Matters needing attention
1) Add the interpreter at the beginning: #! /bin/bash
2) Syntax indent, use four Spaces; Add some notes.
3) Naming suggestion rules: variable names in uppercase, local variables in lowercase, function names in lowercase, names reflect the actual effect.
4) The default variable is global. In the function, the variable local is specified as a local variable to avoid contaminating other scopes.
5) There are two commands to help me debug the script: set-e exits the script on non-zero execution, and set-x prints the execution.
6) Scripts must be tested before production.
1 Gets a random string or number
Get a random 8-bit string:
Method 1: # echo $RANDOM | md5sum | cut 1-8471 - c b94f2 method 2: # openssl rand - base64 4 vg3beg = = method 3: # cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid |cut -c 1-8ed9e032c
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Get random 8-digit numbers:
Method 1: # echo $RANDOM | cksum | cut 1-823648321 - c method 2: # openssl rand - base64 4 | cksum | cut 1-838571131 - c method 3: # date +%N |cut -c 1-869024815
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Cksum: prints the CRC effect and statistics bytes
Define a color output string function
Function echo_color() {if [$1 == "green"]; Then echo -e "\033[32;40m$2\033[0m" elif [$1 == "red"]; then echo -e "\033[31;40m$2\033[0m" fi} function echo_color() { case $1 in green) echo -e "\033[32;40m$2\033[0m" ;; red) echo -e "\033[31;40m$2\033[0m" ;; *) echo "Example: echo_color red string" esac}
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The function keyword defines a function, which may or may not be added.
3 Create users in batches
#! /bin/bashDATE=$(date +%F_%T)USER_FILE=user.txtecho_color(){ if [ $1 == "green" ]; then echo -e "\033[32;40m$2\033[0m" elif [ $1 == "red" ]; then echo -e "\033[31; 40m$2\033[0m" fi}# Backup if [-s $USER_FILE]; then mv $USER_FILE ${USER_FILE}-${DATE}.bak echo_color green "$USER_FILE exist, rename ${USER_FILE}-${DATE}.bak"fiecho -e "User\tPassword" >> $USER_FILEecho "----------------" >> $USER_FILEfor USER in user{1..10}; do if ! id $USER &>/dev/null; then PASS=$(echo $RANDOM |md5sum |cut -c 1-8) useradd $USER echo $PASS |passwd --stdin $USER &>/dev/null echo -e "$USER\t$PASS" >> $USER_FILE echo "$USER User create successful." else echo_color red "$USER User already exists! " fidone
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4 Check whether the software package is installed
#! /bin/bashif rpm -q sysstat &>/dev/null; then echo "sysstat is already installed."else echo "sysstat is not installed!" fi
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5 Check the service status
#! /bin/bashPORT_C=$(ss -anu |grep -c 123)PS_C=$(ps -ef |grep ntpd |grep -vc grep)if [ $PORT_C -eq 0 -o $PS_C -eq 0 ]; Then the echo "content" | "theme" [email protected] mail - s
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6 Check the host survival status
Method 1: Put the wrong IP into the array to determine whether the ping failed three times
#! /bin/bash IP_LIST=""for IP in $IP_LIST; do NUM=1 while [ $NUM -le 3 ]; do if ping -c 1 $IP > /dev/null; then echo "$IP Ping is successful." break else # echo "$IP Ping is failure $NUM" FAIL_COUNT[$NUM]=$IP let NUM++ fi done if [ ${#FAIL_COUNT[*]} -eq 3 ]; then echo "${FAIL_COUNT[1]} Ping is failure!" unset FAIL_COUNT[*] fidone
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Method 2: Add the number of errors to the FAIL_COUNT variable to determine whether the ping fails three times
#! /bin/bash IP_LIST=""for IP in $IP_LIST; do FAIL_COUNT=0 for ((i=1; i<=3; i++)); do if ping -c 1 $IP >/dev/null; then echo "$IP Ping is successful." break else # echo "$IP Ping is failure $i" let FAIL_COUNT++ fi done if [ $FAIL_COUNT -eq 3 ]; then echo "$IP Ping is failure!" fidone
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Method 3: Use the for loop to ping through and then jump out of the loop and continue. If not, the ping will fail to print
#! /bin/bashping_success_status() { if ping -c 1 $IP >/dev/null; $IP Ping is successful." continue fi}IP_LIST=""for IP in $IP_LIST; do ping_success_status ping_success_status ping_success_status echo "$IP Ping is failure!" done
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7 Monitor the CPU, memory, and disk usage
1) the CPU
Analyze CPU statistics with the vmstat tool.
#! /bin/bashDATE=$(date +%F" "%H:%M)IP=$(ifconfig eth0 |awk -F '[ :]+' '/inet addr/{print $4}') # Support only CentOS6MAIL="[email protected]"if! which vmstat &>/dev/null; then echo "vmstat command no found, Please install procps package." exit 1fiUS=$(vmstat |awk 'NR==3{print $13}')SY=$(vmstat |awk 'NR==3{print $14}')IDLE=$(vmstat |awk 'NR==3{print $15}')WAIT=$(vmstat |awk 'NR==3{print $16}')USE=$(($US+$SY))if [ $USE -ge 50 ]; then echo " Date: $DATE Host: $IP Problem: CPU utilization $USE " | mail -s "CPU Monitor" $MAILfi
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2) memory
#! /bin/bashDATE=$(date +%F" "%H:%M)IP=$(ifconfig eth0 |awk -F '[ :]+' '/inet addr/{print $4}') MAIL="[email protected]"TOTAL=$(free -m |awk '/Mem/{print $2}')USE=$(free -m |awk '/Mem/{print $3 - $6 - $7} ') FREE = $(($TOTAL - $USE)) # memory less than 1 g email alarm if [1024] $FREE - lt; then echo " Date: $DATE Host: $IP Problem: Total=$TOTAL,Use=$USE,Free=$FREE " | mail -s "Memory Monitor" $MAILfi
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3) the hard disk
#! /bin/bashDATE=$(date +%F" "%H:%M)IP=$(ifconfig eth0 |awk -F '[ :]+' '/inet addr/{print $4}') MAIL="[email protected]"TOTAL=$(fdisk -l |awk -F'[: ]+' 'BEGIN{OFS="="}/^Disk \/dev/{printf "%s=%sG,",$2,$3}')PART_USE=$(df -h |awk 'BEGIN{OFS="="}/^\/dev/{print $1,int($5),$6}')for i in $PART_USE; do PART=$(echo $i |cut -d"=" -f1) USE=$(echo $i |cut -d"=" -f2) MOUNT=$(echo $i |cut -d"=" -f3) if [ $USE -gt 80 ]; then echo " Date: $DATE Host: $IP Total: $TOTAL Problem: $PART=$USE($MOUNT) " | mail -s "Disk Monitor" $MAIL fidone
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8 Monitoring disk usage of hosts in batches
Prerequisites The monitoring end and the monitored end do not need to log in to each other using SSH or by key.
Write a configuration file in the format of IP User Port to save SSH connection information of the monitored host
#! /bin/bashHOST_INFO=host.infofor IP in $(awk '/^[^#]/{print $1}' $HOST_INFO); do USER=$(awk -v ip=$IP 'ip==$1{print $2}' $HOST_INFO) PORT=$(awk -v ip=$IP 'ip==$1{print $3}' $HOST_INFO) TMP_FILE=/tmp/disk.tmp ssh -p $PORT $USER@$IP 'df -h' > $TMP_FILE USE_RATE_LIST=$(awk 'BEGIN{OFS="="}/^\/dev/{print $1,int($5)}' $TMP_FILE) for USE_RATE in $USE_RATE_LIST; do PART_NAME=${USE_RATE%=*} USE_RATE=${USE_RATE#*=} if [ $USE_RATE -ge 80 ]; then echo "Warning: $PART_NAME Partition usage $USE_RATE%!" fi donedone
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9 Check website availability
1) Check URL availability
Check_url () {HTTP_CODE=$(curl -o /dev/null --connect-timeout 3 -s -w "%{HTTP_CODE}" $1) if [$HTTP_CODE -ne 200]; then echo "Warning: $1 Access failure!" Fi} method 2: check_URL () {if! wget -T 10 --tries=1 --spider $1 >/dev/null 2>&1; Echo "Warning: $1 Access failure!" fi}
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Usage: check_url
2) Judge URL availability three times
The procedure is the same as the above procedure for checking the host survival status.
Method 1: Use the loop technique, break out of the current loop if successful, otherwise go to the last line #! /bin/bash check_url() { HTTP_CODE=$(curl -o /dev/null --connect-timeout 3 -s -w "%{http_code}" $1) if [ $HTTP_CODE -eq 200]; then continue fi}URL_LIST=""for URL in $URL_LIST; do check_url $URL check_url $URL check_url $URL echo "Warning: $URL Access failure!" done
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Method 2: Save the number of errors to the variable #! /bin/bash URL_LIST=""for URL in $URL_LIST; do FAIL_COUNT=0 for ((i=1; i<=3; i++)); do HTTP_CODE=$(curl -o /dev/null --connect-timeout 3 -s -w "%{http_code}" $URL) if [ $HTTP_CODE -ne 200 ]; then let FAIL_COUNT++ else break fi done if [ $FAIL_COUNT -eq 3 ]; then echo "Warning: $URL Access failure!" fidone
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Method 3: Save the error count to array #! /bin/bash URL_LIST=""for URL in $URL_LIST; do NUM=1 while [ $NUM -le 3 ]; do HTTP_CODE=$(curl -o /dev/null --connect-timeout 3 -s -w "%{http_code}" $URL) if [ $HTTP_CODE -ne 200 ]; Then FAIL_COUNT[$NUM]=$IP let NUM++ else break fi done if [${#FAIL_COUNT[*]} -eq 3]; then echo "Warning: $URL Access failure!" Unset FAIL_COUNT[*] # Clear array fidone
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10 Check the primary/secondary synchronization of MySQL
#! /bin/bash USER=bakPASSWD=123456IO_SQL_STATUS=$(mysql -u$USER -p$PASSWD -e 'show slave status\G' |awk -F: '/Slave_.*_Running/{gsub(": ",":"); Print $0}') #gsub for I in $IO_SQL_STATUS; do THREAD_STATUS_NAME=${i%:*} THREAD_STATUS=${i#*:} if [ "$THREAD_STATUS" != "Yes" ]; then echo "Error: MySQL Master-Slave $THREAD_STATUS_NAME status is $THREAD_STATUS!" fidone
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This chapter to write Shell script examples are more practical, in the interview questions also often appear, I hope you refer to more hands-on writing, do not copy and paste to run, this is not to learn!
Source: Li Zhenliang
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