Spring Boot is currently the most popular technology stack in the Java field, songko published “Spring Boot + Vue full stack Development Practice” at the beginning of the year so far has been reprinted many times, the popularity of Spring Boot can be seen. Today, Songgo sorted out several quality Spring Boot open source projects for your reference, hoping to help those who are learning Spring Boot!


  • star: 230
  • Making: github.com/lenve/javab…
  • Gitee: gitee.com/lenve/javab…

This project integrates various examples of The use of Spring Boot, with the simplest and most practical as the standard. Each example in this open source project is based on the minimum dependency, the simplest as the standard, to help beginners quickly master the use of Spring Boot components. Basically covering all aspects of Spring Boot usage.

Demo screenshot of the project:

2. The personnel

  • star: 16288
  • GitHub: github.com/lenve/vhr
  • Gitee: gitee.com/lenve/vhr

Micro hr is a human resource management system with the separation of front and back ends. The project is developed by SpringBoot + Vue. The project gets through the front and back end, and provides very detailed documents, from Spring Boot interface design to front-end Vue development ideas, the author has all recorded in the project wiki, is a rare Java full stack learning materials.

Screenshots of part of project documents:


  • Star, number 2931
  • Project address: gitee.com/52itstyle/s…

This is a payment case, which provides detailed payment code cases including Alipay, wechat and UnionPay. For those who have payment needs, this project is perfect.

Project renderings:

4. V tribe

  • star: 4935
  • GitHub: github.com/lenve/VBlog
  • Gitee: gitee.com/lenve/VBlog

V Tribe is a multi-user blog management platform developed by Vue + SpringBoot + ElementUI. The biggest advantage of this project is its simplicity. It is a fully functional but very simple one, which is very, very suitable for beginners.

Project renderings:


  • Star, number 2546
  • Project address: gitee.com/xiandafu/sp…

A management background system based on SpringBoot 2, including user management, organizational management, role management, function point management, menu management, rights allocation, data rights allocation, code generation and other functions compared with other open source background system, Springboot-Plus has a certain complexity. The system is based on Spring Boot2.1 technology and uses Layui2.4 at the front end. Database with MySQL/Oracle/Postgres/used as an example, are theoretically cross database platform.

Project renderings:


  • Star, number 6436
  • Project address: github.com/linlinjava/…

A mall project, including Spring Boot backend + Vue administrator front-end + wechat small program user front-end + Vue user mobile terminal, Features include list, classification, sorting, details list, brand, brand details, new start, choice of popular recommendation list, coupons, coupons, coupon (group-buying business remains to be perfect), search, product details, product evaluation, product sharing, shopping cart, order, order list, order details, address, the collection, footprint, feedback, and customer service; Management platform functions include membership management, mall management, commodity management, promotion management, system management, configuration management, statistical reports and so on.

Project renderings:

7. The wu is empty of CRM

  • Star is 1.3 k
  • Project address: gitee.com/wukongcrm/7…

Wukong CRM is a front-end and back-end separation CRM system based on JFinal + Vue + ElementUI.

To be honest, jFinal is all you need to know, there’s no need to study it. The combination of Vue + ElementUI can be studied, and the way the front and back end interact can be studied.

Other 8.

In addition, I would like to recommend two quality Spring Boot and Spring Cloud learning websites as follows:

  • www.springboot.wiki

  • www.springcloud.wiki

Ok, a little bit of collation of resources, I hope to help you.