
Novice xiao Bai just began to learn Python is boring, because the basic content is a lot of hard knowledge points, grammar, these are needed to remember or skilled programming in their own slowly accumulated.

Here’s how beginners learn to program:

1. Lay the foundation

When you start programming, the first thing you need to determine is the “basics.” To get a good grounding, you need to study computer science. Nowadays, we can find many courses on the Internet for beginners.

The Internet does provide convenience for beginners, making it possible for you to find a lot of useful information through the Internet. So take the time to study the information and choose the one that best suits your needs.

2. Build patience

To be successful as a programmer, you first need to build patience. It allows you to stand up after countless blows and to be ready for disappointment. Patience can help you become a better problem solver, and it can also improve your understanding of computers.

The concept of a computer is very complex, and it requires flexibility, patience and hard work to understand it. Most of the time, when scholars start programming, they don’t have the right expectations. In the early stages of learning, you should not expect to have it all. It is dangerous to be too optimistic.

3. Set goals and move toward them

Goal setting is a powerful, motivating way to push you to progress. For example, when you start learning Pyhton, you can set a goal that requires you to complete a simple project.

Once your goal is reached, set another one and repeat the cycle. The learning and improvement of programming is never-ending, so keep setting goals for yourself, and don’t forget your main goal.

4. Do more projects

By doing more projects, you can not only learn about your own limitations, but also improve your analytical and problem-solving skills.

After all, learning code isn’t all about learning syntax, it’s about learning how to solve problems with the tools at hand.

Be familiar with the following key things, you can learn while doing, regular training, frequent thinking, long-term accumulation:

1. Grammar.

2. Basic theory (mathematics, data structures, algorithms, etc.).

3. Design methods (programming principles, design patterns, framework design, etc.).

4. Libraries (core, base, UI, extensions, game engine, etc.)

5, computer related (operating system, network, graphics, etc.)

Domain knowledge (game design, website design, etc.)

7. Development tools (editor, IDE, automated deployment, etc.)

8. Project management (schedule management, division and collaboration, Bug management, version control, etc.)

The most common and most important ability: creativity. Try to analyze and understand what to do and how to do it. You know, none of those things existed in the first place.

5. Engage in social programming

Learning to code is never a “one-man fight.” If you think you can create a bigger application without any help, you’re wrong.

In fact, programming is a group activity, and if you want to stick with it, you’ll need help from various social platforms.

6. Balance your studies

As a developer, there is no end to the ability to improve, and a constant sense of helplessness is only part of being a developer.

New technologies don’t make it easy for developers, as they need to constantly improve their capabilities to meet the demands of the market.

As a beginner, you should always be ready to learn new things. Even experienced developers may lack confidence in their abilities because new tools, technologies, and standards are constantly coming out, and developers need to keep up with the changes.

But that doesn’t mean you have to know everything, just know what you need to know. The key is not to stop learning new things.

7. Learning algorithms

Once you have some project experience, it’s time to start learning algorithms.

Algorithms are at the heart of computer science. Whether you’re doing web development or game development, you have to use algorithms to achieve the end result.

At the end

All right! This is the end of this article, and if you need to learn more about Python, please check out the previous article!!