Compile-time annotations (APT) are divided into three parts:

  1. Custom annotation handlers: for example, ButterKnife and Room generate new classes from annotations;
  2. Use JcTree to modify code at compile time: Lombok automatically adds getter/setter methods to classes, inserts lines into methods, and so on.
  3. Custom Gradle plug-ins modify code at compile time: some code stub frameworks, for example, and some of our applications use this approach.

This article, in the form of a Demo, shows you how to create a custom annotation handler from scratch and generate a new class. This class has a static method that returns all classes with custom annotations added. Read this article and you’ll be able to write your own ButterKnife

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1. Environment setup and Gradle configuration

We create a New Java Library in the project. The Module name is defined as an Annotation. Define a custom annotation class:

public @interface DemoAnnotation {

Copy the code

This is the end of the first step. (If you are not sure about the use of meta annotations, you can search for other articles.)

Create a Java Library called AnnotationProcessor in the project, and add the following dependencies to build.gradle:

import org.gradle.internal.jvm.Jvm apply plugin: 'java-library' dependencies { implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']) // The Annotation module we just defined implementation Project (":Annotation") // Google's AutoService makes our Annotation handler register automatically Implementation 'com. Google. Auto. Services: auto - service: 1.0 rc4' / / is used to generate new classes, functions, implementation "com. Squareup: javapoet: 1.9.0" / / a tool library implementation of Google "com. Google. Guava guava: 24.1 - the jre" implementation files (Jvm. Current () toolsJar)} SourceCompatibility = "1.8" targetCompatibility = "1.8"Copy the code

Build. Gradle build. Gradle android-apt build.

buildscript { repositories { ... } dependencies { ... The classpath "com. Neenbedankt. Gradle. Plugins: android - apt: 1.8"}... }Copy the code

2. Implement custom annotation handlers

All custom annotation handlers should inherit from AbstractProcessor classes. We also define a handler and implement several template methods:

@AutoService(Processor.class) public class DemoProcessor extends AbstractProcessor { /* ======================================================= */ /* Fields */ /* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = * / / * * * are used to create the kind of written to the file * / private Filer mFiler; /* ======================================================= */ /* Override/Implements Methods */ /* ======================================================= */ @Override public synchronized void init(ProcessingEnvironment  environment) { super.init(environment); mFiler = environment.getFiler(); } @Override public boolean process(Set<? Extends TypeElement> set, RoundEnvironment RoundEnvironment) {// This method is the core of the annotation processor. } @ Override public Set < String > getSupportedAnnotationTypes () {/ / this method returns the current processor can handle what annotations, Here we only return DemoAnnotation return Collections. The singleton (DemoAnnotation. Class. GetCanonicalName ()); } @ Override public SourceVersion getSupportedSourceVersion () {/ / this method returns the current processor support return code version SourceVersion.latestSupported(); }}Copy the code

Our requirement is to generate a new class with a static method that returns all classes with the @Annotation Annotation added. These operations need to be implemented in the process() method. Steps: (1) Get all annotated elements; (2) Generate a method whose code block returns the list obtained in (1). (3) Create a class and add the methods generated in (2) to the class; (4) Write the class generated in (3) to a file.

So we get an implementation of this method:

@Override public boolean process(Set<? Extends TypeElement> set, RoundEnvironment environment) {// Get all classes annotated by @demoannotation set <? extends Element> elements = environment.getElementsAnnotatedWith(DemoAnnotation.class); // Create a method that returns Set<Class> MethodSpec method = createMethodWithElements(elements); // Create a class TypeSpec clazz = createClassWithMethod(method); // Write this class to the file writeClassToFile(clazz); return false; }Copy the code

Let’s take a look at how these three key methods are implemented:

2.2 How do I Create a Method

/** * Creates a method that returns information about all classes in Elements. */ private MethodSpec createMethodWithElements(Set<? Extends Element> elements) {// "getAllClasses" is the name of the generated method methodSpec.Builder Builder = MethodSpec.methodBuilder("getAllClasses"); // Add the "public static" Modifier to this method builder.addmodifiers (Modifier. Public, Modifier. / / define the type of the return value is Set < Class > ParameterizedTypeName returnType = ParameterizedTypeName. Get (ClassName. Get (Set. The Class), ClassName.get(Class.class) ); builder.returns(returnType); Public static Set<Class> getAllClasses() {} public static Set<Class> getAllClasses() {} Set<Class> set = new HashSet<>(); builder.addStatement("$T<$T> set = new $T<>();" , Set.class, Class.class, HashSet.class); // The "$T" above is a placeholder for a type that can automatically import packages. $L: Literals, $S: String, $N: Names // Iterate over elements, add line for (Element Element:) ClassType ClassType type = (ClassType) element.astype (); // Add a line of code to the method we created: set.add(xxx.class); builder.addStatement("set.add($T.class)", type); } // After the for loop above, we add all the annotated classes to the set variable. // Finally, we just need to return the set as the return value: Builder.addStatement ("return set"); return; }Copy the code

2.3 How do I Create a New Class

/** * create a class, Private TypeSpec createClassWithMethod(MethodSpec Method) {// Define a class called OurClass TypeSpec.Builder ourClass = TypeSpec.classBuilder("OurClass"); // Declare the Modifier public ourClass.addmodifiers (Modifier. Public); Ourclass.addjavadoc (" this class is automatically created! ~\n\ n@author ZhengHaiPeng"); // Add a new method to this class ourClass.addMethod(method); return; }Copy the code

2.4 How do I write a created class to a file

Private void writeClassToFile(TypeSpec clazz) {// Declare a file in "me.moolv.apt" JavaFile file = JavaFile.builder("me.moolv.apt", clazz).build(); // Write the file try {file.writeto (mFiler); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}Copy the code

3. Use custom annotation handlers

Add dependencies to build.gradle in the Module you want to use, such as app:

apply plugin: ''

android {

dependencies {
    annotationProcessor project(":AnnotationProcessor")
    implementation project(path: ':Annotation')

Copy the code

Android Studio Build > Make Project, app Module Build /source/apt path to find the generated class file:

Public class OurClass {public static Set< class > getAllClasses() {public static Set< class > getAllClasses() { Set<Class> set = new HashSet<>(); set.add(MainActivity.class); return set; }}Copy the code

So we have a custom annotation processor, and generate code, have a question to leave a message ~

4. How do I pass parameters to the annotation handler?

The Processor in APT may use some parameters that can be configured in Gradle.

Set the parameters

android { ... defaultConfig { ... JavaCompileOptions {annotationProcessorOptions {/ / the following definition to the parameters passed argument "key1", "value1" argument "key2", "value2" } } }Copy the code

In the Processor init method, you can get parameters:

@Override public synchronized void init(ProcessingEnvironment env) { super.init(env); . String value1 = env.getOptions().get("key1"); . }Copy the code