To traverse the list as a stream and execute in a single thread:

        .doOnComplete(() ->"list ok"))
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One – to – one mapping is stored in Redis as a stream

ReactiveHashOperations<String, String, String> hashOps = redisTemplate.opsForHash()
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.flatMap(c -> {"try to put {},{}", c.getName(), c.getPrice());
    return hashOps.put(KEY, c.getName(), c.getPrice().toString());
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When done, print OK, followed by setting the expiration time for the key

.doOnComplete(() ->"set ok"))
.concatWith(redisTemplate.expire(KEY, Duration.ofMinutes(1)))
.doOnComplete(() ->"expire ok"))
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Then we subscribe, see if the subscription is successful, and the task is complete.

.subscribe(b ->"Boolean: {}", b),
        e -> log.error("Exception {}", e.getMessage()),
        () -> cdl.countDown());
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You can see that the subscription is successful and the status is correct.

In fact, and we mentioned before the use of redis is not much different, just start another thread, and then the original synchronous operation becomes asynchronous, even a simple example of responsive programming, have you learned?