A: In javascript, the forEach method of an array cannot be interrupted in the normal way. It can only be interrupted by a try catch.

  • ForEach does not support break and continue, only return.

  • Using a return in forEach is equivalent to a continue in a for loop.

const arr = [1.2.3]
arr.forEach(item= > {
  if (item === 2) {
    return false // Equivalent to the continue in the for loop
  } else {
/ / 1
/ / 3
Copy the code

ForEach uses break to report an error.

// Interrupt by throwing an exception
const arr = [1.2.3]
try {
  arr.forEach(item= > {
    if (item === 2) {
      throw new Error('jump out forEach')}else {
} catch (err) {
Copy the code

Don’t use forEach to break, use a for loop and break.

At the end

If my article is helpful to you, your 👍 is my biggest support ^_^

I’m Allyn, export insight technology, goodbye!

The last:

“Front-end Daily Question (13)” describes some uses of the Array Reduce method

Next up:

What are the common methods of “Front-end Daily Ask (15)” JavaScript strings?