1. Have a solid foundation and understand object-oriented principles

Java developers must have a deep understanding of object-oriented programming. You can’t feel the beauty of an object-oriented programming language like Java without a solid foundation in object-oriented programming. If you don’t know much about what phenomenal object programming is, even if you use an object-oriented programming language, you will probably still code for procedures. Studying object-oriented principles alone is not very helpful; we should know how to apply them in an object-oriented way to design solutions. Therefore, we need to have a rich knowledge of object modeling, inheritance, polymorphism, design patterns and so on.

2. Master core apis

It doesn’t matter how strong your theoretical knowledge is if you don’t understand the language structure and core apis. For the Java language, developers should have extensive hands-on experience with core apis such as java.lang.* packages, I/O, exceptions, collections, generics, threads, JDBC, etc. When it comes to building Web applications, no matter which framework you use, understanding the concepts of servlets and JSPS is essential.

3. Keep coding

Things are simple in theory only. We can solve the problem very easily in theory. But it was only when we started implementing them that we realized the depth of the problem. In the process you will learn about language limitations, or design best practices when coding. So you need to keep coding.

4. Subscribe to tech forums

We are not alone in technology, there are many people on the forum who use the same technology as us. While a simple proof-of-concept on the framework doesn’t challenge you, when you start using it in real projects you will face all sorts of strange problems that don’t have any solutions in the official documentation. When you start using a new technology, the first thing you should do is subscribe to the relevant technology forums. Whatever problem you have, the rest of the world has probably already encountered it and found a solution. Even better, if you can answer questions from other forum users.

5. Follow blogs and reply

As I said above, you’re not alone, there are thousands of tech enthusiasts all over the world blogging their opinions on technology. You can also get valuable opinions about the same technology from other bloggers and developers. Some people may find specific framework features very useful, while others may find them silly and pointless, giving his own reasons for why he thinks so. So you can see the good and bad of other developers using these tools. Another way to get value from checking out other blogs is to reply to your opinion or ask your own questions.

6. Read good open source code

A qualified developer learns how to use frameworks, but if you want to be a good developer you need to study the popular source code for good frameworks. From the framework source code you can see the internal workings of the framework and its best practices. At the same time, it will be very helpful to use the framework.

7. Understand information technology trends

At present, there are more and more open source software projects, and the trend of open source is getting stronger and stronger. By the time you have a good idea of how to use a framework, it may already be outdated – because some new frameworks contain features that are supersets of what the framework provides. In addition, the problems you need to solve in the framework you are using may be solved in the new framework with just one line of configuration. So pay close attention to which technologies in the technology spectrum will rise and which will become obsolete.

8. Keep common code snippets and tools on hand

Over time, you may need to repeatedly write/copy and paste the same code/configuration. You can keep configuration files like log4.properties, JDBC configuration, or real tools like StringUtils, ReflectionUtils, DBUtils would be more helpful. I know this probably doesn’t make you a good developer by itself. But imagine that some co-developer asks you to help get a list of property values from a collection object, and then you just use ReflectionUtil to provide a solution in a few minutes: that makes you better.

Learn about different software development methods

Familiar with Agile, SCRUM, XP, Waterfall and other development methods. The choice of development approach depends on the customer, some of whom prefer agile, others prefer a waterfall model. So it would be a plus for developers to be aware of various development methods.

10. Record your understanding and thinking about technology

On a daily basis, you can learn new and better ways of doing things, as well as best practices, architectural ideas, etc. Write them down, blog about them, and share them in the community. Imagine solving a weird problem that occurred while doing a simple POC and writing about it on your blog. Perhaps other developers around the world are having the same problem with production deployed applications, and your solution will be valuable to them. So use a blog to record your thoughts, which may help others or yourself someday!

The original link: https://dzone.com/articles/10-things-become-outstanding

By Siva Prasad Reddy Katamreddy

Translator: Klein ——

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