This is the third day of my participation in the August More text Challenge. For details, see:August is more challenging

DVWA Target Field – Ubuntu setup method

Damn Vulnerable Web App DVWA (Damn Vulnerable Web App) is a PHP/MySql based Web application designed to provide a legitimate environment for security professionals to test their skills and tools, and to help Web developers better understand the Web application security process.

Environment description

Ubuntu Server installs the DVWA platform

The installation process

  1. Install Apache2
sudo apt install apache2 -y
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  1. Installing PHP
sudo apt install php -y
sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php -y
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  1. Install and configure the MySQL database
Sudo apt install mysql-server php7.2-mysql-y sudo apt-get install mysql-clientCopy the code

(1)MySQL security configuration wizard. After installing mysql-server, it will prompt you to run mysql_secure_installation

  • Set the password for user root
  • Delete anonymous Accounts
  • Cancel the remote login as user root
  • Delete the test library and access to the test library
  • Refresh the authorization table for the modification to take effect
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(2) If no configuration information is displayed during the installation, check the initial password:

sudo vim /etc/mysql/debian.cnf
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The initial password is found in the password field of the file

Such as:

password = GHsacqwdq1356465
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Mysql > use this password to log in to mysql:

mysql -u debian-sys-maint -p GHsacqwdq1356465
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After successful login, change the password:

use mysql; Update user set authentication_string=PASSWORD(" custom PASSWORD ") where user='root'; update user set plugin="mysql_native_password"; flush privileges; quit;Copy the code

And then restart mysql

/etc/init.d/mysql restart;
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New password for logging in to the mysql database

Mysql -u root -p password;Copy the code
  1. Install phpmyadmin
sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin
sudo apt-get install php-mbstring
sudo apt-get install php-gettext
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  1. Download the DVWA package from the official website

  1. Move the decompressed DVWA package to the /var/www/html/ file in Ubuntu.
sudo cp DVWA-master /var/www/html/
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  1. Configure DVWA by modifying

Note Change the name of the file and the password used to link to mysql in the file to the password used to configure mysql.

cd /var/www/html/DVWA-master/config/
sudo cp
sudo vim
Copy the code


  1. You can use Windows browser ubuntu Server IP address +DVWA-master to access

eg: http://IP:80/DVWA-maste

Refer to the link

Use Docker to build Web vulnerability test environment



Freebuf series reference articles…

DVWA website