The cause of

The latest product to make a Widget Widget, product requirements must be arranged. So I created a new OC project and then created a Widget Extension. Assertion failed ld: Assertion failed (reconstituted == (accumulator – _options.machHeaderVmAddr())), function setFixup64, file OutputFile.cpp, line 2864.

ld: Assertion failed: (reconstituted == (accumulator - _options.machHeaderVmAddr())), function setFixup64, file OutputFile.cpp, line 2864.
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To solve the process

Find information inThe official BBSThe same error was found, but no solution was given. After the modification of the projectProjetThe lowest version supported byiOS 15Instead of iOS14It compiles.After fixing this error, it turns out that there are still other compilation errors. Compilation error message: 1, Type ‘Provider’ does not conform to protocol ‘IntentTimelineProvider’ 2, Cannot find ‘ConfigurationIntent’ in scope

Type 'Provider' does not conform to protocol 'IntentTimelineProvider'
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Cannot find 'ConfigurationIntent' in scope
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I searched for information and found that the reason was: we set it in the projectClass PrefixMy project is set toCN.

Cause the Xcode automatically generated is CNConfigurationIntent. Swift, the file path is:

/ Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project name/Build/Intermediates. Noindex/project name. The Build/Debug - iphonesimulator/widget Name Extension. The build/DerivedSources/IntentDefinitionGenerated/widget/CNConfigurationIntent. The name of the swiftCopy the code

But the auto-generated code isConfigurationIntent, just put the code inConfigurationIntentAll is changed toProject prefix +ConfigurationIntent(CNConfigurationIntent) will run normally.