This article I will start from the concept and the corresponding topic knowledge points, I hope you can gain something

A prototype,

① All reference types have a _proto_(implicit stereotype) attribute (similar to the next pointer in a linked list), which can access the next element, and the element above it through._proto_.

② All classes have a prototype property, e.g. Object,Function,Array

The _proto_ attribute of all reference types refers to the prototype of its constructor. For example, if arr is an Array instance, then arr._proto_= array.prototype

Second, prototype chain

When accessing an attribute of an object, it looks for the object itself. If not, it looks for its _proto_ constructor. If not, it looks for its _proto_ constructor. And so you go up layer by layer and you create a chain, which we call a prototype chain.

The following example will help you understand the prototype chain:

Arr is an instance of Array



Analysis: Object. Prototype: arr._proto_._proto_. It’s just that _proto_ is looking up.

Interview question:

If A can find b. prototype along the prototype chain, then an instanceof B is true(use _proto_ to find).

Solution: Iterate through the prototype chain of A, returning true if b. prototype is found, false otherwise

const instanceof =(A,B) = >{
    let p = A;
        if(p === B.prototype){
            return true;
        p = p._proto_;
    return false;
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Topic 2:

var foo = {}, F = function(){};

Object.prototype.a = ‘value a’;

Function.prototype.b = ‘value b’;

console.log(foo.a); console.log(foo.b); console.log(F.a); console.log(F.b); Analysis: If the X attribute is not found on the A object, then the x attribute is searched along the prototype chain. (If A is an instance of A Function, then you can’t find it on the class. If you can’t find it on the class, then you can find it on the class.)

Solution: Specify the stereotype chain for variables foo and F, and find attributes A and B along the stereotype chain

So the answer is:

'value a'
'value a'
'value b'
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Foo does not have the b attribute because the prototype chain cannot be traced down, but up, to the point where an instance cannot ask its child Function if it has the B attribute attached

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