What are the characteristics of a program girl as a female rare professional group? Answer: write code. Female programmers are also ordinary and lovely and generous girls, gender is not the boundary line, prejudice is. At present, Dataobao technology has more than 400 female engineers, accounting for 17 percent of the total programmers. They are honest, kind, hardworking, delicate, funny and enthusiastic. Today is their festival. We captured 6 female programmers’ positions

One location

A dry flower artisan stroking terracotta figures

Hostess: Heng Heng

Position: Big Taobao technology – Taobao live 3D field – technical art

At first glance, you will be attracted by the terra-cotta warriors on the weighing table. Others put Bubbly Mart, Harry Potter, Amoy dolls and red panda, this girl… Let qin Shi Huang go.

And the balance of qin Shihuang ornaments, and the first emperor of personal worship and respect there is no half a dime. It originated from Heng Heng’s plan to make a batch of VR terracotta figures for Xi ‘an Museum. In order to restore the reality of digital terracotta figures, she specially bought three terracotta figures to study the finished material and carving process, so as to transform them into online art assets.

That’s right, this is her job [technical Art], a bridge between technology and art. Nowadays, more and more delicate digital scenes have penetrated into our lives. Ordinary technical students have no sense of art, and ordinary art students lack performance control, so I have this position, which can optimize the allocation of art resources and embed art assets into the technical structure in the most reasonable form.

Heng Heng in the big Taobao is to do 3D live broadcast related things, film and television professional background of her, after eighteen martial arts hardenability, text expert hand lift DCC software, Maya, Max, model, binding animation all in hand; Can do engine integration and engine blueprints.

Compared with the other girls’ plants, the dried flowers on the balance table were unique. I thought it was an innate sense of art, but she said, “It’s cheap. You can keep it for a fee.” Again, I thought this was typical of a budget girl, but she said, “But I have specialized in this craft. I have made these myself and have been storing them for six or seven years.”

… 👍

No. 2 station

Minimalist functionalism

Woman: Dawn

Position: Big Taobao technology – back-end development

“My workstation is simple, just a lift table” are the first words of the ishmanian when he receives the invitation.

A lift table, a dental flusher, a trailing line board, an open pan doll and a spring potted plant (which she later confesses was hastily set up before we arrived) along with the essential yellow duck for programmers make the ishmanian stand. It is her principle to simplify everything. When asked why, she only said that things fell out of order and it was difficult to recover. Yeah, she didn’t take her doll apart for the sake of keeping it simple.

Ishmanian considers the most useful part of her workstation to be the lifting table, writing to sit upright in the morning and lifting the table to stand in the afternoon. She is, needless to ask, a spine protector. While speaking, the ishmanian takes the watering can from the side shelf and presses it on the plant. Since I am the icon of minimalism, the things on my workstation are necessarily very functional — scissors, art knife, fruit knife, etc. She laughs that this is a necessary tool for the whole group but only in the hands of a few people.

Regarding women programmers, ishmanian thinks gender has no great effect on work, everyone works the same writing code, if there must be one then the girl is more careful.

No. 3 station

Tea and coffee making expert

Hostess: Yun Wei

Position: Big Taobao technology – video content understanding – algorithm

“Coffee in the morning is the start of the day.” Yunwei’s path as an algorithm engineer began with her father’s enlightenment as an engineer. Yunwei’s day as an algorithm engineer begins with the first cup of coffee.

There are 4 cups and 5 kinds of cups on her desk, which fully proves that she is a person who “likes drinking water but does not like drinking plain water”. In view of this, her work station is also the “friendship draw tea bar” of colleagues around. Her desk was neatly arranged with breath freshener, lipstick, eye drops, hand cream, glistening ear studs… Ritualistically, she sticks pink keys on her keyboard, uses “Yes or no” coins (mostly to decide whether to take the day off or not), turns a page of a calendar with cat pictures on it every day (sometimes three or four pages a day)…

About the girl to write code this thing, cloud did not feel what strange place from small to large. Common hobbies, common choices, common employment, even [information engineering] this major or dad suggested. Because I think the image has a strong sense of body, I finally choose [Image Processing and Algorithm] as my development direction.

Now in such a bright and clean position of the code of her favorite logical block, her mood as bright as the sun outside the window.

Straight man: Guess what the purple one is?

4 station

First Chang ‘e of National Clothing

Female hostess: Ling Jun

Position: Big Taobao technology – front-end technology

Ling Jun, the agile and fierce physics students, looked at the traditional photoelectric enterprises and research institute, suddenly changed two months to learn the front end of the Internet. “Does this affect people’s perception of the front end entry barrier? But I’m also serious.” Ling Jun said seriously.

The front end is a relatively active area of technology. We love to communicate, like sharing, open and mutual assistance, there are always some “social ox X syndrome” active in the circle, so that Ling Felt the vigorous vitality of this career, just like the south day bamboo on her desk.

To big Taobao technology front-end engineering team for more than 3 years, although there are only 2 girls in the team, in addition to the daily travel, the group will be taken care of by everyone, Lingall’s way of work and quality of work with everyone and the same. When asked about her “most special status moment in the team”, she said that she owned the only Android test machine in the team (the source is forgotten), and that the scene of “female programmers waiting for male programmers at the desk” probably only happened when she borrowed the test machine.

Another “team special status” is the glory of [China service first Chang ‘e], code tired to open a game, minutes with flying opposite teammates, can not underestimate the operation strength of female programmers oh.

Number five station

A display that bears the weight of the love arena every day

Hostess: Snow yuan

Position: Big Taobao technology – mobile technology – server development

Most girls like watching NBA for two reasons: first, to see the handsome stars; Second, the boyfriend forced amway, xue Yuan students in 2.

“Oh, this is my splash brother! She gleefully shares a soccer figurine on her monitor, cradled in the arms of a blue emoji. “That makes writing code fun!” And Amway’S NBA boyfriend is downstairs, a product manager at Big Taobao. Based on the specific roles of [developer] and [product manager], the couple’s diss daily should be slightly above average. Fortunately, this set of favorite soccer players is a boyfriend sent, can a certain degree of “auxiliary blood”.

Xueyuan, who just graduated from Alibaba last year, integrates two functions of team “most favored” and “most useful”. “I think the advantage of being a girl programmer is that everyone takes care of you like a little sister in life, but when it comes to work, they don’t care whether they are male or female.” Xue Yuan likes the current team very much. There are double 11 photos of everyone on the table, as well as various classic books recommended to her by her brothers, such as “Complete Code” and “The Way of Programmer Cultivation”.

This is a group of avid readers. Every week, the group has a “book-opening and book-sharing” session. This week, it was Xue Yuan’s turn to share Feature Envy and Data Clumps in the third chapter of “Reconstruction”. She always arrives at her desk early in the morning, and her morning reading is double full.

“I don’t. When I get off work, I send my cactus. Cactus has been reading 201 Principles of Software Development. I wish it could be more experienced.”

The sixth station

Punk health representative

Hostess: Bing Xin

Position: Easter egg revealed

She says her favorite coding pose is catched (though she deliberately straightened her back for the photo shoot) and looks completely unthinking about her health. But does she really care? Look at the health products on her desk

Reducing weight, whitening, antioxidant, eye protection, liver protection, calcium, prevent hair loss……. Bing Xin every time to promote a few pieces, colleagues said to lose weight followed by buying a few boxes of meal powder, said to whiten also bought a few bags of VC, said to exercise to buy a fascia gun, especially after the physical examination will buy several different effects of health care products. But it’s never a three-day fever, and you don’t end up eating more than 10 servings. They end up gathering dust on their desks until they expire and, in her own words, haven’t made a habit of eating them.

In addition to sitting hunched over, Bing likes to bang her keyboard so loudly that the whole team can hear her and make fun of the BGM code she’s typing. The result of knocking code with BGM is the use of the keyboard is very serious, here leave an egg, according to the wear degree of bingxin keyboard, guess what position she is an engineer ~

They are one of thousands of programmers, one of thousands of women, back in life, they are friends, daughters, wives, mothers.

Wish all women, heart to the sun, become whatever you want to be, confident and strong brave to be yourself.