
In order to prepare for the golden three silver four job-hopping season, and I am vUE technology stack, so sorted out a number of VUE interview questions.

Every time I read someone else’s blog, I can’t help but look at the answer. In order to test my mastery, I have folded the answer up. You can look at the question first, imagine in your mind what you would say if you were asked, and then expand the answer to see how different it is from your own answer.

The answer is unofficial and personal, for reference only.

Based on using

What is the difference between MVVM and MVC

MVC organizes code structure by separating Model, View, and Controller.

  • Among themViewResponsible for page display logic,
  • ModelStore the business data of the page and perform operations on the corresponding data.
  • ControllerLayer isViewLayer and theModelLayer link, which is responsible for user and application response operations, when user and page interaction,ControllerThe event trigger in theModelLayer to complete the pairModelModify, and thenModelLayer to informViewUpdated layer.

MVVM is divided into Model, View and ViewModel.

  • ModelRepresents the data model, data and business logic are presentModelLayer definition;
  • ViewOn behalf ofUIView, responsible for the display of data;
  • ViewModeResponsible for monitoringModelData change and control view update, handle user interaction operations;

The Model and View are not directly related, but through the ViewModel to be connected, Model and ViewModel have two-way data binding relationship. So when data changes in the Model, it triggers a refresh of the View layer, and data changes in the View due to user interactions are synchronized in the Model. This mode automatically synchronizes the data between the Model and View, so developers can only focus on the maintenance of the data instead of manipulating the DOM themselves.

Does Vue not follow MVVM ideas exactly?

  • strictMVVMrequirementsViewCan’t andModelDirect communication, whileVueprovides$refsThis property, let’sModelIt can be operated directlyViewIt is against the ruleVueNot fully followedMVVM.

The advantages of Vue

  • Progressive frameworks: can be easily introduced in any project;

  • Lightweight framework: Focused only on the view layer, is a collection of views that build data, only tens of KB in size;

  • Easy to learn: Chinese developed, Chinese documents, there is no language barrier, easy to understand and learn;

  • Two-way data binding: Easier data manipulation;

  • Componentization: encapsulation and reuse of logic is realized to a large extent, which has unique advantages in building single page applications.

  • Separation of view, data and structure: it makes it easier to change the data, without the need to modify the logical code, and only need to operate the data to complete the relevant operations;

What are the advantages and disadvantages of SPA single page?

SPA loads the corresponding HTML, JavaScript, and CSS only when the Web page is initialized. Once the page is loaded, SPA will not reload or jump the page because of the user’s operation. Instead, routing mechanisms are used to transform HTML content, interact with the user and avoid page reloading.


  • User experience is good, fast, content change does not need to reload the whole page, avoid unnecessary jump and repeated rendering;
  • It is conducive to the separation of responsibilities at the front and back ends, with clear architecture. The front end carries out interactive logic, and the back end is responsible for data processing.


  • Time-consuming initial loading: to achieve a single pageWebApplication functions and display effects need to be changed when the page is loadedJavaScript,CSSUnified loading, part of the page on demand loading;
  • Is not conducive toSEO: Because all content is displayed in a dynamic replacement page, so inSEOIt has a natural weakness.

How to understand Vue’s one-way data flow?

Updates to the parent prop flow down to the child components, but not the other way around. This prevents accidental changes in the state of the parent component from the child, which can make the data flow of your application difficult to understand.

Every time the parent component is updated, all prop in the child component will be refreshed to the latest value. Vue issues a warning in the browser console when a prop is changed within a child component.

If a child component wants to modify it, it can only send a custom event through $emit. If the parent component receives the custom event, the parent component can modify it.

There are two common situations when trying to change a prop:

  • This prop is used to pass an initial value; This child component next wants to use it as a local prop data. In this case, it is best to define a local data property and use this prop as its initial value:

  • This prop is passed in as a raw value and needs to be converted. In this case, it is best to use the value of the prop to define a calculated property

Why is Data a function?

If data is an object in a component, then the scope is not isolated. The data property values in the subcomponent will affect each other. If the data option in a component is a function, then each instance can maintain an independent copy of the returned object. Data property values between component instances do not affect each other; The instance of new Vue is not reused, so there is no object reference problem.

What is the difference between Computed and Watch?

The Computed:

  • It supports caching and recalculates only when the dependent data changes
  • Asynchrony is not supported whenComputedCannot listen for data changes when there are asynchronous operations in
  • If an attribute is computed by something else, and the attribute depends on something else, you usually use computed
  • ifcomputedAttribute whose attribute value is a function, is used by defaultgetMethod, the return value of the function is the property value of the property; incomputedIn, the attribute has onegetMethods and asetMethod, which is called when data changessetMethods.

To Watch:

  • It does not support caching, and when a property changes, it triggers the corresponding action
  • Support asynchronous listening
  • The listening function takes two arguments, the first the most recent value and the second the previous value
  • The listening data must bedataDeclared in or passed by the parent componentpropsWhen the data changes, other operations are triggered
  • The function takes two arguments:
    • Immediate: The callback function is triggered immediately after the component is loaded
    • Deep: Detects changes within data, used in complex data types, such as changes to objects in an array.

The difference between Computed and Methods

Thing in common:

You can define the same function as a method or as a calculated property. For the end result, both approaches are the same.


  • Computed: Computed attributes are cached based on their dependencies, and are reevaluated only when their associated dependencies change;
  • Method: The call always executes this function.

What does Sync do?

This.$emit and $event are used to modify data provided by the parent component and the child component is not allowed to modify the parent component.

/ / equivalent to the
:money="total" v-on:update:money="total = $event"
Copy the code

Binding events @click=handler and @click=handler () which is correct? What’s the difference?

Either way, an event object will be passed in without parentheses, not with parentheses

What are the modifiers for events?

