As an old professional, the common methods of carping, such as paying to go to the toilet, cutting the screen on the computer, eating snacks and chatting with a laptop, have been exhausted long ago and can no longer satisfy my thirst for “carping career”.

So, I turned to fishing apps, and after a few searches, I chose a few apps that satisfied me.

The half-hour fishing time made me feel happy and I was dazzled by all kinds of interesting information.

Comfortable, but not completely comfortable

Because these several apps push different content, some focus on videos, some focus on jokes, I need to repeatedly jump in different apps to browse, which makes my fishing experience plummets!

After half a minute of “evaluation”, I uninstalled these apps, but my fishing career will not end here. As a qualified product dog, I always believe that there is no product beyond my imagination.

So, I plan to make an exclusive “God level” fishing APP myself!!

Do prototype design first, copy guest RP is my first choice, don’t ask why, ask is free, also don’t download and install, open online masturbation, for me this note (LAN) heavy (AI) effect (WAN) rate (QI) of players, but also suitable.

As usual, I first put together the framework of the APP, and selected my favorite four sections: short videos, jokes, sand sculptures and music. In just 10 minutes, the APP had already begun to take shape.

The interaction involved is relatively simple, but although the sparrow has all the five viscera, and can be done in minutes with the copy RP, it is very delicious ~

How do? Also don’t believe it? Nuo, steps for you to put below, there is a picture there is the truth!

01. Scroll

Rolling is bad, the product is bad.

Scrolling pages, as the most common page in APP, can be automatically implemented in copycat RP.

First find the container bar in the component, then directly drag and drag the panel component into the APP page, and then adjust the size of the panel:

Then double-click the panel, you can enter the panel to edit.

After filling the panel, place the extra parts directly under the panel.

02. Click to jump

Personally, this is the easiest way to set up interaction in the copycat, as long as you have hands.

After adding hot zone components, press and hold the red dot in the upper right corner of hot zone components, directly click the mouse drag to achieve automatic interaction, but also set different jump effects, perfect!

03. Picture rotation

Image rotation effect is often used for banner display, can show different content in a fixed area, page richness UPUpup.

Add a content panel to the page and adjust it to the appropriate size:

Then double click on the Content panel to add an art palette (add a few art panels if you have several images).

Select the main page again, add interaction in the interaction bar on the right, select “Content panel” as the target, adjust the effect according to your own needs, and remember to tick “Loop Switch” at last.

Then put the rotation image into the auxiliary artboard to complete.

04. Write at the end

Have to say, do prototype design also depends on us, all kinds of component randomly call icon, interactive setup is simple and efficient, a few songs of the time can be rolled out exclusive fishing APP interaction prototypes to, also be to me is “fishing” support the gnome male – “, such a useful tool to incredibly still free, share ~ to everyone

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It’s ok to relax in your busy work, but if you’re not disciplined enough, be careful that your boss will find you a cup of tea, and we’ll cherish it!