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Hello everyone, I am Yu PI, today share several GitHub very useful Java documentation project, including Java basics, class library framework, system design, source code analysis, etc.

The benefits of studying with documents are that you can control your own pace and take notes more easily. Those of you who are accustomed to learning by reading documents should not miss the following items.


On Java 8

The Chinese version of On Java8 is an online learning manual for Java8 (mainstream Java version). It supports searching content in documents and is suitable for beginners to start Java.

Originally an open source project, the project is no longer maintained due to the recent publication of a paper book.


Java learning + interview guide, an electronic document that covers the core knowledge that most Java programmers need to master.

This document covers not only the basics of Java, but also the essential skills of Java backend engineers, such as MySQL, Redis, system design, etc. Not only is a tutorial, but also a complete summary of Java related technology stack knowledge!


This is a Java learner’s notes, including Java basics, frameworks, Android development, design patterns, data structures and algorithms, networks, and even my own interview experience, very comprehensive!

It is suggested that all students who learn programming should learn this project and record and sort out what they have learned.


A Java learning note, including blog explanations and source code examples, including Java SE and Java Web, etc.

The notes mainly summarize some basic features and programming details, suitable for students who understand the basic Java syntax and want to consolidate the knowledge points they have learned and further study.

The class library framework

SpringBoot Guide

JavaGuide is the author of Guide brother, another well-known Guide project, focusing on SpringBoot tutorials and knowledge summary, but also organized some practical projects to help you practice. Help you learn SpringBoot from 0 to 1 and strengthen your understanding of the Spring framework.


To quote the author’s introduction to the project: This is a Spring Cloud tutorial that covers most of the core components, including Spring Cloud Alibaba and Distributed Transaction Seata, based on Spring Cloud Greenwich and SpringBoot 2.1.7. 22 articles, highlights and 32 demos covering most application scenarios.

After scanning the catalog, I have explained almost all knowledge points and application scenarios of Spring Cloud, which is very suitable for students who have been able to develop single applications and want to learn distributed and micro-service development.


The Spring Security module is a new project from JavaGuide’s author, Guide, which will take you from scratch.


Guava is Google’s well-known open source library, which contains many high-quality apis to make your Java code more elegant and concise.

This project is a study of Guava, a well-known Java class library, to help you use Guava well and make your work more efficient and pleasant.


RxJava is essentially an asynchronous operation library, is a can let you use extremely simple logic to deal with complex tasks of the asynchronous event library, loved by the majority of Android developers.

This project is a detailed RxJava learning guide & guide, from the entry, principle to actual combat, are very thorough explanation, to help you get started RxJava.

The system design


A set of e-commerce system practical learning tutorial, including the architecture, business, technical points of the comprehensive analysis. The e-commerce system uses the current mainstream technology to achieve. It covers SpringBoot, MyBatis, Elasticsearch, RabbitMQ, Redis, MongoDB, Mysql and other technologies, and uses Docker container deployment.

The project is very excellent in both the breadth and depth of technology, if you can follow the author’s ideas to complete the study and their own implementation, will be able to master most of the Java back-end development knowledge points!


The second kill system has always been a difficulty in the development field. This project is the design and implementation of seckill system, to help you learn the key design of seckill system, expand your thinking, and grow into an excellent Internet engineer.

The source code


Java popular framework source code analysis project. Currently contains Spring source code, SpringBoot source code, SpringAOP source code, SpringSecurity source code, SpringSecurity OAuth2 source code, JDK source code, Dubbo source code, etc.. Explanation is very thorough, can help you better through learning the framework of the underlying source code to improve their own level, in the factory interview in many candidates stand out!


Focus on JDK source reading notes, has read hundreds of JDK classes, suitable for students who also want to in-depth understanding of JDK reading learning.

That’s it. I hope it’s helpful

There are plenty of great Java learning projects on GitHub, but instead of categorizing them as tutorials, I’ve grouped them into other categories that I’ll recommend later!

All resources are in the project summary/tutorials: