Take a look at the renderings:

Modules used:

  • PyMySQL
  • requests
  • threading
  • wxpy

To implement the above example, there are two big blocks

  • Get weather information
  • Send weather information through wechat

Getting weather information involves a few small caveats

  • Get weather information
    • Interface for getting weather information
    • Get weather information from the city
    • Gets the city code of your city

If we send more than one person is the weather, this a few people come from different cities, so we can’t to enter a city name every time, then find the city code, then access interface, weather conditions, this will be very trouble, so we need to consider to one-to-one correspondence, the city with the city code said to one-to-one correspondence, the first thought of data structure is a dictionary, So we can store this information in a dictionary and persist it in a file, which is much more convenient

First we get the latest city table, which is a list, the general format is as follows:

[{" id ": 1," pid ": 0," city_code ":" 101010100 ", "city_name" : "Beijing", "post_code" : "100000", "area_code" : "010", "ctime" : "The 2019-07-11 17:30:06"}, {" id ": 2," pid ": 0," city_code ":" ", "city_name" : "anhui province", "post_code:" null, "area_code" : null, "ctime": null } ]Copy the code

Let’s simply paste and copy and put it in an empty list, as shown below, and put all the city information in cityCode

Citycode = [{" id ": 1," pid ": 0," city_code ":" 101010100 ", "city_name" : "Beijing", "post_code" : "100000", "area_code" : "010", "ctime": "2019-07-11 17:30:06" }, ... ... ... ... ... ... { "id": 2, "pid": 0, "city_code": "None", "city_name": "Anhui province", "post_code" : "null", "area_code" : "null", "ctime" : With open('city_for_code.json','w',encoding=' utF-8 ') as f: "null"}] cityinfo = {} # for i in citycode: Name = I ["city_name"] code = I ["city_code"] cityinfo[name] = code open('city_for_code.json','r+',encoding='utf-8') as file: data_dst = file.readlines() d = eval(data_dst[0])Copy the code

Then we just need to pull out the city_name and city_code fields and write them to the file. If the file is read, follow the above method. Note that the open() method is used to read the file and the result is a list, which needs to be converted to dict by eval().

City_name and city_code can also be placed in a database. For example, PyMySQL is installed in PyMySQL

import pymysql db_parames = { 'host': 'localhost', 'user': 'root', 'password': '123456', 'database': 'city_code_info'} # connect to database conn = pymysql.connect(**db_parames) Create_table_sql = """CREATE TABLE 'city_code' (' city_name ') varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `city_code` varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; SQL (create_table_sql) # Insert data with open('city_for_code.json','r+',encoding=' utF-8 ') as f: Origin_data = f.readlines() current_data = eval(origin_data[0]) #print(current_data.get(' Beijing ','Not Exists.')) for name, code in current_data.items(): sql = """INSERT INTO city_code(city_name, city_code) VALUES ('%s', '%s')""" % (name, code) try: cursor.execute(sql) except: conn.rollback() conn.commit() conn.close()Copy the code

This python program can save the city name and city code from the file to the library. Of course, we can also directly retrieve the city name and city code, and skip the file persistence step, directly retrieve the two fields and store them in the library, but because of the need to practice and write more code, it is unnecessary.

The following is a code block to get the city code by entering the city name:

import pymysql def get_city_code(city_name): db_parames = { 'host': 'localhost', 'user': 'root', 'password': '123456', 'database': Conn = pymysql.connect(**db_parames) Cursor = conn.cursor() # create query statement select_sql = "SELECT * FROM city_code where city_name='%s'"%(city_name) try: cursor.execute(select_sql) result = cursor.fetchall() for row in result: city_code = row[1] return city_code except: return "Error: unable fetch data!"Copy the code

Then the weather condition is obtained according to the input city code:

import requests def get_weather(city_name,get_date_time=3): city_code = get_city_code(city_name) url = 'http://t.weather.sojson.com/api/weather/city/%s'%(city_code) header = { 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit / 537.36 (KHTML, Like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36'} Response = requests. Get (URL,header) response.encoding = 'utF-8' Json () day = {1: 'tomorrow ', 2:' tomorrow ', 3: 'Tomorrow '} weather_lst = [] for num in range(get_date_time): City = weather["cityInfo"]["city"] Weatherganmao = weather["data"]["ganmao"] Weatherquality = weather["data"]["quality"]  Weathershidu = weather["data"]["shidu"] Weatherwendu = weather["data"]["wendu"] Weatherpm25 = str(weather["data"]["pm25"]) Weatherpm10 = str(weather["data"]["pm10"]) Dateymd = weather["data"]["forecast"][num]["ymd"] Dateweek = weather["data"]["forecast"][num]["week"] Sunrise = weather["data"]["forecast"][num]["sunrise"] Sunset = weather["data"]["forecast"][num]["sunset"] Windfx = weather["data"]["forecast"][num]["fx"] Windf1 = weather["data"]["forecast"][num]["fl"] Weathertype = weather["data"]["forecast"][num]["type"] Weathernotice = weather["data"]["forecast"][num]["notice"] Weatherhigh = weather["data"]["forecast"][num]["high"] Weatherlow = weather["data"]["forecast"][num]["low"] if num == 0: Result = 'weather forecast for today' + '\n' \ + 'Date:' + Dateymd + '+' + Dateweek + '+' + City + '\n' \ + 'weather: '+ Weathertype +' + Windfx + '+ Windf1 +' + Weathernotice + '\n' \ + ' + Weatherwendu + '° C' + '\n' \ + 'Air Humidity:' + Weathershidu + '\n' \ + 'Temperature range: '+ Weatherlow +' a '+' ~ '+' '+ Weatherhigh +' \ n '\ +' pollution index: PM2.5: '+' '+ Weatherpm25 +' a '+' PM10: '+ Weatherpm10 + '\n' \ +' Air Quality: '+ Weatherquality + '\n' +' Sunrise: '+ Sunrise + '\n' +' Sunset: ' '+ Sunset + '\n' \ +' + Weatherganmao else: Which_day = day. Get (num, 'beyond the scope of') result = '\ n' + which_day + ' '+' weather '+' \ n \ + 'date: '+ Dateymd +' + Dateweek + '+ City + '\n' \ +' weather: '+ Weathertype +' + Windfx + '+ Windf1 +' + Weathernotice + '\n' \ + 'Temperature range: '+ Weatherlow +' a '+' ~ '+' '+ Weatherhigh +' \ n '\ +' Sunrise time: '+ Sunrise +' \ n '\ +' sunset time: '+ Sunset + '\n' \ +' '+ Weatherganmao weather_lst.append(result) weather_str = "# Since the default is to output three days of weather, we need to create an empty string and concatenate the weather into the empty string at each iteration. for msg in weather_lst: weather_str += msg + '\n' return weather_strCopy the code

Below is to send a wechat message

from wxpy import * def send_wx(city_name, who): bot = Bot(cache_path=True) #bot = Bot(console_qr=2, cache_path='botoo.pkl') my_friend = bot.friends().search(who)[0] msg = get_weather(city_name) try: My_friend. Send (MSG) except: my_friend = bot.friends().search('fei')[0] my_friend. Send (u" send failed ")Copy the code

Then we need to write a timer and send it every once in a while

The from threading import Timer def auto_send () : city_name = 'set up to send city friend_list = [' to send'] for the who in friend_list: send_wx(city_name,who) global timer timer = Timer(1,auto_send) timer.start()Copy the code

Last execution procedure

if __name__ == '__main__':
    timer = Timer(1,auto_send)
Copy the code

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