“Event Modifiers”

  • .stop Prevents the event from spreading
  • . Prevent Prevents the default behavior of labels
  • .capture uses the event capture mode, where events triggered by elements themselves are processed here before they are processed by internal elements
  • .selfOnly in theevent.targetIs triggered when the current element itself
  • The.once event will be raised only once
  • .passive Tells the browser that you do not want to block the event’s default behavior

“Modifiers for v-Models”

  • .lazyWith this modifier, the transition tochangeEvent resynchronization
  • .number Automatically converts user input values to numeric types
  • . Trim Automatically filters the first and last Spaces entered by users

“Keyboard event modifier”

  • .enter
  • .tab
  • .delete (capture the delete and backspace keys)
  • .esc
  • .space
  • .up
  • .down
  • .left
  • .right

System Decoration Key

  • .ctrl
  • .alt
  • .shift
  • .meta

“Mouse button Modifier”

  • .left
  • .right
  • .middle

What is a slot? Named slot? Scope slot? How does it work?

Slot, also known as slot, is the content distribution mechanism of Vue. Slot is a template tag element of a child component, and whether and how a tag element is displayed is determined by the parent component. Slots are divided into three categories: default slots, named slots, and scoped slots.

  • The default slot: Aka anonymous slot, whenslotIs not specifiednameAttribute value when displaying the default slot, only one anonymous slot is allowed within a component.
  • A named slot: a slot with a specific name, i.enameProperties of theslot, a component can have multiple named slots.
  • Scope slot: Can be an anonymous or named slot where the parent component can use data inside the child component when rendering.

Implementation principle: $slot. Default: vm.$slot. Default: vm.$slot. When a slot label is encountered, it is replaced with the contents of $slot. In this case, data can be passed to the slot, or if data exists, the slot can be called a scoped slot.

How do you implement transitions in Vue? How do I implement list transitions?

Transition effects, of course, only work if the DOM goes from show to hide or hide to show

Vue.js provides us with built-in transition components transition and transition-group

Vue divides the transition of elements into four stages: before entering, after entering, before disappearing and after disappearing

The mode attribute is supported. Optional values:

  • in-outThose that must enter first enter, and those that must disappear disappear again
  • out-inThose that want to disappear disappear first, and those that want to enter enter again

Multiple elements that need a transition effect can be distinguished using the name attribute.

You can use animation.css to achieve more animation effects.

Filter function, how to implement a filter

Filters are used to filter data. Declare the filters in the Vue option to implement a filter. The filters do not modify the data, but process the data, changing the output the user sees.

Usage Scenarios:

  • Situations where data needs to be formatted, such as output/display that needs to deal with data formats such as time, price, etc.
  • Let’s say the back end returns oneDate string for year month day, the front end needs to be displayed asHow many days agoIs available at this pointflitersFilters to process data.

A filter is a function that always takes the value in an expression as the first argument to the function. Filter used in the interpolation expression {{}} and v – bind expression, then placed behind the operator | instructions.

For example, in displaying the amount, add units to the commodity price:

< li > commodity prices: {{item. The price | filterPrice}} < / li > filters: {filterPrice (price) {return price ? (A '$' + price) : The '-'}}Copy the code

The difference between assets and static

Similarities: Assets and static both store static resource files. Resource files, images, font ICONS, style files, etc. needed in the project can be placed under these two files, which are the same

Similarities: Static resource files stored in assets will be packaged and uploaded when the project is packaged, that is, when NPM run build is run. The so-called simple packaging can be understood as compression volume and code formatting. The compressed static resource file is eventually placed in a static file and uploaded to the server along with index.html. Static resource files do not need to go through the packaging, compression and formatting process, but directly into the packaged directory, directly uploaded to the server. However, static resource files are not compressed, so the volume of the file is larger than that of the packaged assets file. It takes up more space on the server.

Suggestion: Place style files js files required by the template in the project in assets and go through the packaging process. Reduce volume. The third-party resource files introduced in the project, such as iconfoont. CSS, can be placed in static, because these imported third-party files have been processed, we no longer need to process, directly upload.

The understanding of SSR

SSR roughly means that the whole HTML fragment rendered by vUE on the client side is completed on the server side, and the HTML fragment formed by the server side is directly returned to the client side. This process is called server side rendering.

(1) Advantages of server-side rendering:

  • betterSEO:SSRThe rendered page is returned directly by the server (the data is already included in the page), so the search engine crawler can grab the rendered page;
  • Faster loading on the first screen:SPAWill wait for allVueThe compiledjsAfter the files are downloaded, the page rendering starts. The file download takes a certain amount of time, so the first screen rendering takes a certain amount of time.SSRRender the page directly by the server directly back to display, without waiting for downloadjsFile and then render and so on, soSSRFaster content arrival times;

(2) Disadvantages of server-side rendering:

  • More development constraints: for example, server-side rendering is only supportedbeforCreatecreatedTwo hook functions,
  • Cannot bedomOperation.

This results in some external extension libraries requiring special processing to run in a server-side rendering application.

What are the performance optimizations for Vue

(1) Optimization at the code level

  • v-ifv-showDistinguish use scenarios
  • computedwatchDistinguish use scenarios
  • v-forTraversal must beitemaddkeyAnd avoid simultaneous usev-if
  • Long list performance optimization
  • Destruction of events
  • Lazy loading of image resources
  • Route lazy loading
  • The introduction of third-party plug-ins on demand
  • Optimize infinite list performance
  • Server side rendering

(2) Optimization of Webpack level

  • WebpackCompress the image
  • To reduceES6toES5Redundant code
  • Extract common code
  • Template precompilation
  • Extract componentCSS
  • To optimize theSourceMap
  • Build results output analysis
  • VueCompilation optimization of the project

(3) Optimization of basic Web technology

  • opengzipThe compression
  • Browser cache
  • CDNThe use of
  • useChrome PerformanceFinding performance bottlenecks

What are the first screen load performance optimizations of Vue

Size before optimization

1. Image optimization

Before, in order to make it easier to open, I threw a JPG in the background image directly into assets, which led to the loading of this image took more than ten seconds, so I uploaded the image to the space, and then changed to the network address.

2. Do not generate. Map files

The dist folder in build contains a lot files, which are used to debug code online.

Add this sentence to vue.config.js.

