This article has participated in the activity of “New person creation Ceremony”, and started the road of digging gold creation together.

Android phones grab packets

The author here is using the happy Escape simulator, as for the previous use of the Night god simulator in the test process will have problems.

Network connectivity

To do the test, of course, network connectivity is the premise

Go to the system setting interface of the simulator, bridge it to the network card of the local computer, assign DHCP address, and restart the simulator after modification

On the WLAN Settings page of the emulator, view the local IP address

Test network connectivity

Use BurpSuite to capture packets

BP side configuration

Select add

Here my local IP is, bound to port 9999, and assigned to the local IP address

Re-generate the CA certificate and save it with the suffix. Cer, cause: the. Ber suffix is not recognized by the simulator

Locate the emulator and local download shared directory, and put the CA certificate you just saved in

Set the proxy server and port, default DHCP

Capturing HTTP packets

Ok add down to capture HTTP packets

This test uses Firefox

HTTPS packets cannot be captured. Cause: A certificate is required

Install the certificate

Go back to system Settings in the emulator and select Security

Install from an SD card

Select the certificate you have downloaded previously

Note that you need to set the lock screen on your “phone” to install the certificate

Capturing HTTPS packets

Firefox Test

The built-in browser test is normal


Fiddle installation package…Extraction code: RQCS

Set up the

tools->Telerik Fiddle Options

Set the port to 8888

Set the agent

Capture HTPP packets

Set up and install the certificate

tools->Telerik Fiddle Options

Choose Action-> Export Root Certificate to Desktop

The certificate can be generated on the desktop and placed in the emulator’s shared file directory (class BP packet capture).

Install certificates (Settings — Security — Install certificates from SD card)

Capturing HTTPS packets

Packet capture on the real machine is similar to that on the simulator.

Refer to blog post:

Fiddler crawls HTTPS requests, resolves “certificate error” warnings – kill0001000 – Blogpark

Using a fiddle just want to be quiet. Blog -CSDN blog _fiddle