You can drag an image directly or you can click and drag an image

The effect


<el-form-item v-if=! "" yanz">
  <div id="imgVer" style="display:inline-block; position:relative;"></div>
Copy the code

In Mounted, install jquery and install plugins

const imgYan =() = > {
    var _self = context ;
    var config = {
        width:'360'.height:'144'.img: ['Add your own picture here'].success:function () {
                state.yanz = true ;
            },1100)},error:function () {
            state.yanz = false; }}// This method is below
Copy the code
import $ from 'jquery';
export const imgVer = (Config) = > {
// Cache the last pageX
let localPageX = ' '
// Fix compatibility
function getScroll() {
        var scrollLeft = document.body.scrollLeft || document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
        var scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop;
        return {
            scrollLeft: scrollLeft,
            scrollTop: scrollTop
function getPageX(e) {
        let pageX = ' '
                pageX = e.targetTouches[0].pageX
                localPageX = pageX
            }else {
                // Take the cache value when touchend
                pageX = localPageX
        } else {
            pageX = e.pageX || e.clientX + getScroll().scrollLeft;
        return pageX
const sUserAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
const inMobile = sUserAgent.includes('mobile')
var el = eval(Config.el);
var w = Config.width;
var h = Config.height;
var imgLibrary = Config.img;
var PL_Size = 48;
var padding = 20;
var MinN_X = padding + PL_Size;
var MaxN_X = w - padding - PL_Size - PL_Size / 6;
var MaxN_Y = padding;
var MinN_Y = h - padding - PL_Size - PL_Size / 6;
function RandomNum(Min, Max) {
var Range = Max - Min;
var Rand = Math.random();
if (Math.round(Rand * Range) == 0) {
    return Min + 1;
} else if (Math.round(Rand * Max) == Max) {
    return Max - 1;
} else {
    var num = Min + Math.round(Rand * Range) - 1;
    returnnum; }}var imgRandom = RandomNum(1, imgLibrary.length);
var imgSrc = imgLibrary[imgRandom-1];
var X = RandomNum(MinN_X, MaxN_X);
var Y = RandomNum(MinN_Y, MaxN_Y);
var left_Num = -X + 10;

var html = '
html += ' + w + 'px;" > ';
html += ' + w + 'px; height:' + h + 'px;" > ';
html += '<img id="scream" src="' + imgSrc + '" style="width:' + w + 'px; height:' + h + 'px;" > ';
html += '<canvas id="puzzleBox" width="' + w + '" height="' + h + '" style="position:absolute; left:0; top:0; z-index:22222;" >';
html += '</div>';
html += ' + w + 'px; height:' + h + 'px; top:0; left:' + left_Num + 'px; z-index:111111;" > ';
html += '<canvas id="puzzleShadow" width="' + w + '" height="' + h + '" style="position:absolute; left:0; top:0; z-index:22222;" >';
html += '<canvas id="puzzleLost" width="' + w + '" height="' + h + '" style="position:absolute; left:0; top:0; z-index:333333;" >';
html += '</div>';
html += '<p class="ver-tips"></p>';
html += '</div>';
html += '<div class="re-btn"><a></a></div>';
html += '</div>';
// html += '<br>';

html += ' + w + 'px; margin:auto; margin-top:10px;" > ';
html += '
; html += '