3. Lazy route loading

4. CDN introduces public libraries

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
Copy the code
    / / the CDN
    configureWebpack: {
        externals: {
            'vue': 'Vue'.'element-ui': 'ELEMENT'.'vue-router': 'VueRouter'.'vuex': 'Vuex'.'axios': 'axios'}}Copy the code

It is said on the Internet that you can comment out the import, but you will get an error if you operate it yourself. There is also information that you will not pack without comments.

After a quick operation on the final file, the effect is remarkable, but app.js is still large

5. GZIP compression

It feels like the first four steps are a piece of cake. You can directly dry 1.4m app.js into more than 100 KB, and the rest is nothing to worry about.

 configureWebpack: config= > {
        return {
            / / configure the CDN
            externals: {
                'vue': 'Vue'.'element-ui': 'ELEMENT'.'vue-router': 'VueRouter'.'vuex': 'Vuex'.'axios': 'axios'
            // Configure gzip compression
            plugins: [
                new CompressionWebpackPlugin({

                    test: new RegExp('\.(js|css)$'),
                    threshold: 10240.minRatio: 0.8}}})],Copy the code

The server side also needs to be configured, otherwise the GZIP file will not be recognized.

// Configure the GZIP compression module
const compression = require('compression');
// Before any middleware
Copy the code

The most garbage server through the above several optimization, as fly up!!

Vue initialization page flash problem

When using VUE development, before vUE initialization, div is not owned by VUE, so the code we write will be prone to screen failure before parsing, and we will see words like {{message}}, although this time is usually very short. But we still need to solve this problem.

First: cloak the CSS with [v-cloak] {display: none; }. If the problem is not completely resolved, add style=”display: none;” to the root element. :style=”{display: block }”

How to bind Class and Style dynamically?

Classes can be dynamically bound using object syntax and array syntax:

  • Object syntax:
<div v-bind:class="{ active: isActive, 'text-danger': hasError }"></div>

data: {
Copy the code
  • Array syntax:
<div v-bind:class="[isActive ? activeClass : '', errorClass]"></div>

data: {
Copy the code

Style can also be dynamically bound with object syntax and array syntax:

  • Object syntax:
<div v-bind:style="{ color: activeColor, fontSize: fontSize + 'px' }"></div>

data: {
Copy the code
  • Array syntax:
<div v-bind:style="[styleColor, styleSize]"></div>

data: {
  styleColor: {
  styleSize: {fontSize:'23px'}}Copy the code

How do I make CSS work only in the current component?

Add scoped to the style tag in the component

How to get the DOM

Ref =”domName” $refs.domName

What is vue-loader? What are the uses for it?

A loader for vue files that converts template/js/style into JS modules.

The life cycle

What lifecycle hooks does Vue have?

Vue’s lifecycle hook core implementation uses the publish-subscribe model to subscribe to the lifecycle hooks passed in by the user (stored in an array internally) and then executes the corresponding hook method (published) once during the creation of the component instance.

  • beforeCreateIs:new Vue()Then the first hook is triggered in the current phasedata,methods,computedAs well aswatchThe data and methods on the.
  • created: occurs after the instance has been created, the current phase has completed the data observation, i.e. the data can be used, the data can be changed, the change data is not triggered hereupdatedFunction. You can do some initial data acquisition, which is not available at this stageDomAnd interact, if you want to, throughvm.$nextTickTo access theDom.
  • beforeMount: occurs before mount, before thistemplateThe template has been imported into the rendering function for compilation. The current phase is virtualDomIt has been created and is about to start rendering. Changes can also be made to the data at this point without triggeringupdated.
  • mounted: occurs after the mount is complete, in the current phase, trueDomAfter the mount is complete, the data is bidirectional bound and can be accessedDomNode, using$refsProperties ofDomPerform operations.
  • beforeUpdate: occurs before an update, that is, reactive data is updated, virtualdomBefore rerendering is triggered, you can make changes to the data in the current phase without causing rerendering.
  • updated: Occurs after the update is complete for the current phase componentDomThe update is complete. It is important to avoid changing the data during this period, as this may result in an infinite loop of updates.
  • beforeDestroy: occurs before the instance is destroyed, and the instance is fully usable in the current phase, at which point we can clean up the mess, such as clearing timers.
  • destroyed: occurred after the instance was destroyeddomEmpty shell. Components have been disassembled, data bindings removed, listeners removed, and subinstances destroyed.

If you need to send an asynchronous request, which hook is best placed in?

You can call hook functions created, beforeMount, and Mounted because in these three hook functions, data is already created and can be assigned to the data returned by the server.

It is recommended that asynchronous requests be called in the created hook function, which has the following advantages:

  • Faster access to server data and fewer pagesloadingTime;
  • ssrDoes not supportbeforeMountmountedHook function, so putcreatedChinese contributes to consistency;

Which hooks are triggered the first time the page loads?

BeforeCreate, created, beforeMount, Mounted

Which hook can do DOM manipulation?

Before hook mounted is called, Vue has already mounted the compiled template to the page, so DOM can be accessed in Mounted.

What is the sequence of parent and child lifecycle hooks when nested?

Vue’s parent and child component lifecycle hook function execution sequence can be categorized into the following four parts:

  • Loading the rendering processFather beforeCreate -> The father created -> Father beforeMount -> The child beforeCreate -> The child created -> The child beforeMount -> The child mounted -> Father mounted
  • Child component update processFather beforeUpdate -> The child beforeUpdate -> The child updated -> Father updated
  • Parent component update processFather beforeUpdate -> Father updated
  • Destruction of the processFather beforeDestroy -> The child beforeDestroy -> The child destroyed -> Father is destroyed

When parent and child components are nested, who finishes rendering first, parent or child?

  • Loading the rendering processFather beforeCreate -> The father created -> Father beforeMount -> The child beforeCreate -> The child created -> The child beforeMount -> The child mounted -> Father mounted

The child component completes rendering first

What are the life cycles of keep-alive

  • There are two hook functionsactivateddeactivatedWhen the component is activated, the hook function is triggeredactivatedTriggers the hook function when a component is removeddeactivated.

Instructions related

Talk about the vUE built-in instructions

What is a custom directive? What are the life cycles?

