A, cause
- Introducing coordinates will load more than one JAR package, resulting in dependency passing and dependency conflicts
Second, the phenomenon of
1. Introduce the Spring-Context package
2. Introduce the SpringMVC package
- Both MVC and Context depend on sprng-core, which depends on version 5.0.8, and one on version 4.2.4.
Rule of three,
- In the above scenario, core version 5.0 will be automatically introduced. What if we need core version 4.2
1. Priority principle
- Release 4.2.4, live 5.0.8, because of the priority, so the introduction of the core package is 4.2.4
2. Direct reliance
- To introduce a core dependency separately, the 4.2.4 version will be used since the direct dependency has a higher priority than the passed dependency
3. Eliminate dependencies
- Remove core dependencies from version 5.0 directly
- www.cnblogs.com/jichi/p/116… Appropriate summaries and modifications have been made