Hold the left slider and drag to complete the top puzzle

; html += '</div>'; html += '<div class="slider-btn"></div>'; html += '</div>'; el.html(html); function addImg(){         var d = PL_Size / 3;         var c = document.getElementById("puzzleBox");         var ctx = c.getContext("2d");         ctx.clearRect(0.0,c.width,c.height);         ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "xor";         ctx.shadowBlur = 10;         ctx.shadowColor = "#fff";         ctx.shadowOffsetX = 3;         ctx.shadowOffsetY = 3;         ctx.fillStyle = "Rgba (0,0,0,0.7)";         ctx.beginPath();         ctx.lineWidth = "1";         ctx.strokeStyle = "Rgba (0,0,0,0)";         ctx.moveTo(X, Y);         ctx.lineTo(X + d, Y);         ctx.bezierCurveTo(X + d, Y - d, X + 2 * d, Y - d, X + 2 * d, Y);         ctx.lineTo(X + 3 * d, Y);         ctx.lineTo(X + 3 * d, Y + d);         ctx.bezierCurveTo(X + 2 * d, Y + d, X + 2 * d, Y + 2 * d, X + 3 * d, Y + 2 * d);         ctx.lineTo(X + 3 * d, Y + 3 * d);         ctx.lineTo(X, Y + 3 * d);         ctx.closePath();         ctx.stroke();         ctx.fill();         var c_l = document.getElementById("puzzleLost");         var c_s = document.getElementById("puzzleShadow");         var ctx_l = c_l.getContext("2d");         var ctx_s = c_s.getContext("2d");         ctx_l.clearRect(0.0,c_l.width,c_l.height);         ctx_s.clearRect(0.0,c_s.width,c_s.height);         var img = new Image();         img.src = imgSrc;         img.onload = function() {             ctx_l.drawImage(img, 0.0, w, h);         }         ctx_l.beginPath();         ctx_l.strokeStyle = "Rgba (0,0,0,0)";         ctx_l.moveTo(X, Y);         ctx_l.lineTo(X + d, Y);         ctx_l.bezierCurveTo(X + d, Y - d, X + 2 * d, Y - d, X + 2 * d, Y);         ctx_l.lineTo(X + 3 * d, Y);         ctx_l.lineTo(X + 3 * d, Y + d);         ctx_l.bezierCurveTo(X + 2 * d, Y + d, X + 2 * d, Y + 2 * d, X + 3 * d, Y + 2 * d);         ctx_l.lineTo(X + 3 * d, Y + 3 * d);         ctx_l.lineTo(X, Y + 3 * d);         ctx_l.closePath();         ctx_l.stroke();         ctx_l.shadowBlur = 10;         ctx_l.shadowColor = "black";         ctx_l.clip();         ctx_s.beginPath();         ctx_s.lineWidth = "1";         ctx_s.strokeStyle = "Rgba (0,0,0,0)";         ctx_s.moveTo(X, Y);         ctx_s.lineTo(X + d, Y);         ctx_s.bezierCurveTo(X + d, Y - d, X + 2 * d, Y - d, X + 2 * d, Y);         ctx_s.lineTo(X + 3 * d, Y);         ctx_s.lineTo(X + 3 * d, Y + d);         ctx_s.bezierCurveTo(X + 2 * d, Y + d, X + 2 * d, Y + 2 * d, X + 3 * d, Y + 2 * d);         ctx_s.lineTo(X + 3 * d, Y + 3 * d);         ctx_s.lineTo(X, Y + 3 * d);         ctx_s.closePath();         ctx_s.stroke();         ctx_s.shadowBlur = 20;         ctx_s.shadowColor = "black";         ctx_s.fill(); } addImg(); var moveStart = ' '; var timer ; function showContainer(){         timer = setTimeout(function(){$("#showTipTopMess").show().css({"bottom":"40px"."opacity":"1"});         },300)}// Display images directly instead of moving them in     // showContainer() function hideContainer(time){$("#showTipTopMess").css({"bottom":"0"."opacity":"0"});         clearTimeout(timer)         setTimeout(function(){$("#showTipTopMess").hide()         },time) } if(inMobile){         const dom_imgVer = document.getElementById('imgVer')         dom_imgVer.addEventListener('touchstart'.function() {             showContainer()         })         dom_imgVer.addEventListener('touchend'.function() {             hideContainer(3000)})}else{$("#imgVer").hover(function(){             /** If you want to display the image when the mouse moves in, execute the method */ here             showContainer()         },function(){             // Close the image move in and move out             hideContainer(300)}); }function isShow(){         setTimeout(function() {$(".slider-btn").css({                 "left": '0'."transition": "Left 0.5 s"             });             $("#puzzleLost").css({                 "left": '0'."transition": "Left 0.5 s"             });             $("#puzzleShadow").css({                 "left": '0'."transition": "Left 0.5 s"             });         }, 1000);    $(".slider-btn").removeClass("on")}function verifyStart(e, _this){         e = e || window.event;         $(_this).addClass("on");         moveStart = getPageX(e); } function verifyEnd(e){         e = e || window.event;         // var moveEnd_X = e.pageX - moveStart;         var moveEnd_X = getPageX(e) - moveStart;         var ver_Num = X - 10;         var deviation = 4;         var Min_left = ver_Num - deviation;         var Max_left = ver_Num + deviation;         if (moveStart == ' ') {} else {             if (Max_left > moveEnd_X && moveEnd_X > Min_left) {                 $(".ver-tips").html('< span>');                 $(".ver-tips").addClass("slider-tips");                 $(".puzzle-lost-box").addClass("hidden");                 $("#puzzleBox").addClass("hidden");                 setTimeout(function() {$(".ver-tips").removeClass("slider-tips");                 }, 2000);                 isShow();                 Config.success();             } else{$(".ver-tips").html(');                 $(".ver-tips").addClass("slider-tips");                 setTimeout(function() {                     setTimeout(function(){                         var p = RandomNum(1, imgLibrary.length);                         imgSrc = imgLibrary[p-1];                         $("#scream").attr({"src":imgSrc});                         addImg();                     },300)},500);                 setTimeout(function(){$(".ver-tips").removeClass("slider-tips");                 },2000)                 isShow();                 Config.error();             }         }         moveStart = ' ';         $(".re-btn a").on("click".function() {   ;             $("#showTipTopMess").show().css({"bottom":"40px"."opacity":"1"})})}if(inMobile){         const dom_slider = document.getElementsByClassName('slider-btn') [0],         dom_puzzleLost = document.getElementById('puzzleLost'),         dom_puzzleShadow = document.getElementById('puzzleShadow');         dom_slider.addEventListener('touchstart'.function(e) {             verifyStart(e, this)         })         ontouchmove = function(e) {             e = e || window.event;             // var moveX = e.pageX;             var moveX = getPageX(e);             var d = moveX - moveStart;             if (moveStart == ' ') {} else {                 if (d < 0 || d > (w - padding - PL_Size)) {} else {            = d + 'px'            ="inherit"            = d + 'px'            ="inherit"            = d + 'px'            ="inherit"; }}}; ontouchend =function(e) {             verifyEnd(e)         } }else{         / / PC         $(".slider-btn").mousedown(function(e) {             verifyStart(e, this)}); onmousemove =function(e) {             e = e || window.event;             // var moveX = e.pageX;             var moveX = getPageX(e)             var d = moveX - moveStart;             if (moveStart == ' ') {} else {                 if (d < 0 || d > (w - padding - PL_Size)) {                 } else{$(".slider-btn").css({                         "left": d + 'px'."transition": "inherit"                     });                     $("#puzzleLost").css({                         "left": d + 'px'."transition": "inherit"                     });                     $("#puzzleShadow").css({                         "left": d + 'px'."transition": "inherit"}); }}}; onmouseup =function(e) {             verifyEnd(e)         }   } } Copy the code