Vue is an extension of HTML elements to add custom functionality to HTML elements. When VUE compiles the DOM, it finds the instruction object and executes the methods associated with the instruction.

Custom directives have five life cycles

  • Bind: Called only once, the first time a directive is bound to an element. This is where you can perform one-time initialization Settings.
  • Inserted: Called when the bound element is inserted into a parent (the parent is guaranteed to exist, but not necessarily inserted into the document).
  • Update: Called when the template to which the element is bound is updated, regardless of whether the binding value changes. Unnecessary template updates can be ignored by comparing the binding values before and after the update.
  • ComponentUpdated: Called when the template to which the bound element belongs completes an update cycle.
  • Unbind: Called only once, when an instruction is unbound from an element.

What’s the difference between V-text and V-HTML?

  • v-text{{}}Expressions render data without parsing labels.
  • v-htmlNot only can you render data, but you can also parse labels.

Priority of V-IF and V-for

When v-if is used with V-for, v-for has a higher priority than V-if, which means that V-IF will be repeated separately in each V-for loop. Therefore, it is not recommended to use v-if and V-for together. If v-if and v-for are used together, vUE will automatically indicate that v-if should be placed in the outer layer.

What’s the difference between V-if and V-show?

  • Means: V-if is a dynamic way to add or remove DOM elements to the DOM tree; V-show controls explicit and implicit by setting the DOM element’s display style attribute.

  • Compilation process: The V-IF switch has a partial compile/uninstall process in which internal event listeners and subcomponents are destroyed and rebuilt as appropriate; V-show is simply a CSS-BASED switch;

  • Compile conditions: V-if is lazy, and if the initial condition is false, nothing is done; Partial compilation starts only when the condition is true for the first time; V-show is compiled under any condition, whether the first condition is true or not, and then cached, with DOM elements preserved;

  • Performance cost: V-IF has higher switching cost; V-show has a higher initial render cost;

  • Usage scenario: V-IF suitable for operating conditions is unlikely to change; V-show is suitable for frequent switching.

How is the component’s V-model implemented?

In the VUE project, we mainly used v-Model instructions to create two-way data binding on form input, Textarea, SELECT, etc. We knew that v-Model was essentially just syntax sugar. The V-Model internally uses different attributes for different input elements and throws different events:

  • texttextareaElements usingvalueProperties andinputEvents;
  • checkboxradiousecheckedProperties andchangeEvents;
  • selectField willvalueAs apropAnd will bechangeAs an event.

Take the input form element for example:

<input v-model='something'>
/ / equivalent to

<input v-bind:value="something" v-on:input="something = $">
Copy the code

Can V-models be used with custom components? If so, how to use it?

If in a custom component, the V-Model defaults to use a prop named Value and an event named input, as follows:

Parent component: <ModelChild V-model ="message"></ModelChild>
Copy the code
<div>{{value}}</div> props:{valueString
methods: {
     this.$emit('input'.'little red')}},Copy the code

Can V-ON listen for multiple methods?


<input type="text" v-on="{ input:onInput,focus:onFocus,blur:onBlur, }">
Copy the code

Component related

N modes of component communication

(1)props / $emitApplicable to parent-child component communication

(2)refApplicable to parent-child component communication

  • ref: If in ordinaryDOMElement, the reference points toDOMElements; If used on a child component, the reference refers to the component instance

(3)$parent / $children$root: Accesses the parent/child/root instance

(4)EventBus ($emit / $ON)It is suitable for communication between father-child, intergenerational, and sibling components

This approach uses an empty Vue instance as the central event bus (event hub), which triggers events and listens for events to communicate between any component, including parent, generational, and sibling components.

(5)$attrs/$listenersIt is suitable for intergenerational component communication

  • $attrs: contains the parent scopepropThe property bindings identified (and obtained)classstyleExcept). When a component does not declare anypropThis contains all the bindings of the parent scope (classstyleExcept), and can passv-bind="$attrs"Pass in internal components. Usually cooperateinheritAttrsOption used together.
  • $listeners: contains objects in the parent scope.nativeModifier of)v-onEvent listeners. It can go throughv-on="$listeners"Passing in internal components

(6)provide / injectIt is suitable for intergenerational component communication

Ancestor components provide variables through provide, and descendant components inject variables through inject. Provide/Inject API mainly solves the communication problem between cross-level components, but its usage scenario is mainly that sub-components obtain the state of the upper level components, and a relationship between active provision and dependency injection is established between cross-level components.

(7)VuexIt is suitable for communication between father-child, intergenerational, and sibling components

Vuex is a state management mode developed specifically for vue.js applications. At the heart of every Vuex application is the Store. A Store is basically a container that contains most of the states in your app.

  • VuexState storage is reactive. whenVueComponents fromstoreWhen the state is read, ifstoreWhen the state changes, the corresponding components are updated efficiently.
  • changestoreThe only way to commit state in is explicitly(commit) mutation. This allows us to easily track each state change.

(8) Slots

Vue3 can obtain slot data through usesolt.

(9)mitt.jsApplicable to any component communication

Vue3 removes $on, $off and other methods, so EventBus is no longer used. The corresponding replacement scheme is mitt.js

How to register global and local components for Vue3 and VUE2?

  • Vue2:Vue.component()
  • Vue3:app.component()

What is a dynamic component? How do hooks for dynamic components perform?

Having multiple components use the same mount point and switch dynamically is a dynamic component

In simple terms, dynamic components is to several components under a hardpoint, the hardpoint is label, it need to binding is attributes, attribute values to the variables in the parent components, variable corresponding values to mount the components of the component name, and then according to the father in a variable component to dynamic display which, also can not display.

Cache < keep alive – >

  • When dynamic components are wrapped, inactive component instances are cached rather than destroyed.
  • Dynamic components can be cached within components so that they are not recreated each time they are switched.

What does keep-alive do? How do components that use keep-alive monitor component switches?

