Some netizens ask: A layman asked me which level of programmer I belong to, what should I say?

Isn’t that easy?

Tell them that programmers are rated according to their height. Tall people are senior, short people are junior, and middle people are intermediate.

Or, you answer advanced in front of the layman, he or she doesn’t understand anyway; Answering a junior in front of an expert makes you look modest.

All kidding, let’s get down to business.

So, do programmers really rank?

There are many different kinds of programmers on the Internet, but one of the most popular is this:

1. Fathers of computer science: Turing, Shannon, Von Neumann, et al.

2. Fathers of various fields of computer science: Thompson, Rich, Berners-Lee, Bjarne Stroustrup, et al., the researchers at AT&T Bell LABS who started the world of computing.

3. The Fathers of Silicon Valley: Fairchild’s eight rebellious geniuses (Robert Noyce, Moore, etc.), the Bosacks, Gates, Paul Allen, Wurtzniak, etc.

4. Silicon Valley heroes: Carmack, Larry Page, Brin, Jen-Hsun Huang, Torvalds (Knock on the blackboard! He’s the one you’re yelling about, Linus…) , Jeff Dean, etc.

5. Phd researchers at Stanford, MIT, UC Berkeley, Harvard, etc., who contribute to computer science, are not widely noticed, but they will promote computer science for a short time in history. There are 67 Turing awards so far, almost all from these four schools.

6. FLAG, Microsoft and other experts and researchers, leading the development of major projects, known as Kaifu Lee.

7. Programmer entrepreneurs: Qiu Bojun, Wang Jiangmin, Wang Zhidong, Li Yanhong, Zhou Hongyi, etc.

8. BAT experts and researchers (Phd is the majority, there are also talented people who rely on projects, annual salary million + stock)

9. FLAG code farmers (star programmers, such as your brother Wheel, get an annual salary of $20W; There are many people in Silicon Valley who can’t afford to buy a house and choose to come back to China when they are old.

10. Main process technology leader of start-up companies (BAT and other well-known Internet companies have a majority of job-hoppers, 30W-80W, annual salary is directly proportional to technology cheating)

11 BAT ordinary code farmers (domestic 985 211CS undergraduate graduate students are in the majority, the level is general, can be competent for most of the business, desperately copy wheels, 30W-60W)

12. Ordinary code (copy and paste, 10W-30W)

13. Vegetable chicken size livestock (where to copy and paste also ask……)

Such grading, still really is benevolence benevolence wisdom different opinion! In fact, programmer hierarchy is a very subjective concept, often from people’s subjective judgment.

But let’s face it, programmer levels are real. At slightly larger companies, programmers have very clear levels and job responsibilities. What’s more, salaries can vary dramatically depending on the level of a programmer.

So if only from the “high, medium and low” evaluation criteria, how are programmers graded? Xiaobian feels that you can view yourself as follows:

Low-level programmer

A junior programmer is defined as someone who can work on a project independently. To be able to do a project independently, you need to know a lot of things. From a business perspective, you need to know a lot of business logic, be able to understand and abstract models into code, be able to test, be able to release, be able to fix bugs, be able to version, and know code specifications.

Intermediate programmer

Programmers often know what code is. Paranoid about code, getting up in the middle of the night to write code, even for bugs, very virgo style. They have rich project experience and also need to lead a Team, so they need to formulate some coding specifications and development procedures. Sometimes dislike which framework is not good to use, but also need to change some source code.

Senior programmer

The world’s top programmers deserve to be called senior programmers, and the creators of many open source frameworks deserve to be called senior programmers. They have a better understanding of various underlying protocols and principles, and are even the drafters or initiators of certain protocols themselves.

So, what level of programmer are you?

The author of this article: Decheng Recruitment