The Dragon Lizard community has achieved some achievements in more than a year, which is inseparable from the efforts of every developer. Starting from scratch, we have faced many difficulties and challenges together, and witnessed the growth of the community — the establishment of 40+ SIG Group, the launch of Anolis OS Community version, the release of Anolis OS LoongArch GA version, and the Dragon Dragon community and the Dragon Dragon OPERATING system on the 2021 “KEChang China” Open Source Innovation List. Developers and the open source community complement and complement each other. The experience of these individuals in the draconis community is valuable, and we hope that more people can see the power of technology.

Therefore, the community officially launched “Dragon Lizard developers say”, inviting developers to share real experience, to meet friends, learn together, progress together. Developers say that this is a long-term activity. For children’s shoes that have been actively submitted and shared for many times, we have a mysterious gift to encourage them! The first story, we invited dragon lizard community developer Ge Liwei to share.

Ge Liwei, Distro SIG/LoongArch SIG, serves as a core member of the Dragon Lizard community and enjoys researching community distributions. Contributed a series of code such as dual cores to the release while participating in the community; At the same time, I also actively participate in defect correction, and currently the number of repair remains the first.

(Photo/Right 1 Ge Liwei, May 2021, with dragon Lizard community developers at the dragon Lizard booth)

First of all, thank the community for my affirmation! This was the first time I was deeply involved in a community, not just submitting some code as before, but also taking an active part in community preparation, product release, etc. So here to share my “life” in the dragon lizard community, but also let more partners intuitively understand and feel the dragon lizard community.

First, I identified myself as the “main developer” of the community distribution. The core of the work in the community is the development of the community distribution, including userspace bug fixes, mirroring, and a little bit of kernel involvement. Currently the number of bugs solved /MR in the community is always the number one. Due to my work, I have been involved in the dragon lizard community since its birth. My biggest feeling along the way is that “interest is the best source of power”. Because community participation takes up so much of your time, it can quickly become boring if you don’t have enough internal motivation. Also, community developers don’t get immediate positive feedback on their contributions, and it’s probably only after a certain amount of work experience that they start to feel recognized. Of course, there will be occasional fatigue, so patience and self-motivation are all the more important.

My hobby is researching distributions and Linux OS, so I’m very involved in the draconis community. I live and work in the northeast of Beijing, very close to work every day. However, during the development of Anaconda dual kernel and Installer, the verification of some problems required an offline environment, and our test hardware was deployed in the test center southwest of Beijing, so I had to commute for several hours every day during that period. Although very tired, but I had a good time, my colleagues also joked that “often do not see you, I thought you quit!” .

In addition to researching distributions, Linux OS, etc., I have many other hobbies such as skiing, photography, etc. The release of the first version of dragon Lizard community coincided with the Aliyun Developer Conference, where developers showed great enthusiasm. As the initial participant of the community, I was duty-bound to undertake the explanation and photography of the venue. A day of consultation down, partners hoarse, but tired also difficult to hide the excitement in the heart. Later, due to busy work, the camera has been eating ashes at home. Hope dragon lizard can organize more conferences and let my photography skills shine again!

(Once a teenager who loved photography)

I remember that when the first version of Dragon lizard was developed, the time was tight and the task was heavy. Besides, I lived far away from my home. In order to better participate in the community work, I simply rented a house near the company (here I should make fun of the high rent in the core area). The later version was released smoothly. After going home to visit my wife and children, I found my time card was still missing when I was getting ready for work. I thought I had lost it, but I had to reapply for one. Until one day when my wife was packing, she found my work card in our daughter’s special box (where she keeps all her little things). It turned out that my three-year-old daughter had secretly hidden my work card. Wife asks daughter why want to hide? “So dad doesn’t have to go to work,” she said. Every time I think of this scene, I urge myself to take good care of my family, no matter how busy I am.

Everything I do and my commitment to the dragoons community is based on my hope for the future of the dragoons community. Dragon lizard community is the market compatible and independent research and development at the same time. Although operating system is difficult to profit, but without the market thinking, I think it will be difficult to go far in the future. In addition, the community atmosphere is also very important. Here, I can feel the inclusiveness of the community culture. There is no restriction of new and old people, nor the framework of work content, so I can fully combine my own interests and better output.

(Community Award for Outstanding Contribution in 21 Years)

I have been active in the community for a long time. If there is a new partner to join in the future, I hope everyone will not make small contributions. The community is actually a big family, and everyone’s contribution contributes to the community. Skyscrapers are not built in a day, and the progress of the community cannot be achieved without the support of every developer. Even just reporting a bug or helping to fix a simple phrase in a document can be rewarding. There was a hobbyist who reported a map territory problem during the first version of dragon OS development, which is something we don’t pay much attention to as developers, but it is very important for an OPERATING system. The more enthusiasts there are, the better the dragon lizard community will grow, and the more Chinese community culture will thrive.

Finally, I hope the Dragon Lizard community will have more developer-oriented projects in the future, such as localization, new features, etc., which will be more community-friendly for developers. Of course, these projects can also set some rewards, give some community gifts, that is even better!

In the future, my story with the Dragon lizard community will continue, and I hope there will be more and better stories here as well.

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Join the Dragon lizard community

Join wechat group: Add community assistant – Dragon Community Xiao Long (wechat: Openanolis_ASSIS), note [Dragon] is with you; Join spike group: Scan the QR code of Spike Group below. Welcome developers/users to join the OpenAnolis community to promote the development of the Community and build an active and healthy open source operating system ecosystem together!

About the dragon Lizard community

OpenAnolis is a non-profit open source community composed of enterprises, institutions of higher learning, scientific research units, non-profit organizations and individuals on the basis of voluntariness, equality, open source and collaboration. Dragon Lizard community was founded in September 2020 to build an open source, neutral, open Linux upstream distribution community and innovation platform.

The short-term goal of Anolis community is to develop Anolis OS as a response to CentOS outage and build a community distribution compatible with international mainstream Linux manufacturers. The medium and long term goal is to explore and build a future-oriented operating system, establish a unified open source operating system ecosystem, incubate innovative open source projects, and prosper the open source ecosystem.

At present, Dragon Lizard OS 8.4 has been released, supporting X86_64, Arm64, LoongArch architecture, fully compatible with Intel, Feiteng, Haiguang, Zhaocin, Kunpeng, Longson and other chips, and providing full stack state secret support.

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