Since the beginning of human existence, there has been prejudice everywhere. There are always people who think that programmers only “code” and “fix computers”.

In fact, some programmers may not be able to fix computers, and some programmers are really cool people.

Approaching the life, the programmers who dream of changing the world with technology, the body hides an interesting soul of them, what kind of career planning and life ideal?

Nickname: Home at night

Position: Senior engineer

Languages: Java/Python, etc

Chai Men smell dog bark, snow night return.

Work piece

Q1: Why did you choose to do programming?

Because I majored in software engineering in college. But I really don’t know what software engineering is at that time, the college entrance examination after to fill volunteer, I will check all the software engineering, and then there is a coincidence, then when choosing profession all don’t know this is a computer professional, thus entered the programmer industry, and then engaged in the software engineering.

Q2: Do you feel that the industry is different from what you expected in school?

I didn’t really expect IT, because in fact, SINCE I was in school, I have been doing some IT projects, including some system architecture projects, so there is not much difference with my graduation. What I have been doing, including the development of some systems and some architectures, all started from this aspect, so I have no big expectations.

Q3: What’s your next five-year plan?

Technology before my plan is doing the architecture of the class, then it is may now be more technical management on more will consider is through its own technical ability, and then how to enhance the capacity that a business to consider, will first prepare technical management this one thing, to the business development of the ability to think again to learn.

Growth story

Q1: How do you usually study?

When I first graduated, I would like to read the Turing series of books, which are relatively good books in computer. For the rest, I usually learn online, including some open source projects on Github. In fact, more learning opportunities come from projects and practices, constantly encounter problems in practice, and then constantly solve, constantly fill holes, and finally climb out of these holes, so that they will not go in again.

Q2: Can you share some good learning experiences?

It is very important to join a good team. In fact, when I say team, I don’t just mean doing projects together, but growing up together. A lot of times, people on a team are talking, sharing, communicating. To discuss some exchange experience, the discussion is a lot of things at the bottom of the technology, from the practice of things to share, more to communicate, so that you can learn a lot.

Q3: Is 35 the mid-life crisis point for programmers?

As a matter of fact, I don’t think there is a bottleneck in technology, only continuous learning. Perhaps the reason why a 35-year-old IT person is facing a career bottleneck is that he hasn’t figured out where to develop his career. What kind of knowledge and skills does he need for that particular occupation, right? But I think 35 is a career bottleneck for a programmer, not a technology bottleneck, because technology is constantly evolving, unless you are not keeping up with The Times.

Life story

Q1: How do you relax after work?

Weekend may be most of the time is now in a state of sleeping, I usually sport is like playing basketball, or you get together with friends, and then chat, drink little wine is like this, so I think there are many ways to relax, the best way is to travel, but for us to do technical people’s travel time is less, right? (Every programmer has a distance in his heart)

Q2: Do you have any hobbies?

Personally, I like rock music. It’s a hobby. Sometimes TO relax, I go out with my friends to listen to some rock bands, such as German Chariot, which are HIT a little bit. I’ve probably heard a lot of folk-rock in recent years.

Q3: How do you feel about the condition of your scalp?

Sometimes the pressure is big, will feel the some problems of hair loss, hairline is also will gradually move up, think of a person to 30 years old, this is very normal matter, is indeed feel sometimes with work stress, or stay up late these has something to do, but I think more is you every day in the Internet industry in the use of brain, so there is no way, You have to go through stages.

Soul article

Q1: Many people think programmers are honest?

It can only be said that he has his own way of thinking, or does not recognize the society, relatively simple. Because the IQ of the entire Internet is relatively high, right? But to say that he is inexperienced in life, he is an idiot in life, even if he is a giant in work, but in life is a child, it will still suffer. Programmers also need to care more about their lives.

Q2: Are you dating someone?

Well, she’s married. (Life winner……)

Q3: What do you think is a good way for a programmer to pick a wife?

General Internet people prefer to have a common language of the opposite sex, such as may be engaged in the Internet this piece; Include some product or design, operation. I think if you choose a target, most likely from the Internet industry women to think about it, because the same industry type will have more common language.