Whether we study or work, we all need some resources to help us solve practical problems effectively.

A lot of people find resources only know on Baidu, but you know what, some resources are Baidu also can not search out, so today xiaobian to introduce you a few good resource website, we hurriedly income bag!

1. The network location 007


An all-around resource search site! Just need to enter the keyword, you can get the video you want, music, compression package and other resources, the Internet is not very easy to find resources can be found here!

2. It’s fun to use


The website is easy to use and fun, website classification super complete, all kinds of film and television, music, learning, welfare website, film and television alone there are up to 50 websites, absolutely let you feast your eyes!

3. Quick screen recording master


The website focuses on mobile screen projection, which will screen the content on the mobile phone to the computer, giving you the experience of changing from small screen to large screen. There are also many free online tools, such as online PHOTOSHOP, image and video format conversion, is absolutely a good helper in your work life!

4.55 the novel network


Yes, the site offers all kinds of novels! Truly do no advertising, no pop-ups, support online reading and offline reading, whether it is love, suspense, supernatural novels, only think of, can not find!

5. Magnetic force


The world is so big, come search and see! A web disk resource search site! If there’s a movie we can’t watch, we can take it to this website and check it out!

6. Computer Pepsi


In life, we often encounter the problem of computer failure, if it is more troublesome to go to the computer repair shop, the website can learn some computer skills to help us solve daily computer problems