When UniApp needs to upload the new version of small program, it needs to go to the corresponding platform (wechat/byte/Alipay /..) every time. It’s ok if you don’t do it frequently, but if you update it often, you feel stupid. So we wanted to make it easy and fun with Jenkins & Scripts, just run a command

The initial idea

Implementation steps

I’m using Aliyun’s server here

The deployment of Jenkins

Install the JDK before doing so, which will not be covered here

  • Download the dependent

    Sudo/etc/wget – O. Yum repos. D/Jenkins. Repo PKG. Jenkins. IO/redhat – stab…

  • Import the secret key

    Sudo RPM – import PKG. Jenkins. IO/redhat – stab…

  • The installation

    # yum install Jenkins # yum install Jenkins

If you need to change the port and other configurations, do so in this file. The default is port 8080

vi /etc/sysconfig/jenkins
Copy the code

Start, stop, restart commands

service jenkins start
service jenkins stop
service jenkins restart
Copy the code

The first run need password, the password in/var/lib/Jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword file

After that, the Jenkins environment will be initialized, you can choose the recommended configuration, and some plug-ins will be installed automatically

Configuration making SSH

You need to configure global authentication first because the pull code requires it. Using the Github hosting project as an example, SSH is recommended

Ps :accessToken can also be encrypted free, but accessToken of each project is different. SSH is more common and can be configured once

How to Configure SSH

The following error may occur after the configuration is complete

ssh:connect to host github.com port 22: Connection timed out
Copy the code

Solution: Modify the config file in ~/. SSH /

Ssh.github.com IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsaCopy the code

At this point, it may be possible to clone the code on the server, but running Jenkins still generates a port22 error

Since the Jenkins directory also has.ssh, it may overwrite the.ssh configuration in the root directory


Copy the contents of the system's.ssh directory to /var/lib/jenkin/.ssh/Copy the code

Add Jenkins’ credentials

Manage Credentials

Then add credentials of type SSH

Copy the contents of.ssh/id_rsa here and save

Configuration webHook

WebHook: Notify Jenkins of push or other operations in the source repository and perform build tasks

Refer to the article

Configure the nailing robot

Notify yourself of build results

Why not use QQ/wechat robot: scan code login, no login free mode

Refer to the article

Task allocation

Create a task

Choose free style

jenkins robot

Here you can customize the content in Markdown format and also add images

Configuration of the warehouse


Write a script

Here refer to official documents of wechat, Alipay and Byte

WeChat applet CI tools: developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram…

Byte applet CI tools: microapp.bytedance.com/docs/zh-CN/…

Alipay applet CI tools: opendocs.alipay.com/mini/02q17j

Both provide upload code function

You need to install the above command line tools on Jenkins’ server in advance

Refer to the script
# jenkinsbuild. sh VERSION=$1 UPLOAD_MSG=$2 TAG_NAME=$tag DEV_URL="abct.123.com" if [ -z "$TAG_NAME" ]; then #statements TAG_NAME="dev" fi if [ -z "$VERSION" ]; Then VERSION=" default VERSION 1.0" fi if [-z "$UPLOAD_MSG"]; $TAG_NAME $VERSION $UPLOAD_MSG" $TAG_NAME $VERSION $UPLOAD_MSG "master" ]; Sed -i "" "s/$DEV_URL/$PRODUCT_URL/" SRC /utils/util.js else git checkout Sed -i "" "s/$PRODUCT_URL/$DEV_URL/" SRC /utils/util.js fi echo" Waiting to install NPM dependencies..." NPM install echo "=== NPM install echo "... Waiting to compile various platform applets..." NPM run build:mp-weixin NPM run build:mp-toutiao NPM run build:mp-alipay echo "=== "# echo" Waiting for wechat applets to upload..." Miniprogram-ci upload --pp./dist/build/mp-weixin -- PKP./wxupload.private.key -- appID wx888888888888 -- UV 1.0.0-r 1 - enable - es6 true echo "= = = WeChat small program to upload finished = = =" echo "... Waiting for byte applets to upload..." tma login-e [email protected] passwdxxxxx echo "... Byte login completed, waiting for upload..." Tma upload -v 1.0.0 -c "test upload script 11" -path. /dist/build/mp-toutiao # bytes echo "=== bytes Echo" Waiting for alipay small program to upload..." minidev config set alipay.authentication.privateKey "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- MIxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxs= -----END PRIVATE KEY-----" minidev config set alipay.authentication.toolId 8c15xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx #export MINIDEV_RUNTIME_CONFIG={"alipay.authentication":{"privateKey": "xxxxxxxxxx", "toolId": Minidev upload -a 2021003108610029 -v 1.0.0-p./dist/build/ mp-Alipay echo "=== "#TODO Output Experience qr code associated pin notification configurationCopy the code