Keep-alive is a built-in component of Vue that can preserve the state of contained components and avoid re-rendering. It has the following features:

  • It is used together with routing and dynamic components to cache components.
  • provideincludeexcludeProperty, both of which support strings or regular expressions,includeIndicates that only components with matching names will be cached,excludeIndicates that any component whose name matches will not be cached, whereexcludePriority ratio ofincludeHigh;
  • There are two hook functionsactivateddeactivatedWhen the component is activated, the hook function is triggeredactivatedTriggers the hook function when a component is removeddeactivated.

How does a parent component listen for the life cycle of a child component?

If the Parent component listens to the mounted component, then the Parent component does some logical processing.

// Parent.vue
<Child @mounted="doSomething"/>
// Child.vue
mounted() {
Copy the code

$emit triggers the parent component’s event manually. A simpler way is to use @hook to listen when the parent component references the child component, as shown below:

// Parent.vue
<Child @hook:mounted="doSomething" ></Child>

doSomething() {
   console.log('Parent listens to mounted hook function... ');
// Child.vue
   console.log('Child component triggers mounted hook function... ');
// The output sequence is as follows:
// The child triggers the mounted hook function...
// The parent listens to the mounted hook function...
Copy the code

The @hook method not only listens for Mounted, but also for other lifecycle events, such as created, updated, etc.

The principle of the related

What does Vue do when it initializes?

Vue initialization process (with mind map)

The first part

⭐ Each Vue instance has a _UID, which is incremented to ensure uniqueness.

⭐ vue instance should not be reactive, mark it.

The second part

⭐ If it is a child component, put some of the deeper properties on the component configuration object in the Vm. $options option to make the code more efficient.

⭐ If it is the root component, merge options, and vue will put all related properties and methods into vm.$options. The vm.$options attribute comes from two aspects, one is predefined by Vue’s constructor, vm.constructor, and the other is the input object passed in when new Vue.

The third part

⭐ initProxy/vm._renderProxy executes the initProxy function in a non-production environment. The _renderProxy attribute of the instance is set to the instance itself in production.

⭐ sets the _self attribute of the instance to the instance itself.

⭐ initLifecycle initializes component instance relationship properties ($parent, $children, $root, $refs, etc.)

⭐ initEvents Initializes custom events.

⭐ initRender initializes slots, gets this.slots, and defines this._c, the createElement method, as the h function normally used.

⭐ callHook executes the beforeCreate life cycle function.

⭐ initInjections initializes the Inject option

⭐ initState is the core of the responsive principle, which handles props, methods, computed, data, and watch.

⭐ initProvide parses the provide object on the component configuration item and mounts it to the vm._provided property.

⭐ callHook performs created lifecycle functions.

The fourth part

⭐ If there is an el attribute, the vm is mounted by calling the vm.$mount method with the goal of rendering the template into the final DOM.

⭐ If the EL does not exist, you need to manually mount it.

The principle of data responsiveness

Vue.js adopts data hijacking combined with publiser-subscriber mode. It hijacks the setter and getter of each attribute through Object.defineProperty() to publish messages to subscribers when data changes and trigger corresponding listening callback. It is mainly divided into the following steps:

  1. useobserveTo recurse to the data that requires a response, add all the attributes of the object and its subattributessettergetterThat way, when assigning a value to a property of the object, it will firesetter, so you can listen for data changes.
  2. compileParse the template instructions, replace the variables in the template with data, initialize the render page view, bind the corresponding node update function for each instruction, add subscribers to listen for data, and update the view once the data changes, receive notification.
  3. WatcherThe subscriber isObserverCompileThe main things to do are:
  • To the attribute subscriber (dep) inside add yourself
  • You have to have one of themupdate()methods
  • To be triggered by property changesdep.notice()Can call its ownupdate()Method and triggerCompileTo complete the view update.

Summary: Use Observer to monitor the changes of their model data, Compile to parse and Compile template instructions, and finally use Watcher to build a communication bridge between Observer and Compile to achieve a data responsive effect.

What are the disadvantages of using Object.defineProperty() for data hijacking?

The following operations cannot be hijacked

  • Add attributes to an object
  • Deletes attributes from an object
  • Most of the operations are arrays

How does the Vue framework implement object and array listening?

The Vue framework listens for operations on some methods of objects and arrays using Object.defineProperty() by iterating through arrays and recursively traversing objects.

What happens when you add a new attribute or delete an attribute to an object attribute in Data in Vue? How to solve it?

Nothing happens because Object.defineProperty() does not listen for such changes.

You can use the vm.$set and vue. set methods to add an attribute.

You can use the vm.$delete and vue. delete methods to delete an attribute.

How to solve the problem that index assignment or array length modification cannot change the view?

Since Vue overwrites only seven methods to modify arrays, Vue cannot detect the following array changes:

  • When you set an array item directly using an index, for example:vm.items[indexOfItem] = newValue
  • When you modify the length of an array, for example:vm.items.length = newLength

To solve the first problem, Vue provides the following operations:

// Vue.set
Vue.set(vm.items, indexOfItem, newValue)
$set, an alias of Vue. Set
vm.$set(vm.items, indexOfItem, newValue)
// Array.prototype.splice
vm.items.splice(indexOfItem, 1, newValue)
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To solve the second problem, Vue provides the following operations:

// Array.prototype.splice
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How is array responsiveness implemented?

Selection of 7 kinds of array (push, shift, pop, splice, unshift, sort, reverse) approach to rewrite

So changing the index and length of an array in Vue is unmonitored. You need to modify the array through the above 7 variation methods to trigger the watcher of the array to update

// src/obserber/array.js\
// Keep the array prototype \
const arrayProto = Array.prototype; \// arrayMethods is then inherited from the array prototype \
// Here is the idea of slice-oriented programming (AOP) -- dynamically extending functionality without breaking encapsulation
export const arrayMethods = Object.create(arrayProto); \let methodsToPatch = [\
  "push", \"pop", \"shift", \"unshift", \"splice", \"reverse", \"sort"\]; \ methodsToPatch.forEach((method) = > {\
  arrayMethods[method] = function (. args{\
    // The execution result of the prototype method is preserved here
    const result = arrayProto[method].apply(this, args); \// This sentence is the key
    // this represents the data itself. For example, if the data is {a:[1,2,3]} then we use a.paush (4) this is a ob is a.__ob__. This attribute is added in the previous code to indicate that the data has been observed in response
    const ob = this.__ob__; \ \// There is a new operation \ on the array
    letinserted; \switch (method) {\
      case "push": \case "unshift":\ inserted = args; \break; \case "splice":\
        inserted = args.slice(2); \default: \break; \} \[/] Call the observeArray of the Observer instance to observe each item in the array if a new element is inserted
    if(inserted) ob.observeArray(inserted); \// We can also detect that the array has changed and trigger the view update operation
    returnresult; The \}; The \});Copy the code

How does $nextTick work?

The callbacks in nextTick are deferred callbacks that are executed after the next DOM update cycle ends. Use this method immediately after modifying the data to get the updated DOM. The main idea is to invoke asynchronous methods to execute nextTick wrapped methods in a microtask-first manner.

This function is automatically executed when the data is updated and rendered in the DOM. The Vue implementation is responsive, instead of the DOM changing immediately after the data changes, the Vue performs DOM updates asynchronously. The DOM manipulation performed by the Created hook function must be placed in the vue.nexttick () callback because the DOM is not actually rendering at the time the function is executed. A common scenario is that after data acquisition, the DOM cannot be obtained when you need to perform the next operation on the new view or other operations. Because assignment only changes the data model and does not update the view.

There is a timerFunc function that executes all callbacks stored in callbacks

Determine if promise is supported natively, and if so, use the promise to trigger the execution of the callback function.

Otherwise, if MutationObserver is supported, an observer object is instantiated and all callbacks are triggered when the text node changes. If neither is supported, setTimeout is used to set the delay to 0.

What does a key do in a list loop?

The key is a unique token for a Vnode in a Vue. With this key, our diff operation can be more accurate and faster. The DIff process of Vue can be summarized as follows: OldCh and newCh variables each have two end oldStartIndex, oldEndIndex and newStartIndex, newEndIndex, they will be old and new node node pairwise comparison, namely a total of 4 kinds of comparative way: NewStartIndex and oldStartIndex, newEndIndex and oldEndIndex, newStartIndex and oldEndIndex, newEndIndex and oldStartIndex, If none of the four comparisons match, if the key is set, the comparison will be performed using the key. During the comparison, the traversal will move towards the middle, and the comparison will end once StartIdx > EndIdx indicates that at least one of oldCh and newCh has been traversed.

So the role of key in Vue is: Key is the unique mark of vnode in Vue. With this key, our diff operation can be more accurate and faster, because it is not local reuse with key, which can avoid local reuse in sameNode function A. key === B. key comparison. Using the uniqueness of key to generate map objects to obtain the corresponding nodes, faster than traversal, source code is as follows:

function createKeyToOldIdx (children, beginIdx, endIdx{
  let i, key
  const map = {}
  for (i = beginIdx; i <= endIdx; ++i) {
    key = children[i].key
    if (isDef(key)) map[key] = i
  return map
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Why not recommend index as key?

Using index as the key is essentially the same as not writing it, because no matter how the array is reversed, index is 0, 1, 2… This arrangement causes Vue to reuse the wrong old child nodes, doing a lot of extra work.

Principle of V-IF, V-show, V-HTML

  • AddIfCondition will be called by V-if, and the corresponding node will be ignored when generating vNode, and the corresponding node will not be rendered when rendering.

  • V-show generates vnodes and render them as real nodes in the render process, but the show attribute value of the node will be modified in the render process, also known as display;

  • V-html first removes all nodes under the node and sets innerHTML to the VALUE of V-HTML.

What array methods are encapsulated in Vue, and how do they implement page updates

DefineProperty is used to redefine each item of the array. We know how to change the array.

  • pop
  • push
  • shift
  • unshift
  • splice
  • sort
  • reverse

These seven, as soon as these methods execute and change the contents of the array, I just update the contents, doesn’t that make a lot of sense?

  1. This is a function hijacking method that overwrites array methods, specifically changing the prototype of the array to its own. When the user calls some methods of the array, they go their own methods, and then notifies the view to update them.
  2. Each item in the array can be an object, so I will observe each item in the array. (Only objects in the array can be observed, and the observed items will not be observed.)

Vue3: Use proxy to directly listen to the change of object array.

What is the principle behind Vue template rendering?

The template template in vue cannot be parsed and rendered by the browser because it is not the browser’s standard, it is not the correct HTML syntax, so you need to convert template into a JavaScript function. So the browser can execute this function and render the corresponding HTML element, and you can make the view run, and this transformation process is called template compilation.

Template compilation is divided into three stages, parsing parse, optimizing optimize, generating generate, and finally generating render.

  • The parse phase: Uses a large number of regular expression pairstemplateStrings are parsed and labels, instructions, attributes, and so on are converted into abstract syntax treesAST.
  • Optimize phase: traversalASTFind some of the static nodes and mark them for page re-renderingdiffWhen comparing, skip these static nodes directly and optimizeruntimePerformance.
  • The generate phase: will be finalASTintorenderFunction string.

What is the Virtual DOM

Virtual DOM is an abstract data structure of DOM nodes in JavaScript. The reason why Virtual DOM is needed is that it is expensive to operate DOM in the browser and frequent DOM operation will cause performance problems. The function of the virtual DOM is to compare the virtual DOM before and after the update and find as few real DOM that need to be updated as possible when the page is re-rendered due to the change of responsive data, so as to achieve the purpose of improving performance.

Does the view perform rerendering synchronously immediately after the value of one of the properties in Vue Data changes?

  • VueIs executed asynchronouslyDOMThe update.
  • As soon as I see the data change,VueA queue is opened and all data changes that occur in the same event loop are buffered.
  • If the samewatcherIf triggered multiple times, it only gets pushed into the queue once. This eliminates duplicate data during buffering to avoid unnecessary calculations andDOMOperationally important.
  • Then, the next event looptick,VueFlush the queue and perform the actual (de-duplicated) work.VueInternally try using native for asynchronous queuesPromise.thenMessageChannelIs used if the execution environment does not support itsetTimeout(fn, 0)Instead.

For example, when you set vm.someData = ‘new value’, the component does not immediately re-render.

