Chapter 95 SQL function MINUTE

The minute time function that returns a date-time expression.

The outline

{fn MINUTE(time-expression)}
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  • time-expression– As an expression for a column name, the result of another scalar function, or a string or numeric literal. It must be resolved as a date-time string or a time integer, where the underlying data type can be expressed as%Time,%TimeStamp%PosixTime.


MINUTE Returns an integer specifying the number of minutes for a given time or date-time value. Calculates minutes for $HOROLOG or $ZTIMESTAMP values, odBC-formatted date strings, or time stamps.

The time expression TimeStamp can be of data type % library.posixtime (encoded 64-bit signed integer) or of data type % library.timestamp (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.fff).

To change the default time format, use the SET OPTION command.

Note that you can supply a time integer (the number of seconds that have passed), but not a time string (hh:mm:ss). The date and time string (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm: SS) must be provided.

Date time The time part of the string must be a valid time. Otherwise, an SQLCODE -400 error

will be generated. The minute (mm) portion must be an integer ranging from 0 to 59. Leading zeros are optional at input; Leading zeros are suppressed on the output. You can omit the seconds (:ss) portion of the date-time string, but still return the minutes portion.

Date time The date portion of the string is not validated.

When the MINUTE part is 0 or 00, MINUTE returns zero minutes. Zero minutes is also returned if no time expression is provided, or if the minute part of the time expression is omitted entirely (‘hh’, ‘hh:’, ‘hh:’, or ‘hh::ss’).

You can use DATEPART or DATENAME to return the same time information.

This function can also be called from ObjectScript using the MINUTE() method call:

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The sample

The following examples all return the number 45 because it is the 45th minute of the time expression in the Datetime string:

SELECT {fn MINUTE('the 2018-02-16 18:45:38')} AS ODBCMinutes

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SELECT {fn MINUTE(67538)} AS HorologMinutes

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The following example also returns 45. Here, the second part of the time value can be omitted:

SELECT {fn MINUTE('the 2018-02-16 a little')} AS Minutes_Given

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The following example returns 0 minutes because the time expression is omitted from the date-time string:

SELECT {fn MINUTE('2018-02-16')} AS Minutes_Given

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The following examples all return the minute portion of the current time:

       {fn MINUTE({fn CURTIME()})} AS Min_CurT,
       {fn MINUTE({fn NOW()})} AS Min_Now,
       {fn MINUTE($HOROLOG)} AS Min_Horolog,
27	27	27	27	27
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The following example shows leading zeros suppressed. The first MINUTE function returns length 2, and the others return length 1. The omitted time is considered to be 0 minutes and its length is 1:

SELECT LENGTH({fn MINUTE('the 2018-02-22 11:45:00')}),
       LENGTH({fn MINUTE('the 2018-02-22 03:05:00')}),
       LENGTH({fn MINUTE('the 2018-02-22 3:5:0')}),
       LENGTH({fn MINUTE('2018-02-22')})
2	1	1	1
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The following embedded SQL example shows the TimeSeparator character recognized by the MINUTE function for the locale specified:

/// d ##class(PHA.TEST.SQLFunction).Minute()
ClassMethod Minute(a)
	d ##class(%SYS.NLS.Format).SetFormatItem("TimeSeparator& ", ". ")sql(
		SELECT {fn MINUTE('the 2018-02-22 18.45.38')}
			INTO :a)
	w "minutes=",a
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DHC-APP>d ##class(PHA.TEST.SQLFunction).Minute(a)minutes=45
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