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Spring Boot integrates Spring Data JPA
Spring Data
The Spring Data project is designed to simplify building Data access technologies based on the Spring framework, including map-Reduce framework for non-relational databases, relational databases, and access support for cloud Data services.
Spring Data contains several subprojects
Spring Data features: Spring Data provides a unified API to operate on the Data access layer; This specification is mainly implemented by the Spring Data Commons sub-module, which provides a unified standard for accessing Data from both relational and non-relational databases. This standard includes add, delete, change, conditional query, sorting, and paging operations.
Spring Data unified Repository interface:
- Repository
: Unified interface
- RevisionRepository
> : Based on optimistic locking
- CrudRepository
: basic CRUD
- PagingAndSortingRepository < T, ID extends the Serializable > : basic CRUD and paging
Spring Data provides xxxtemplates for Data access classes, such as RedisTemplate, MongoTemplate, and so on
JPA and Spring Data:
- Basic functions of JpaRespository
- Write interface inherits JpaRepository with CRUD and paging capabilities
- Define the method name that conforms to the specification. As long as the method in the interface conforms to the specification, it has the corresponding function
- Such as the method name findByLastnameAndFirstname, keyword is And, the corresponding part JPQL conditions for “WHERE x.l astname =? AND x.firstname = ? “
- The method name findByLastnameOrFirstname, Or keyword, corresponding JPQL
- @query Customize Query SQL
- Specifications queries (Spring Data JPA supports Criteria queries for JPA 2.0)
Spring Data JPA implements CRUD
Create a new project spring-boot-JPA and introduce Spring Data JPA
View the dependency diagram for JPA
Configure the default data source
driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
username: root
password: root
url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test
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Create an entity class, Telsa, and configure the mapping
@Entity // annotated as an entity class
@Table(name = "jpa_tesla") // Set the table name for the entity class
public class Tesla {
@Id // Set the primary key
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) // Set the primary key to autoincrement
private Integer id;
@Column // The column name is the same as the attribute name by default
private String name;
@Column(name = "vehicle_type") // Set the column name
private String vehicleType;
private String factory;
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Create the Repository package and create the TeslaRepository interface inheriting JpaRepository, where the first of the generics is the type of the entity class and the second is the type of the primary key
public interface TeslaRepository extends JpaRepository<Tesla.Integer> {}Copy the code
The JpaRepository interface contains basic add, delete, change, and query methods
Configure JPA in YML
Update or create table
ddl-auto: create
The console displays the SQL being executed
show-sql: true
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If the application is started for the first time and the database has no tables, you are advised to use DDl-auto: create to create a response table based on the entity class. If the application is not started for the first time, you are advised to change it to DDl-auto: update.
JpaRepositoriesAutoConfiguration would not start automatically after HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration automatic configuration configuration
HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration enable class JpaProperties in the configuration
Jpa automatic configuration items are in the JpaProperties classStarting the main program automatically creates a table based on the table name, field name, and primary key growth declared in the attributes and annotations of the entity class.
Based on the startup log, you can determine that Spring Boot automatically executes the table construction sentence
Test the CRUD method of TeslaRepository
Create the TeslaRepositoryTest test class, inject the TeslaRepository and add the save method
public class TeslaRepositoryTest {
private TeslaRepository repository;
public void testSave(a){
Tesla tesla = new Tesla();
tesla.setName("Model 3");
tesla.setVehicleType("Compact Car");
tesla.setFactory("Shanghai Gigafactory"); repository.save(tesla); }}Copy the code
Execute the testSave method
Added the getById method
public void testGetById(a){
Tesla tesla = repository.getById(1);
System.out.println("The queried data is:" + tesla);
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Execute the getById method
Add the @Proxy(laxy=false) annotation to the Tesla entity class and start again
The console displays the queried data successfully.
This error occurs based on the implementation of JPA. When the database is accessed, the current session for database access and operation has been closed and released, so the message no session is available.
Add an update method to the test class
public void update(a){
Tesla tesla = new Tesla();
tesla.setName("Model 3P");
tesla.setFactory("The Flamont Gigafactory.");
tesla.setVehicleType("Four-door sedan");
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Execute update method
Based on the SQL statement executed by the console, JPA first executes the query method to see if it exists, updates it if it does, and creates it if it does not
Add a delete method to the test class
public void delete(a){
Tesla tesla = new Tesla();
Copy the code
Execute delete methodBased on the SQL output from the console, you can determine that the record with ID 1 has been deleted