By Long Luo
Hugo vs. Hexo
My current website uses Hexo + Next, which is standard on most personal websites. Hugo’s official website is claimed to be the fastest website framework with fast construction speed. Since I have a large number of articles, I will consider switching to Hugo in the future. I spent some time to learn it today.
Here’s the learning process:
Hugo User Guide
Download Hugo
For Windows 10, go to…
Add the Path of the Hugo. Exe file to the Path variable of Windows:
E:\Website> Hugo version Hugo V0.82.0-9D960784 + Extended Windows/AMD64 BuildDate= 2021-03-21T17:28:04z VendorInfo=gohugoioCopy the code
Create a site project
In my case, suppose you want to create a site in the F:\Hugo\Website\ directory, switch to that directory on the command line and execute:
E:\Website>hugo new site mywebsite
Congratulations! Your new Hugo site is created in E:\Website\mywebsite.
Copy the code
With the above information, the myWebsite project is created with the following file list:
2021/03/28 15:52 <DIR> . 2021/03/28 15:52 <DIR> .. 2021/03/28 15:51 <DIR> archetypes 2021/03/28 16:09 103 config.toml 2021/03/28 16:12 <DIR> content 2021/03/28 15:51 <DIR> data 2021/03/28 15:51 <DIR> layouts 2021/03/28 15:52 <DIR> resources 2021/03/28 15:51 <DIR> static 2021/03/28 16:08 <DIR> themesCopy the code
Add the theme
Once you have the files, you can’t build the site yet, because Hugo doesn’t have theme files by default. Here’s a neat theme
git clone themes/prose
Copy the code
Open the config.toml configuration file in the current project directory and add a theme = “prose” line at the end, setting the site to a Prose theme.
Running the site
Run the Hugo server -d command in the site project
E:\Website\ myWebsite > Hugo server -d Start building sites... | EN -------------------+----- Pages | 10 Paginator pages | 0 Non-page files | 0 Static files | 4 Processed images | 0 Aliases | 1 Sitemaps | 1 Cleaned | 0 Builtin 30 ms
Watching for changes in E:\Website\mywebsite\{archetypes,content,data,layouts,static,themes}
Watching for config changes in E:\Website\mywebsite\config.toml
Environment: "development"
Serving pages from memory
Running in Fast Render Mode. For full rebuilds on change: hugo server --disableFastRender
Web Server is available at http://localhost:1313/ (bindAddress Press Ctrl+C to stopCopy the code
In the browser window, enter http://localhost:1313/
If the Hugo website interface appears after the successful opening, then it is installed!
There’s still no content at this point because we haven’t added anything yet 🙂
From Hugo’s initial experience, Hugo is fast. However, due to the lack of time at present, can not beautify one by one. After have time energy later, toss again!
Source: Use Hugo to build personal website