Recently Tableau really brush the screen, friends around have “wall crack” recommendation, its powerful data processing and visualization analysis is said to be 10-100 times higher than traditional Excel and other existing solutions, can be called [report network red]. Similarly, we MadPecker in the field of testing can also help testers, developers to improve the efficiency of 10-100 times, [testing network red] deserves its name.

For most teams, testing should be a “nightmare”. The recording of test cases, the orchestration of test plans, and the tracking and fixing of bugs during testing will directly affect the quality of the project. Today, Peck shares how to make each team’s testing more efficient.

Use test frameworks efficiently

When a tester receives a test assignment for a new project, he or she must have a clear idea of how to test it. To this end, we built a complete set of testing framework, from use case recording to BUG submission to form a standard testing mechanism, even the test novice can almost complete the test task without learning cost.

About the problems that some users raised during the testing process:

1. Incomplete writing of test cases, always feeling that there are gaps

2. The depth of test cases is not enough. Only some superficial problems can be found

3. There are always dots and dots in the test process. There is no project test according to the scenario, and we do not know the usage habits of actual users

In view of similar problems, we unified the writing specifications of test cases based on long-term accumulated experience, aiming at improving the readability, executability and rationality of test cases. Because writing test cases is the foundation of the entire testing process, without laying the foundation well, the test results speak for themselves. Therefore, when writing test cases, testers need to divide use cases by the smallest functional modules, so as to ensure that use cases cover a wide enough range, and greatly reduce the occurrence of subsequent problems.

So how do you use a testing framework effectively? We suggest testing the main line before the branch line. The main line refers to the route taken by real users to complete a set of normal processes, while the branch line refers to the functional modules and functional details surrounding the main line. The same frame can be used for these two routes in the system.

In order to ensure that the testing process is more close to the real user’s use situation, we built reusable test cases and test scenarios to facilitate people to use the scenario method for testing. Scenario method is to improve the test effect by using scenarios to describe the function points or business processes of the system. Reusable use cases and scenarios also help testers greatly improve their productivity.

Similarly, test execution is part of the testing framework. Test execution quantifies all test cases and then assigns them together to the implementation leader, and ensures the validity of the test plan and establishes each test
Phase test completion and criteria for test success and goals to be achieved. Through the two indicators of pass rate and completion degree in execution, testers or project leaders can clearly understand the completion of this round of testing and risk assessment of the project.

In the testing process, we set up a BUG feedback mechanism, and the bugs generated during the execution are directly fed back to the developers, making the whole testing process form a closed loop.

Build a testing community of online celebrity products

Within a few months of the launch of MadPecker test management function, a large number of teams flocked to MadPecker and took MadPecker as their primary test management tool, which made our products in the industry to build a certain degree of popularity. Here, On behalf of the whole team, Xiaopeck would like to thank you for your trust. At the same time, we also welcome more and more teams to join in, so that each team’s testing becomes more efficient!