“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

1. Listen to the emotional person

Hello, I’m fangyuan, induction during the six months I have seen the end of the old projects, and new project launch, obtainment of reporting on activities, technology sharing, travel, etc., I think I have now is a peace of work, but also as you wrote in the title, “I confuse the life and work,” actually, it is not a difficult job and life is hard to coordinate, It’s the lifestyle that I think is best for me right now, and I’ll put it in the article for you to experience

2. Everything I want to say

2.1 How to resist loneliness

Loneliness is my strongest emotion at the beginning of my work. As a newcomer to the department, although everyone is very tolerant to me, I still feel very disengaged, like an island. Even now, I have not found a good way to relieve loneliness. I just get busy and forget loneliness when I get used to it. Now I still often envy students who can have campus life…

If you are still on campus, try to cherish it. I consoled myself with that before, if I get used to being alone, I’ll be a better person

2.2 I used to worry about not being taken seriously

Project has a new demand of large module between the only two people in the group, one of them is me, is not only joy but also some worry, joy is I finally have the opportunity to do important things, I was concerned about this module is very important, involving high concurrency, do I have to take, don’t want to lose, it also leads to the story happened.

One morning, there was a problem with the test, and the code reported a null pointer. I fixed the problem but reversed the logic inside. Sure enough, I was the tutor called in the past, “radius, this section of logic to write, I give you changed ang”, I think, “I rely, how can I make such a low-level mistake, did not wake up?”

After then, “the rest of the some App end interface, I give others the points, has nothing to live for the moment, learning how to learn”, tutor of this sentence, I don’t understand, I think I just made a mistake is drying up, immediately said, “the elder brother of the C, because this module is mostly I write, I’m familiar with this, write up a bit faster”

Mentors grasped what I meant, “fangyuan son, truth is that when the rest of the App interface are some petty things, it doesn’t matter who does the, the core of things you have already finished, now I want to take you out in the old project, I this is not to the new project, I want you with me to make a new project, such growth and learn things, Or understanding a project a little faster, okay?”

There are some moving.

2.3 Pressure, a little, big ah

At the beginning of my employment, I was under great pressure to what extent. I would often dream, dream of the door, snap shut me outside, sleep is particularly shallow, even on weekends, in the dream wake up, the first thought is, “today, work son?”

My sister is in Beijing. I will invite her to dinner with my salary and tell her about the situation. “You so son can not ah, I go to work son of time also have pressure big time, but also not so, you have the idea of adjustment adjustment, have no matter to find me later, what earn two more two less two, have to be happy first.”

Yeah, you have to be happy first

Later, my friend also specially run to come over from shijiazhuang, bring me a cup, said “pressure have to drink more water ah, you see I also have one’s deceased father grind pressure, I have no matter son drink some tea, in a good mood, we may place a little far, but don’t worry, you also come to my this trip, I learned to cook, also really good, you can eat”

In fact, NOW I have been able to adjust my emotions well, thank you very much for the help and support of my friends, I wonder if my method can be used for reference: One is reading quietly, the other is exercise, because I often exercise in the university, especially when I finish the heavy weight movement, I will feel inexplicable confidence and carefree, we must also find vent point, because we have a long journey, we not only want to walk well, but also happy

2.4 Don’t stop yourself from shining, but you can’t cover up the light of others

This story is a code workshop in the group, for the fresh graduates, everyone should express their opinion of the code. Spread feeling stress, one is than people think technology, 2 it is to think his performance is not good enough, I didn’t think everyone has a bad side, and I think my own pattern and mind is not big enough, there’s no real do yourself, care about so much, care about leadership, care about the performance appraisal… But shouldn’t we be aiming for the sea of stars? There are so many companies that are better than my current department, and it would be cool and cool if I could bravely do my job and express my ideas and improve my skills step by step.

I do not know if you have such feelings, if so, I leave a paragraph of my friend, to give you as an explanation, you also regard him as your best friend to listen to it

“The pressure builds up over time. In fact, I saw your message very early today, but I didn’t reply until now, because I wanted to rest for a while when I was free, and I didn’t have enough time to reply carefully. Isn’t too impatient.actually, accumulated slowly, after all, just graduation, work still have a long time with MAO, by this time everyone is how many resumes screening out, their hearts estimates are thinking, how so ha ha ha ha, feel the world of twenty-five to thirty five years this request is too harsh, in this short time, people want to soar like a fighter planes took off, They’re afraid of going too slow. Working for people, especially for technological work, so tired, and basic drained the rest of time, rather than create value to the society, feeling became sold himself to the society, rather than in the initiative, is forced to join to the production environment, not choose their own production, but production chose us, it can also choose to others, Just some people sell up to a better price, and seized the stability state of mind, just graduated I think is should not be under so much pressure, is a little sickly, also don’t know the time long you will relax and also may be nervous to someone leave perhaps, society is really a big pit, too difficult to make, hard this is what you really want to do, You may not love, but really want to do is stick to feel happiness, or point it does not exist, I’m not too can provide some feasible measures, can only give you something that has not been smooth, don’t forget beginner’s mind, might seem childish, but really don’t blur away”

