Technology stack

Spring Boot – An entry-level microframework for microservices that simplifies the initial setup and development of Spring applications.

Eureka – Cloud Service Discovery, a REST-based service for locating services to enable cloud middle-tier service discovery and failover. Spring Cloud Config – A configuration management toolkit that allows you to centrally manage your cluster configuration by placing your configuration on a remote server. Hystrix – Fuse, a fault tolerant management tool designed to control the nodes of services and third-party libraries through a circuit breaker mechanism to provide greater fault tolerance for delays and failures. Zuul – Zuul is a framework for providing dynamic routing, monitoring, resilience, security and other edge services on the cloud platform. Zuul is the front door for all requests from the backend of the Web site for devices and Netflix streaming applications. Spring Cloud Bus – An event, message Bus for propagating state changes in clusters (for example, configuration change events), which can be combined with Spring Cloud Config for hot deployment. SpringCloud Sleuth – Log Collection toolkit, which encapsulates Dapper and log-based tracing as well as Zipkin and HTrace operations, implements a distributed tracing solution for SpringCloud applications. Ribbon – Provides cloud load balancing. You can choose from a variety of load balancing policies for service discovery and circuit breakers. Turbine – Turbine is a tool for aggregation servers to send event stream data to monitor Hystrix metrics under the cluster. Spring Cloud Stream – Spring Cloud Stream encapsulates sending and receiving messages with Redis, Rabbit, Kafka, etc. Feign – Feign is a declarative, template-based HTTP client. Spring Cloud OAuth2 – A Security toolkit based on Spring Security and OAuth2 to add Security controls to your applications. Application Architecture The project consists of eight services

Registry -service registration and discovery config – external configuration monitor – Monitor zipkin – distributed trace gateway – proxy for all microservices interface gateway auth-service-oauth2 authentication service Svca-service – Service A SVCb-service – Service B

The architecture

Docker-compose up -d: docker-compose up -d: docker-compose up -d: docker-compose up -d: docker-compose up -d: docker-compose compose registry config monitor rabbitmq auth-service Or change the corresponding host name in the configuration file of each service. The local IP address is started Registry, config, monitor, zipkin start gateway, auth-service, svca-service, svCB-service

Project Preview Registry access http://localhost:8761/ Default user and password password


The control panel
