It has been half a year since I started my business, but the business is still not done. A lot of things, accumulated, one is the lessons, two is the product code.

Product iteration

The first iteration: fruit small program payment order function, and simple background management function. It lasted for 1 month and was completed online. This version is functional, but far from perfect.

The second iteration: redesign the business model, improve the small program, and relatively perfect background system. It lasted for 2 months and is about 50% complete so far.

This one lasted a long time, but it was seriously delayed. On the one hand, the development efficiency is not high, the actual focus on writing code time is not enough. In addition, the complexity of the e-commerce system was also underestimated. It was estimated that it would take 30-40MD per person per day, that is, one person wrote codes for more than a month.

My feeling is that product iteration is a process of accumulating value, and as long as the direction is correct, the product will become more and more useful. Good code organization, component libraries, and frameworks can significantly improve development efficiency. In addition to producing business code, it is important to improve the production line so that product iteration becomes easier and easier.

Fruit business

Since the fruit business is hard to do, I am also wondering if it is worth continuing to invest.

My judgment is that the fruit industry wide user groups, clear profit model, do it can form obvious barriers, considerable money. However, resources need to be accumulated to do it, mainly including: supply chain, customer channels, information system.

The resources are not there and are unlikely to be in the near future. My plan is:

  1. Do this version of the small program, and the background management system, this is my information system.
  2. Set up the fruit and vegetable season website, do graphic content and SEO, and slowly operate in spare time, which is the channel to attract customers.
  3. Then focus on new projects, fruit business into a stocking state.

Introspection reflection

Do things that add up

Such as writing code, writing articles, reading books, meeting various people, either accumulating resources/assets, or improving your knowledge and experience. On the contrary, such as order delivery, advertising, marketing with goods, chat and water, pay attention to the news and gossip, do once and do one hundred times no difference, almost no accumulation.

Stay focused and productive

When you do one thing for a long time, the longer the time, the easier it is to slack off. It is called a rush of energy, and then failure, and exhaustion. To follow the target line, focus, adhere to the implementation, the more focused the more efficient. Of course, people are not machines, but also to work and rest, the rest to stop, do not think of other things.

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