Before we said a lot of Java combat project, today then bring you Java combat game project!

Tanks Wars is a flat shooter game developed by Namco Games and released in 1985. With the theme of tank fighting and base defense, the game combines all the elements of classic game success — easy to play, upgraded, rich levels, double play, and a serious editing mode. It was a popular game in its day.

Today we will try, how to use Java to make tank war this classic game!

Tank Wars is a simple game where you kill all enemies without destroying your base. There are many kinds of enemies in the game, the terrain is also a lot of change, coupled with random upgrade props, the game is very playable, how many players have to grab the stars even don’t want to die! There’s more to the game than that. The rigid rules of shooting friendly forces in a two-player game, coupled with the fact that you can blow up your own base, make Tank Wars a perfect match for your friends. You make me stiff and get killed, AND I just tear down my hometown to get back at you, and usually at the end of the game, it turns into mortal Kombat.

I’m going to show you a video tutorial


This course explains the detailed writing process of a Tank War game. Even if you are new to Java, as long as you simply master the basic knowledge of javase, you can follow the tutorial video to complete your own tank War game! It also deepens and solidifies your understanding of object-oriented knowledge.

Development environment: JDK1.8

Development tool: Eclipse JavaEE

The basics are as follows: variables, data types, judgment statements, loop structures, arrays, collections, random number generation, simple window creation, graphics and pictures drawing, dual caching techniques, keyboard events, object collision detection.

Hopefully, everyone will eventually make their own game

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