Starting today, The Programist will regularly feature excellent Python programming books. The title of this series will start with PyBooks, I hope you enjoy. If energy permits, it may be possible to organize the translation of some books that are not too long.

Python functional programming

In the first part of this series, I share with you a free Programming book from O’Reilly called Functional Programming in Python. The book, published last June, is a modest 49 pages.

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Those of you who know a little about Python should know that Python is not a functional programming language, but a language that supports multiple paradigms. This also makes functional programming possible in Python, which also provides functions such as map(), filter(), and reduce(), and makes it easy to combine functional programming with other programming paradigms.

In this book, the author will introduce you to the parts of the Python language that support functional programming, and show you your best practices for functional programming in Python.

In particular, it explains how to avoid process control, explains callable functions in detail, and explains how to use iterators and other higher-level functions. In this book, the authors also recommend several third-party libraries for functional programming.

The author

Finally, the author of this book: David Mertz.

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He is one of the directors of the Python Software Foundation. In addition to this book, David Mertz has written two columns for IBM DeveloperWorks: Charming Python and XML Matters. However, both columns are quite early and have not been updated at present. You can find archived links to all the columns on the author’s website.

He is also the author of Text Processing in Python, published by Addison-Wesley.

As mentioned above, this is a free book shared by O’Reilly, so you can download it directly on the publisher’s website by filling in your name and email address.

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