  • When the queue is refreshed, the component is next in line to the queue when the event loop is emptytickThe update.
  • In most cases we don’t have to worry about this process, but if you want to do it inDOMDoing something after a status update can be tricky.
  • althoughVue.jsDevelopers are often encouraged to think in a “data-driven” way, avoiding direct contactDOMBut sometimes we do. In order to wait after the data changesVueTo complete the updateDOMCan be used immediately after data changesVue.nextTick(callback) . So the callback function is inDOMIt will be called when the update is complete.

Application scenarios and principles of vue. mixin

In daily development, we often encounter some same or similar codes in different components. The functions of these codes are relatively independent, and they can be separated from the common business logic through the mixin function of Vue. The principle is similar to “object inheritance”. The mergeOptions method is called when the component is initialized to merge, using the policy pattern to merge for different properties. When components and mixins have options with the same name, those options are “merged” in the appropriate way.

Vue.extend Functions and principles

In fact, it is a subclass constructor, is the core API of the Vue component implementation idea is to use the method of prototype inheritance to return the Vue subclass and use mergeOptions to merge the options passed in the component and the options of the parent class.

Vue event binding principle

Native event bindings are bound to real elements via addEventListener, and component event bindings are implemented via Vue’s custom $on. If you want to use native events on a component, you need to add the.native modifier, which is equivalent to adding native events to the parent component by treating the child component as a normal HTML tag.

On and EMIT are based on the publish-subscribe model. They maintain an event center. When on, events are stored in the event center by name and called as subscribers.

How does the virtual DOM work?

The realization principle of virtual DOM mainly includes the following three parts:

  • withJavaScriptObject simulation realityDOMTrees, to the realDOMTo abstract;
  • diffAlgorithm – Compare two virtual treesDOMTree differences;
  • pachAlgorithm – Virtual twoDOMObject differences apply to realDOMThe tree.

The difference between the virtual DOM and the real DOM

  • virtualDOMNo typesetting or redrawing
  • virtualDOMIs to take the truthDOMconvertJavascriptcode
  • virtualDOMMake frequent changes, then compare and change the reality once and for allDOMThe parts that need to be changed, and finally in realityDOMFor typesetting and redrawing, reduce too muchDOMNode typesetting and redraw loss

Ecological related

How many vue-router routing modes are there?

Vue-router has three routing modes: hash, history, and Abstract.

  • hashUse:URL hashValue for routing. Supported by all browsers, including not supportedHTML5 History ApiBrowser;
  • history: rely onHTML5 History APIAnd server configuration.
  • abstract: Support allJavaScriptOperating environment, such asNode.jsServer side. If you find no browserAPIRoutes are automatically forced into this mode.

The difference between the hash and history modes of a route

(1) Implementation principle of hash mode

Early implementations of front-end routing were based on location.hash. The principle is simple: the value of location.hash is what comes after the # in the URL. For example, here’s a website whose location.hash value is #search:
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The hash routing mode is implemented based on the following features:

  • URLhashValue is just a state on the client side, which means that when a request is made to the server side,hashParts will not be sent;
  • hashAny change in value adds a record to the browser’s access history. So we can control it through the browser’s back and forward buttonshashThe switch;
  • Can be achieved byaTag and sethrefProperty, when the user clicks on this TAB,URLhashThe value will change; Or useJavaScriptCome to the rightloaction.hashAssign, changeURLhashValue;
  • We can usehashchangeEvent to listenhashValue to jump to (render) the page.

(2) The realization principle of history mode

HTML5 provides the History API to implement URL changes. The two main apis are history.pushstate () and history.repalcestate (). Both apis allow you to manipulate the browser’s history without refreshing it. The only difference is that the former is to add a history, while the latter is to replace the current history directly, as shown below:

window.history.pushState(null.null, path);
window.history.replaceState(null.null, path);
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The history routing pattern is implemented based on the following features:

  • pushStaterepalceStatetwoAPITo operate the implementationURLThe change of the;
  • We can usepopstateEvent to listenurlTo jump to the page (rendering);
  • history.pushState()history.replaceState()Not triggerpopstateEvent, at which point we need to manually trigger the page jump (render).

How do I get hash changes for a page

Listen for the $route object

// Listen when the route changes
watch: {
 $route: {
 handler: function(val, oldVal){
  // Deep observation monitor
 deep: true
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A route is a router

$router is an instance of VueRouter. To navigate to different urls in script tags, use the $router.push method. Return the previous history with $

$route indicates the current router jump object. You can obtain the name,path,query, and parmas of the current route.

How do I define dynamic routes? How do I get the passed dynamic parameters?

You can do this in either query or Param

The difference is that query is passed through the URL and the page is refreshed. The Params property page is not present

Types of params:

  • Configure the route format:/router/:id
  • Delivery mode: inpathFollow with the corresponding value
  • The path formed after transmission:/router/123
  • through$route.params.idGets the passed value

The class type of query

  • Configuring the Routing Format:/routerThat is, common configuration
  • Method of passing: used in objectsquerykeyAs a means of delivery
  • The path formed after passing:/route? id=123
  • through$route.queryGets the passed value

Vue-router Specifies the navigation guard

How many hook functions does vue-router have? What is the specific and what is the implementation process?

What is the difference between vue-router jump and location.href

Use location.href= /url to jump, simple and convenient, but refresh the page;

PushState (/url), no page refresh, static jump;

Router is introduced, and router.push(/ URL) is used to jump to the router. Diff algorithm is used to load on demand and reduce DOM consumption.

There is no difference between using the router to jump and using history.pushstate (), because the vue-router uses history.pushstate (), especially in history mode.

Difference between Params and Query

Usage: Query is introduced with path, params is introduced with name, and the received parameters are similar: this.$ and this.$

Query displays parameters in the browser address bar, while Params does not display parameters in the browser address bar.

Note: The query refresh does not lose the data in query, and the params refresh does lose the data in params.

The principle of Vuex

  • Vue components trigger (dispatch) events or Actions, called Actions;

  • The action sent out in the component must want to obtain or change data, but in VUEX, data is centrally managed and data cannot be changed directly, so this action will be submitted to Mutations.

