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  • Supports object, array, date, re copy.
  • Handle primitive types (primitive types return directly; only reference types have the concept of deep copy).
  • Handle Symbol as the key name.
  • Handling functions (functions return directly, there is no point in copying functions, two objects use functions with the same address in memory, there is no problem).
  • Handle DOM elements (DOM elements are returned directly, there is no point copying DOM elements, they all point to the same page).
  • Open up an additional storage space, WeakMap, to solve the problem of cyclic reference recursive stack explosion (introduce another meaning of WeakMap, with garbage collection mechanism, to prevent memory leakage).


function deepClone (target, hash = new WeakMap(a)) { // Create an extra storage space, WeakMap, to store the current object
  if (target === null) return target // If null, no copy operation is performed
  if (target instanceof Date) return new Date(target) // Processing date
  if (target instanceof RegExp) return new RegExp(target) // Process the re
  if (target instanceof HTMLElement) return target // Handle DOM elements

  if (typeoftarget ! = ='object') return target // Handle primitive types and functions without deep copy, return directly

  // Deep copy is required for reference type
  if (hash.get(target)) return hash.get(target) // When you want to copy the current object, first go to the storage space to find, if there is a direct return
  const cloneTarget = new target.constructor() // Create a new clone object or clone array
  hash.set(target, cloneTarget) // If there is no storage space, store it in the hash

  Reflect.ownKeys(target).forEach(key= > { // introduce reflect. ownKeys to handle Symbol as the key name
    cloneTarget[key] = deepClone(target[key], hash) // Copy each layer recursively
  return cloneTarget // Returns the cloned object
Copy the code

Test it out:

const obj = {
  a: true.b: 100.c: 'str'.d: undefined.e: null.f: Symbol('f'),
  g: {
    g1: {} // Deep objects
  h: []./ / array
  i: new Date(), // Date
  j: /abc/./ / regular
  k: function () {}, / / function
  l: [document.getElementById('foo')] // Introduce the meaning of WeakMap to handle DOM elements that may be cleared

obj.obj = obj // Circular reference

const name = Symbol('name')
obj[name] = 'lin'  // Symbol is the key

const newObj = deepClone(obj)

Copy the code

The process of writing deep copies by hand can be found in this article:

Easy to get JS shallow copy, deep copy

At the end

If my article is helpful to you, your 👍 is my biggest support ^_^

I’m Allyn, export insight technology, goodbye!

The last:

“Front End daily Question (16)” The difference between deep copy and shallow copy?

Next up:

How to convert pseudo-arrays into arrays in JS