2.5 I have been distracted by a lot of small things

Rent house is more expensive than colleagues like what a lot of things, and so on, sometimes feel under pressure, can care about some some didn’t of, the focus will shift to produce contrast after emotions, and the best way to solve this is to concentrate on yourself, follow your heart, your life good coordination, then all will be slowly getting better and better, I remember luo Xiang once said that we all admire others’ scripts, but we have no right to choose from birth. Are we born by our parents with their consent? Obviously not. Only when we play our own play well, can we not waste this experience, it will be very painful, but even such a play, there are also wonderful parts, that is also the reason we deserve to live!

2.6 After technology sharing, I felt my existence

I have two thoughts in mind for this technology sharing in the department. One is to see if I will feel a little nervous or afraid in front of these skilled leaders. The other is that I want to take this opportunity to take a small step to let everyone have a look and let everyone feel that this person is ok!

Actually share the process very well, now I remember you walking in the room one by one, to sit down and listen to me patiently say feeling, this feeling is really wonderful, especially cattle than me a lot of people, can listen to me finish this thing, and express approval, it is really let me feel in time, I this couple also stand out a little.

2.7 The smooth transition from reporting to reporting was planned by my tutor for a long time

This story is called Gratitude. Three weeks before my oral defense, my supervisor called me and said, “When you do this PPT, there are only two things to talk about. One is the development of the core modules of the old project and the other is the interface joint adjustment of the new project.

Here I finally understand, before all kinds of arrangements, I also don’t know how to express gratitude, you point to where I hit it!

2.8 Everything echoes

“Everything echoes”, I heard a department Boss in the company training, this sentence hit me immediately, how can a person so responsible and so hard, no wonder she can go to today’s position, do such a degree.

After that, I also told myself that we should respond to everything we were given. In business, this is also called closed-loop, and we should not do half-hearted work. We should try our best to cooperate with colleagues, never complain, and always take this matter as the first priority

Face to face with volume 2.9

Sometimes I feel like a squid players in the game, paunchy boss set rules for sitting in the stands, survived a man can get bonus, although the work environment is not so exaggerated, but also very much like, as long as resources are limited, rules, performance from there one day, so the volume then exist, not because someone lying flat or exit and change

Therefore, I have been telling myself to face up to the volume, reasonable volume under the rules, do not say that a person working overtime to fly to lengthen everyone’s overtime hours and so on, the threshold increased, we are not comfortable; In addition, the “volume” other than performance appraisal is called hard work, colleagues to improve after work, but did not feel he was bothering me, we work together, is smooth and happy to deal with the things assigned to us, the rest, you can dream your own fly

I always don’t like to use the word, even said that as a hebei examinee college entrance examination volume fly up, don’t think this is the volume, just think you are trying to want to go to a better university, which is don’t remember when roll slowly into everyone’s vision, “” you in me, I roll him, as if to some extent, we are on the way toward a good life diligently all became enemies, Perhaps it is simply because the Wolf is fleshy and less fleshy, and rolls as an outlet for emotional relief. Said to go to, the feeling is no this problem, but the volume won people did not necessarily better, volume lost is not to give up life, life is too long, there are too many dimensions, it is not to say it half past one, or with some more tender feeling, try to love life at the same time, also conveniently to efforts to give some positive meaning

Harm, a complaint, dialectical look

2.10 Rational workers

Writing here, I feel an indescribable mood. From a sunny sports Boy who could tell stories and liked to talk when I was in school, I have become a quiet and rational worker with regular life, with more things but less things. I was on the phone with a friend, and he said, “Well, why aren’t you expressing yourself the way you used to?” In fact, I also feel that I have become dull and accustomed to loneliness and quietness. When I am free, I just eat the tomato and egg covered rice downstairs alone. When I have a haircut, I have to ask Tony to carve some personalized patterns for me and write some running stories.

Much calmer and more at ease.

3. Write at the end

After deleting, this post is finally finished. I don’t want to write it too long, for fear that no one will read it. In fact, I really want to see what everyone has to say in the comments section.

I felt drunk when I finished it, a little bit lucky to be stuck in my cubicle where I worked long hours. Finally, I would like to end this article with the words of the boss of our department. I hope the students who have no work will be happy after entering the work, and those who have worked will be more happy!

“I put you when my children, I hope you can happy working here, I try to put all the trivial things can himself down, let it be at ease of development, ease of learning, I hope you can happy in the department, I hope you can obtain higher achievement during this period, let oneself become a good person, I cherish this fate, And cherish everyone.”

“Keep swimming until the water turns blue.”