  • Then Mutations changes the data in State;

  • When the data in State is changed, it is re-rendered to the Vue Components, and the component displays the updated data to complete the process.

How many properties does Vuex have

There are five kinds, respectively

  • State: Data structure that defines the State of the application, where the default initial State can be set.
  • Getter: Allows components fromStoreTo obtain data from,mapGettersThe auxiliary function is just going to bestoreIn thegetterMap to local computed properties.
  • Mutation: is the only changestoreAnd must be a synchronization function.
  • Action: for submissionmutation, rather than changing state directly, can include any asynchronous operation.
  • Module: allows to be singleStoreSplit into multiplestoreAnd simultaneously stored in a single state tree.

What is the difference between Vuex and a pure global object?

  • Vuex’s state storage is reactive. When the Vue component reads the state from the Store, if the state in the store changes, the corresponding component is updated efficiently accordingly.

  • You cannot change the state in the store directly. The only way to change the state in the store is to commit mutation explicitly.

Difference between Action and mutation in Vuex

  • Mutation focuses on modifying State, which is theoretically the only way to modify State; Action Business code, asynchronous request.

  • Mutation: must be executed synchronously; Action: Can be asynchronous, but cannot operate State directly.

  • When a view is updated, actions are triggered, and mutations are triggered by actions

  • The mutation parameter is state, which contains the data in the store; The action argument is context, which is the parent of state and contains state, getters, and so on.

Why can’t Vuex mutation do asynchronous operation?

  • The only way to update any state in Vuex is mutation, and the asynchronous operation is implemented by submitting mutation via Action. This makes it easy to track each state change, which makes it possible to implement tools to better understand our application.

  • Each mutation will correspond to a new state change so devTools can take a snapshot and save it. If mutation supported asynchronous operations, there was no way to know when the state was updated, and no tracking of the state was possible, making debugging difficult.

Difference between Vuex and localStorage

(1) The most important difference

  • vuexIt’s stored in memory
  • localstorageIt is stored locally as a file and can only store data of the string type, which is required for storing objectsJSONstringifyparseMethod to process. Memory is faster to read than hard disk

(2) Application scenarios

  • VuexIs a designed forVue.jsState management patterns for application development. It uses centralized storage to manage the state of all components of an application and rules to ensure that the state changes in a predictable way.vuexUsed to pass values between components.
  • localstorageLocal storage is a method of storing data to the browser, typically when passing data across pages.
  • VuexCan be responsive to data,localstorageCan’t

(3) Permanence

When the page is refreshed, vuex values are lost, but localStorage does not. For unchanged data, localstorage can be used instead of vuex.

What is the strict mode of Vuex, what does it do, and how to open it?

In strict mode, an error is thrown whenever a state change occurs that is not caused by a mutation function. This ensures that all state changes are tracked by the debugging tool.

In the constructor option, as shown below

const store = new Vuex.Store({
    strict:true,})Copy the code

How do I batch use Vuex’s getter property in components

Use the mapGetters helper function to mix getters into a computed object using the object expansion operator

import {mapGetters} from 'vuex'
export default{
    computed: {... mapGetters(['total'.'discountTotal'])}}Copy the code

How do I reuse Vuex mutation in a component

Use the mapMutations helper function, and use it in the component

import { mapMutations } from 'vuex'
methods: {... mapMutations({setNumber:'SET_NUMBER'})},Copy the code

What can I do if Vuex page refresh data is lost

  1. In the Created cycle, data in sessionStorage is stored in store. In this case,’s replaceState method is used to replace the root state of store

  2. Store. State to sessionStorage in the beforeUnload method.

export default {
  name: 'App'.created() {
    // Read the status information in sessionStorage during page loading
    if (sessionStorage.getItem("store")) {
        this.$store.state, JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("store"))))}// Save vuex information to sessionStorage during page refresh
    window.addEventListener("beforeunload".() = > {
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3.0 related

What’s new to Vue3.0

Most of the Vue3 is here. [Beginner’s notes] Sort out some Vue3 knowledge points

Differences between Vue3.0 defineProperty and Proxy

Vue3. X uses Proxy instead of Object.defineProperty. Because proxies can listen directly for changes in objects and arrays, there are as many as 13 interception methods.

Proxy versus Object.defineProperty

Advantages of Proxy are as follows:

  • ProxyYou can listen directly on objects rather than properties;
  • ProxyYou can listen for array changes directly;
  • ProxyIt returns a new object, and we can just manipulate the new object for our purposes, whileObject.definePropertyCan only be modified directly by traversing object properties;
  • ProxyAs the new standard will be subject to browser vendors focus on continuous performance optimization, which is the legendary performance bonus of the new standard;

Object.defineproperty has the following advantages:

  • Good compatibility and supportIE9.

What are the changes in the Vue 3.0 lifecycle?

Note: Lifecycle hooks in 3.0 are faster than the same lifecycle hooks in 2.x

The Composition API also adds the following debug hook functions: but not very often

  • onRenderTracked
  • onRenderTriggered

What are the changes in Vue 3.0 custom commands?

Take a look at the hooks of the Vue2 custom instruction

  • Bind: Triggered when an instruction is bound to the corresponding element. It only triggers once.
  • inserted: When the corresponding element is inserted intoDOMIs triggered when the parent element of.
  • Update: This hook is triggered when an element is updated (while its descendants have not triggered the update).
  • ComponentUpdated: This hook fires when the entire component (including its children) is updated.
  • Unbind: This hook is triggered when a directive is removed from an element. It only triggers once.

In Vue3, the custom instruction’s hook name was changed to look more like the component lifecycle, although they are two different things, in order to make the code more readable and uniform

  • bind => beforeMount
  • inserted => mounted
  • BeforeUpdate: New hook that fires before the element itself is updated
  • Update => Remove!
  • componentUpdated => updated
  • BeforeUnmount: New hook that is triggered before the element itself is unmounted
  • unbind => unmounted

After the language

Finally, I wish everyone in the New Year, can find satisfactory work, promotion and pay, earn pot full pot full!