The first line} {# custom – id

1. Title:#

To create a title, you can add a # sign and a space in front of it.

Primary title

The secondary title

Level 3 title

Level 4 titles

Five titles
Level 6 headings (The last level headings)

####### Level 7 title (not present)

P: You can also add any number of == signs below the text to identify primary headings, or — signs to identify secondary headings. Such as:

Use a level 1 heading with the = sign

Use a secondary heading with a – sign

Note: Separate the equals or minus sign from the text above with a space

2. Paragraph

There is no syntax for creating paragraphs: type directly from the beginning using the carriage return, making sure that no Spaces or tabs are placed before the text

3. Line breaks

  • You can add two Spaces to the desired line feed and press Enter to complete the line feed
  • Or use<br>The tag is wrapped.

4. Emphasize

Bold font (Blod)

To use bold text, add two asterisks before and after the word or phrase.

Here is to use** Bold content **Way to bold

Set toOblique font

To bold text, add two asterisks before and after the asterisks you want to set to italic note: Do not touch space inside the asterisk, otherwise it will fail.

To be thick and slant, add three asterisks:

The font here is thick and slant because it’s added before and after* * *And there are no Spaces

5. References

The reference syntax adds the > symbol to the front of a line

This is where references are used

And you can have a reference inside of a reference which is >>

This is a tertiary reference

Here are some examples

Here are five level citations

Here are some examples:

Here are seven level references

Here is a grade 8 quote

Here are nine level references

Here are ten citations


To use several levels of reference, add a few > before the reference line. To break the reference, add a carriage return after the reference line.

Other syntax can be set inside a reference:

The title of grammar

  • The list of grammar

Italic bold. And so on

A list of 6.

An ordered list

Add a number to each list item followed by an English period, as in

… Note: Ordered lists all start with 1

Unordered list

Computation symbols plus, minus, times + – * are recognized as unordered lists.

  • Use the – sign like this
  • Use the + sign like this
  • Use the asterisk like this
  • Note:
    • Different symbols create lists that are new lists that have gaps
    • If you want to use depth symbols you can use the Tab key
    • Other elements can be nested between lists
    • The inner depth can use other list symbols such as: 1. Use the ordered symbol 2.

7. Code syntax

The code can be wrapped in backquotes so that it can be displayed directly as

, and double backquotes if there are backquotes

If you create code blocks, you can indent each line with four Spaces or a TAB character.

8. Dividing line

Use multiple asterisks on a single line

Or use multiple dashes which are minus signs

Or multiple underscores _

Suggestion: Use an asterisk (*) or underscore (_)

9. Hyperlinks

The text of the link is placed in [], and the address of the link is placed in parentheses immediately following the middle parentheses. For example: link to Baidu

Angle brackets <> are also used to turn urls into clickable hyperlinks, such as

  • Links can add emphasis such as bold slant

10. Add images

First add an exclamation mark! The Alt of the image is placed in brackets [], the url of the image is placed in brackets () immediately after the brackets, and the title of the image is placed in double quotes after the url of the brackets. Such as:

Escape characters

That is, the symbol to be escaped is preceded by a backslash \.

Special escape characters < and &

In HTML files, there are two characters that require special handling: < and &. < is used for start tags, and ampersand is used to mark HTML entities. If you only want to use these symbols, you must use the entity form, such as < And & amp; .

12. HTML tags

You can use HTML tag syntax inside Markdown. However, Markdown syntax cannot be used within HTML tags.

Extension: 13. Tables

Create a table This is the head of the table
This is the inside of the table Add content here
# # alignment
You can do this by adding a colon (:) to the left, right, or both sides of the hyphen in the header line
Such as:
Syntax Description
: – : – :
Header Title
Paragraph Text
Header Title
Header Title
  • A list level rule image cannot be referenced within a table using a title block
  • The escape pipe character in the table isThe & # 124;

Extension: 14. Fence code

Enclose a block of code with three back quotes or three tilde characters

Here's the code block and use the backquotes <div></div>Copy the code
Here's the code block and use the tilde <div></div>Copy the code

Syntax highlighting

// Syntax is highlighted here
let a=1;
let b="a";
function c(){
    const d=[];
Copy the code
Copy the code

Extension: 15. Footnotes

Add ^ to square brackets [] is it too much to add a footnote here? 1 Would it be okay to add another one here? 2

Extension: 16. Anchor link

{#a} Title number

You can add curly braces {} to the title and add the ID of the title after # within the curly braces.

The anchor link

Use hyperlink syntax, but enter the anchor ID at the URL. [link name]({link})

Extension: 17. Define lists

Some Markdown processors allow you to create a definition list of terms and their corresponding definitions. To create a list of definitions, type the terms on the first line. On the next line, type a colon followed by a space and definition.

First Term : This is the definition of the first term.

Second Term : This is one definition of the second term. : This is another definition of the second term.

Extension: 18. Delete line

Wrap the contents of the strikeout with two tilde symbols ~~. A delete line is added here.

Extension: 19. Task list

The minus sign with brackets [] indicates whether the box is checked.

Extension: 20.Emoji


Extension: 21. Enter the url to jump directly…

You can use backquotes if you don’t want to jump.

  1. Here’s footnote 1↩
  2. Here’s footnote 2↩